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DDT42B - DDT %42B(412) User's Guide to New Features             Page 1

DDT42B - DDT %42B(412) User's Guide to New Features             Page 2
Introduction and Overview

1.0 Introduction and Overview

This document is designed as a  user's guide to DDT version 42/42B  in
so far as it has  changed from previous versions of  DDT. It is not  a
complete user's  guide to  all  the wonders  of  DDT, just  those  new
features which have recently been implemented (although directed  pri-
marily at new features only in DDT version 42/42B, some  documentation
is included to describe  other aspects of DDT  which have been  around
for a longer period of time, but were never fully understood or other-
wise documented).

Throughout this  document it  is assumed  that the  reader is  already
familiar with DDT and the MACRO  assembly language in general as  well
as the appropriate operating system(s).

This (DDT42B) is  the third revision  of this document,  incorporating
the additional changes  to DDT version  42B as of  edit 324, and  com-
pletely supersedes all previous versions (DDT42).

2.0 Configurations

DDT version 42B will  run on KA-10's,  KI-10's, KL-10's, and  KS-10's,
using no paging,  KI-paging, or  KL-paging, with  or without  extended
addressing in user or executive mode (user and file DDT's run only  in
user mode) with no  special assembly needed. DDT  version 42B must  be
assembled to run  under either  the TOPS-10 or  the TOPS-20  operating

It traditionally has been a goal to maintain one single set of  source
files from which  all flavors  of DDT are  built. This  goal has  been

     TOPS-20 UDDT  (and SDDT)  now  use memory  locations  764000
     through 777777 (previously 770000  through 777777), but  the
     starting address for DDT continues to be location 770000.

3.0 Memory and Address Control

The single biggest change to DDT  version 42 from earlier versions  is
in the realm of memory control and how the user addresses memory loca-

3.1 Extended addressing

All flavors of DDT except FILDDT will run in any memory section.  Full
extended addressing is supported, as are "large" addresses - DDT  will
now accept a full 36-bit  expression as an address although  obviously
only FILDDT can actually handle an  address over 30-bits wide. In  all
cases the actual address must be positive (i.e., effectively a  35-bit
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 3
Memory and Address Control

3.1.1 Symbol table restrictions
There are certain  restrictions however  which must be  adhered to  in
order for DDT to function correctly. The first restriction is that the
symbol table logic is essentially section-dependent, i.e., the  symbol
table and its pointers (.JBSYM=116 and .JBUSY=117, also .JBHSM=6 rela-
tive to the start of the "high segment") must reside (i.e., be mapped)
in the same section as that  in which DDT itself is running.  Further,
the symbol table can be no longer  than 128K words in length and  must
be RADIX-50 format.

Much thought is being  given towards the  implementation of a  totally
new symbol table scheme which would address all of these problems, the
single biggest one of which is simply how is extended addressing going
to be used - as a single fixed address space with one or more "global"
symbol tables  (like the  TOPS-20 monitor  currently works),  or as  a
collection of  independent sections  each of  which has  section-local
symbols/symbol tables (whatever that means), or what?

3.1.2 Breakpoint restrictions
The second restriction of which the user must be aware concerns break-
points. Since the hardware has no facility to unconditionally transfer
control to  DDT using  only  36-bits, DDT  must  be mapped  into  each
section (at the same relative  address obviously) which contains  code
into which the user wishes to place breakpoints.

3.1.3 Location examining restrictions
Even if running on an extended addressing machine if DDT is running in
section 0,  then  only locations  within  section 0  (addresses  0  to
777777) may be manipulated.  DDT will make no  effort to outsmart  the
combined efforts of the user and the operating system by sneaking into
a non-zero section even momentarily to do the memory reference.

     DDT version 42B, if it has previously been running in a non-
     zero section, and  is currently entered  in section 0,  will
     blindly jump back  into the last  non-zero section in  which
     DDT was running. This is to  allow DDT to be able to  access
     non-zero section locations (such as breakpoints).

3.2 Effective address calculation

DDT can calculate effective address references using either "local" or
IFIW (Instruction Format Indirect Word) or "global" or EFIW  (Extended
Format Indirect Word) formats. In a normal DDT address-opening command
("/", "\", <TAB>, etc.) a single <ESC> delimiting the address  expres-
sion (e.g., "MOVE 3,@200(10)$/" or  just "$[") instructs DDT to  treat
the expression as  an IFIW  word and calculate  the effective  address
exactly like the hardware would, were the hardware to execute that 36-
bit word as an  instruction at location "."  (whether or not  location
"." is currently open).

Two <ESC>'s delimiting the address  expression instructs DDT to  treat
the 36-bit  expression as  an EFIW  word and  calculate the  effective
address exactly as the hardware would, were the hardware to indirectly
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 4
Memory and Address Control

address the 36-bit expression at location "." (whether or not location
"." is currently  open). A strange  case can come  up about which  the
user should be cautioned  - there is an  ambiguity as to where  (i.e.,
what "section") to  start the effective  address calculation. DDT  as-
sumes the left  half of  "." (i.e., the  last location  opened by  the
user). If for  example having opened  location 0,,1234 which  contains
7,,4321 the user issues the command  "$$[" then DDT will calulate  the
effective address as the  contents of location 4321  in section 0  in-
dexed by the right half of register  7, and if bit 13 is on,  treating
that word as  an IFIW  and continuing the  address calculation.  This,
although probably not what was expected,  is in fact exactly what  the
hardware would do since the indirect word came from section 0. Had the
user opened location 1,,1234 (containing 7,,4321) then DDT would  take
the contents of location 7004321 and continue from there.

If no <ESC>'s delimit the address expression, then DDT simply uses the
full 36-bit  expression  as the  address  (e.g., "30,,30/"  says  open
location 30000030 and "-1/"  says open location 777777777777).  Again,
only FILDDT can  actually reference  an address  greater than  30-bits
wide (not that anyone has that much disk space, but the hardware  will
not permit an address  space over 30-bits wide),  and in any case  the
address must be a non-negative 36-bit integer.

There is a special  case in which  DDT does something  "kinky" - if  a
space was typed in entering the address expression, or if no  explicit
address was typed (i.e.,  the user is using  the "last word typed"  by
simply typing  only (for  example) <TAB>),  DDT will  form the  36-bit
actual address by  using only  the right  half of  the 36-bit  address
expression plus the left half of "." as the section number. This  not-
at-all-obvious behavior is so  that the user  can type in  expressions
such as "JRST PAT<TAB>" and  have DDT go to  location PAT in the  same
section as  the JRST  PAT  instruction rather  than going  to  address
254000000000+(PAT modulo 2**18).  Another common usage  of this  "fea-
ture" would be in chaining down linked lists where the link pointer is
an 18-bit section-local address in the left half of a word. To do this
the user may type  "sp$$Q/" (where "sp" means  space). This is one  of
those cases where usefullness outweighs cleanliness of  implementation
and documentation.

3.3 Modifying memory

Two new commands have been  added to facilitate DDT's manipulation  of
the user address space.

3.3.1 Automatic write-enable
The $W or $0W command instructs DDT to, if the user attempts to depos-
it into a  write-protected memory location,  automatically attempt  to
write-enable the memory location, do the memory deposit, then  finally
re-write-protect the memory location (default for TOPS-10); the $$W or
$$0W command instructs DDT to simply  give an error indication if  the
user attempts to change a write-protected memory location (default for
TOPS-20). For FILDDT the use of this command is restricted to non-file
usage such as "DDT'ing" the running monitor/memory space.

3.3.2 Automatic page-creation
The $1W command instructs DDT to automatically try to create the  page
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 5
Memory and Address Control

the user is trying  to deposit into if  it doesn't already exist  (de-
fault for TOPS-20); the $$1W command  instructs DDT to simply give  an
error indication if  the user  attempts to write  into a  non-existant
page (default  for  TOPS-10).  EDDT  and FILDDT  doing  super  I/O  or
"DDT'ing" an .EXE  file will  NEVER attempt to  create a  non-existant
page. For  FILDDT the  user must  specify patching  the file  when  he
starts FILDDT in order  to be able to  create new pages (e.g.,  extend
the file or fill in a gap in the middle of the file (TOPS-20 only)).

3.4 Page mapping and physical addressing

All flavors of DDT (on TOPS-20, only FILDDT) support page mapping  and
address relocation as well as register and physical address  manipula-
tion. All of  these functions  use some  variation of  the $U/$$U  DDT
command. In general these functions may be mixed together (for example
address relocation and page mapping).
                           *** Warning ***

     The $U command syntax in DDT version 42/42B is totally  dif-
     ferent (and mainly incompatible)  from previous versions  of
     DDT! The user is MOST strongly urged to carefully read  this
     section on memory mapping and addressing!

3.4.1 Physical addressing
DDT now has the  concept of "physical" addressing  in addition to  its
normal "virtual" addressing. The $U command instructs DDT to use  nor-
mal virtual addressing (what it used to do); the $$U command instructs
DDT to manually track down the honest physical address rather than the
virtual address  space in  which DDT  finds itself  running.  Physical
addressing is really applicable only to  EDDT or to FILDDT looking  at
running monitor/memory (TOPS-10 only).  User mode DDT (including  EDDT
running in user mode, MDDT  (TOPS-20 only), and VMDDT (TOPS-10  only))
and FILDDT looking  at a  disk all treat  $U and  $$U identically.  In
physical addressing location 0 is not register 0 (i.e., DDT's internal
copy of user register 0) but rather physical memory location 0 page  0
bank 0 box  0 (that memory  location on the  hardware memory bus  that
responds to all address bits = 0).

When the $$U DDT command is issued "physical" locations 0 to 17 become
"registers" 0 to 17. For  user mode DDT this  means locations 0 to  17
become DDT's registers rather than the user's registers (although  the
user's registers will  be properly  restored on  DDT-exit, $$U  merely
directs DDT not to  use the internal  "fake" (i.e., user)  registers).
For FILDDT this means file words 0 to 17 (as mapped by the .EXE direc-
tory if used) become locations 0 to 17 (normal for a data file).

Subsequent issuance of the $U DDT command will redirect locations 0 to
17 to being DDT's internal  "fake" registers again, except for  FILDDT
looking at an data file or doing super I/O to a disk.

Note that for executive mode  EDDT to utilize physical addressing  the
paging hardware must have  been enabled PRIOR  to DDT-entry. This  re-
quirement exists  because EDDT,  in order  to access  all of  physical
memory, needs to map the desired physical address into its own (execu-
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 6
Memory and Address Control

tive) virtual address space,  which it does  by fondling the  already-
extant page maps. For EDDT  to provide physical addressing  capability
without this restriction would require 2 (3 if KL-paging) more  memory
pages be  dedicated to  EDDT for  building temporary  page maps,  plus
support code etc.

For FILDDT to examine/modify physical  memory a 7.00 or later  release
of the TOPS-10  monitor is  required; no release  of TOPS-20  supports
FILDDT'ing physical memory.

3.4.2 Page mapping
DDT now supports page  mapping in both the  KI- and the  KL-tradition.
EDDT in  executive mode  will dynamically  figure out  which style  of
paging is in effect and operate accordingly. All other flavors of  DDT
(including EDDT running in user mode)  will assume the mode of  paging
used by the operating system for  which DDT was assembled -  KI-paging
for TOPS-10 and KL-paging for  TOPS-20. To select KI-paging  emulation
the flg$10U command is used;  to select KL-paging the flg$11U  command
is issued; in either case if flg is zero then the paging emulation  is
disabled, if  flg  is  1  then the  appropriate  paging  emulation  is

In executive mode  EDDT or  FILDDT looking  at running  monitor/memory
space DDT will internally utilize physical addressing in order to pro-
vide the user the true mapped virtual address space desired. KI-paging - For KI-paging  (TOPS-10 default) the page  mapping
command for the executive  virtual addressing space is  [upt<]ept$[0]U
where upt is  the optional  physical memory  page number  of the  user
process table (for setting the  "per-process" addressing space -  exec
virtual addresses 340000 through 377777) and ept is the physical memo-
ry page number of  the executive process table.  The user virtual  ad-
dressing space  is selected  by  the upt$1U  command. The  command  $U
returns DDT to regular unmapped virtual addressing. KL-paging - For KL-paging  (TOPS-20 default) the page  mapping
command for the executive virtual  addressing space is ept$[0]U  where
ept is the physical memory page number of the executive process table,
or epx$$[0]U where  epx is  the index into  the SPT  of the  executive
process table pointer. To select the user virtual addressing space the
command is upt$1U where upt is the physical memory page number of  the
user process table, or upx$$1U where upx is the index into the SPT  of
the user process table pointer. The command $U returns DDT to  regular
unmapped virtual addressing.

To map a single section (256K address space) under KL-paging the  com-
mand is either sec$2U where sec is the physical memory page number  of
a KL-paging section map,  or sex$$2U where sex  is the index into  the
SPT of the section map.

Basically, under KL-paging, $0U selects the ept, $1U selects the  upt,
and $2U selects a  single section. A single  $ indicates the  physical
memory page number and two $'s indicate an SPT index.

3.4.3 Setting the SPT
FILDDT will automatically define the start of the SPT from a disk file
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 7
Memory and Address Control

(assumed monitor dump)  from the  symbol "SPT" if  it exists  (TOPS-20
only). The command  spt$6U specifies  to DDT  that the  SPT starts  at
address spt.

3.4.4 Register addressing
The command acs$5U instructs DDT  to use the 20 consecutive  locations
starting at acs as  the registers (DDT maintains  an internal copy  of
the registers so changing "register"  3 will not affect (for  example)
acs+3). FILDDT, when reading an .EXE file, will automatically load its
internal "fake" registers as  though the user  had typed CRSHAC$5U  if
TOPS-10 or BUGACS$5U if TOPS-20. Note that if physical addressing mode
has been entered (the user has issued the $$U command) then the inter-
nal "fake" registers  are ignored; if  the user subsequently  reenters
virtual addressing (via some  form of the $U  command) then an  acs$5U
command may also have to be re-issued to get the registers back  (this
does not affect the saving and restoring of the hardware registers  in
user or executive DDT, only what DDT will use for typing out locations
0 to 17).

The command flg$3U  explicitly controls  the usage  of DDT's  internal
"fake" registers - if flg is  0 then the "fake" registers are  ignored
(i.e., 0 to 17 are taken  from the true current addressing space),  if
flg is non-zero then addresses 0  to 17 are taken from DDT's  internal
copies of the registers.

The $U command, except for FILDDT'ing  a data file or doing super  I/O
to a disk, will return DDT  to its internal "fake" registers. The  se-
lection of registers is completely independent of any page mapping  in
effect.  Changing  virtual   address  spaces  does   not  change   the

In executive mode EDDT  only the command n$4U  will switch DDT to  use
(and thus display) hardware AC block n (available only for KL-10's and
KS-10's). The user is warned that 7$4U on a KL-10 will bring rapid and
rabid death (the  microcode uses  AC block 7).  On DDT  exit DDT  will
restore the ac block context to the state it was in at DDT entry.

3.4.5 Address relocation and protection
As an aid to looking at data structures which are formed using  point-
ers as offsets rather than pointers as absolute values, DDT will allow
the user to  set both a  base relocation  address to be  added to  all
addresses used in location examining commands and a protection address
beyond which the  user "virtual" (note  the use of  "virtual" here  as
meaning pre-relocated) address is illegal. This is (coincidently)  ex-
actly analguous to the KA-10 hardware relocation and protection strat-
egy, and in fact could be used  as such to "mimic" the $U  KI/KL/KS-10
functionality on a KA-10 in executive  mode. The form of this  command
is bas$8U where bas is the base virtual address, and prt$9U where  prt
is the maximum address the user will be allowed to type in. Note  that
page mapping  and address  relocation and  protection are  independent
mechanisms, with  address relocation  and protection  being  performed
before any mapping is  done. The protection address  has no effect  on
the final "physical"  address generated  by any  mapping currently  in
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 8
Memory and Address Control

3.4.6 $U command summary
All $U/$$U commands take the following form:

1.   $U             Unmapped virtual addressing
2.   $$U            Unmapped physical addressing
3.   ept$[$][0]U    Select executive virtual addressing
4.   upt$[$]1U      Select user virtual addressing
5.   sec$[$]2U      Select single section
6.   flg$3U         Select (deselect) internal fake registers
7.   acb$4U         Select hardware ac block
8.   acs$5U         Load internal fake registers
9.   spt$6U         Select base of SPT
10.  bas$8U         Set base relocation address
11.  prt$9U         Set protection address
12.  flg$10U        Select (deselect) KI-paging
13.  flg$11U        Select (deselect) KL-paging


1.   acb := integer ac block number
2.   acs := address of 20-word register block
3.   bas := base relocation address
4.   ept := executive process table page number
5.   flg := selection flag, zero to deselect, non-zero to select
6.   prt := protection (maximum allowable) address
7.   sec := section map page number
8.   spt := address of SPT
9.   upt := user process table page number

3.4.7 Address checking (Executive EDDT only)
EDDT, when running in  executive mode, now is  much more extensive  in
validity-checking memory  references.  In particular,  EDDT  will  not
cause a NXM (page fault) trap to the resident operating system if  the
user types in an illegal (non-existent or unmapped) address, but rath-
er will simply type its ubiquitous ?<DINK><TAB> error message.

3.4.8 Address breaking
DDT will no longer cause an  address break to occur when examining  or
depositing a location  at which  an address break  condition has  been
set. This applies  only to  "user" examines and  deposits, an  address
break set in DDT will still cause an address break to occur.

4.0 Specifying the Start Address

The $G command now expects a 36-bit address (obviously with bits 0  to
5 off) at which to start the  user program. This means that the  users
of programs  such as  the TOPS-10  monitor which  define symbols  like
"DEBUG=:<JRST .>" can no  longer go either DEBUG$G  or DEBUG$X at  the
user's whim but  must decide  on one form  or the  other (the  default
obviously being to do nothing - i.e., to settle for the DEBUG$X form)
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features             Page 9
Symbolic expression typein and typeout

5.0 Symbolic expression typein and typeout

DDT has expanded the range of both symbolic typein and symbolic  type-

5.1 Symbolic typein

The JSYS opcode (opcode  104) has been added  to TOPS-20 DDT, as  have
all the TOPS-10 UUO's  (but not the CALLI's  etc.) for debugging  pro-
grams which run under the compatibility package.

The "G" format floating point instructions GFMP, GFDV, GFAD, and  GFSB
have been added to the opcode table for both typein and typeout.

5.2 Multiply-defined symbol typein

If the user types  an ambiguous symbol (a  symbol defined two or  more
places outside  of the  current  local symbol  table  and not  in  the
current local symbol table) DDT will issue an "M" error message.

5.3 Selecting no local symbol table

The $: command issued  without an explicit module  name to use as  the
local (or "opened") symbol table will deselect any local symbol table.
This is the initial state in which DDT starts.

5.4 Symbol cache

DDT now has  a symbol  "cache" of symbols  recently used  to type  out
values. This cache is  used primarily for  typeout; typein will  check
the symbol cache for  a matching symbol from  the currently opened  or
local symbol table, if no match is found the cache is ignored and  the
regular symbol table  is used. The  symbol cache is  "flushed" on  the
issuance of any $: command.

5.5 Symbolic typeout

DDT now goes to great pains  to find any possible user-defined  symbol
(such as an OPDEF) to match the expression DDT is trying to type  out.
The order in which DDT searches for a symbol match in symbolic typeout
mode for non-I/O instructions is:

1.   Full 36-bit match; OP, AC, I, X, and Y fields (e.g., the  TOPS-20
     monitor calls such as GTJFN)
2.   OP, I, X, and Y fields  (e.g., the TOPS-10 monitor calls such  as
3.   OP and AC fields (e.g., the TOPS-10 monitor calls such as  INCHWL
     or "instructions" such as HALT)
4.   OP field only (e.g., user UUO's or "OPDEF XMOVEI [SETMI]")
5.   DDT's internal hardware opcode table

The order in which DDT searches for a symbol match in symbolic typeout
mode for I/O instructions is:

1.   I/O OP and DEV fields (bits 0 to 12 - e.g., KL-10 APRID or  KS-10
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 10
Symbolic expression typein and typeout

2.   Regular (non-I/O) OP field (e.g., KS-10 UMOVE)

6.0 Command typeout

6.1 ASCII typeout

DDT adds the typeout mode commands $8T and $9T to typeout 8 bit  ASCII
or 9 bit ASCII respectively (i.e., pick up 8 or 9 bit bytes and "type"
them straight as is - which with current TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 operating
systems means as 7-bit ASCII).

The adr$0T command has been added  to type out a 7-bit "ASCIZ"  format
text string (i.e., a string of 7-bit ASCII characters terminated by  a
null byte) starting at address "adr"  or "." if adr is not  specified.
Upon issuance of the $0T command, DDT will type out consecutive  7-bit
bytes until either  the terminating  null is encountered  or the  user
types a character (similar to stopping a search).

6.2 Floating point typeout

The [$]$2F command (TOPS-20 FILDDT/SDDT/UDDT only) selects double-pre-
cision floating point typeout mode; in other respects it is  identical
to the [$]$F command.

6.3 Mask and value typeout

In FILDDT the various  masks and internal values  (such as $U) may  be
examined by issuing the appropriate  command without an argument.  For
example, typing "$M" to FILDDT will result in the typeout of the  cur-
rent $M mask value.

7.0 Command files

The $Y command (TOPS-10 DDT only)  has been changed somewhat, both  in
input and output (logging) functions.

7.1 Command input

If the user does  not type a  36-bit expression to be  used as a  file
name (such as $""FILNAM"$Y) but just types $Y by itself then DDT  will
prompt with "File: ". After  the prompt the user  can enter a  TOPS-10
file specification in the form dev:name.type[directory]/switches where
[directory] can of course contain SFD's.

The echoing of the $Y command input  may now be supressed via the  TTY
control "mask" - see section 14.2.

7.1.1 /A switch
The /A switch instructs DDT to abort the command file if a DDT-detect-
ed command error occurs (such as reference to an undefined symbol).
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Command files

7.2 Command output (logging)

When reading a command file ($Y command) DDT will no longer "log"  all
output onto  device  LPT: but  rather  just  type out  onto  the  user

8.0 Automatic patch insertion

The automatic patch insertion facility ($< and $> commands) are  basi-
cally the same as in version 40 of DDT with only minor differences.

8.1 Patch opening

The user may specify patching either by sym$< where sym is the name of
a symbol (which will  be automatically updated  at the termination  of
the patch) or via exp$< where exp is any 36-bit expression  represent-
ing the address of the resultant patch. If the later form of the patch
command is used no symbol will be updated to the end of the patch.

With DDT version 42B, the  user can no longer open  a patch if one  is
already in progress - the currently  open patch must be either  closed
($n> command) or aborted ($$0> command) first.

8.2 Default patching symbol

The list and order of default patching symbols which DDT uses when the
user does not supply an explicit patching symbol is now:

1.   PAT (TOPS-10 EDDT only)
2.   FFF (TOPS-20 EDDT/KDDT/MDDT only)
3.   PAT.. (all flavors)
4.   PATCH (all flavors)

8.3 Default patching address

If the user  does not supply  an explicit patching  symbol and DDT  is
unable to find one  of the default patching  symbols then the  address
specified by the  right half of  location .JBFF (even  on TOPS-20)  is
used. On patch close ($> command) if the patching address was default-
ed via .JBFF, then both the right half of location .JBFF and the  left
half of location .JBSA  are updated to  point to the  end (+1) of  the

8.4 Patch closing

The patch close command  has been expanded to  a more general form  of
$n>, where the "n" is used  to control "skipness" of the patch  close,
i.e., how many JUMPA instructions to insert at the end of the patch to
return to the patched code.  If "n" is 0  then no JUMPAs are  inserted
(usefull for patching a JRST instruction); if "n" is 1 then one  JUMPA
instruction is inserted (as in patching a non-skip instruction); etc.;
the default remains 2.
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 12
Automatic patch insertion

8.5 Patch closing confusion and restriction

It no longer matters how (when) the user types the $> command,  either
immediately after the final word expression,  or after a <CR> or  <LF>
to terminate the final word expression  - DDT will never generate a  0
word for free.

There is  a very  obscure restriction  however  on the  use of  the  #
command in conjunction with the $> command. If the user is referencing
an undefined symbol in the expression  for the last word of the  patch
then that expression must explicitly  be terminated in such a  fashion
as to close the  location before terminating  the patch. For  example,
"MOVE T1,BLETCH#$>" is  illegal but "MOVE  T1,BLETCH#cr$> (where  "cr"
indicates a carriage return) is ok.

8.6 Patch abortion

A patch may be aborted with the $$0> command.

9.0 Breakpoints

The breakpoint logic in  DDT version 42/42B  has been extensively  re-
vamped in order to support extended addressing. The default number  of
breakpoints is now 12 (decimal); and can be set (by defining the  sym-
bol NBP=number of breakpoints)  arbitrarily high (within memory  space
limitations) rather than being limited to 9 or 36 (decimal)  depending
on which code restriction one choose to believe.

9.1 Setting breakpoints

DDT can now set a breakpoint in  code running in any section with  two

1.   If DDT is  currently running  in section 0  then breakpoints  can
     only be set in section 0 (see section 3.1.3 above).
2.   DDT must be mapped  in the section containing  the code in  which
     breakpoints are to  be placed (the  logic of this  is that  since
     there is no way for DDT  to cause unconditional transfer of  con-
     trol to DDT with only 36 bits some portion of the section address
     space must be devoted to DDT; therefore, given this  restriction,
     one might just as well  put all of DDT  in that section since  it
     makes for a cleaner and  simpler implementation). Note that  this
     does not mean  DDT must be  running in that  section, but  merely
     that DDT must be mapped in that section!

It does not matter into how  many different sections the same code  is
mapped as long as DDT  is mapped into the  same sections since DDT  is
"section-independent". For example (taking  the TOPS-20 monitor  which
maps section 0 and  section 1 identically) if  a breakpoint is set  at
address 1004567 (or 1,,4567) but the PC was 4567 (or 0,,4567, i.e., in
section 0 rather than section 1) when the breakpoint was executed  DDT
does not care (as long as DDT is mapped in that section, which in  the
example of the TOPS-20 monitor it is).

The syntax for setting a breakpoint  is now opn<cmd>bpt$nB where n  is
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 13

optional and,  if  specified, declares  the  breakpoint number  to  be
assigned to that address; bpt is the 36-bit address at which to  place
a breakpoint; opn is  an optional 36-bit address  to open and  display
upon execution of  the breakpoint;  and cmd is  the address  of a  DDT
command string to execute upon breaking.

The "cmd"  string address  is the  address of  an ASCII  (7-bit  byte)
string of characters terminated  by either a ^Z  or a null  character.
This string will be treated as DDT  command input, just as if it  came
from an $Y command file (and in fact the $Y command file facility must
be enabled - symbol FTYANK defined non-zero when assembling DDT -  for
the cmd string to work).

DDT will no longer  assign two different breakpoints  to the same  ad-
dress, either accidentally  or under user  control - if  the user  at-
tempts to set a breakpoint at a location at which a (different) break-
point is already set, the old breakpoint is cleared first.

9.2 Breakpoint typeout

Upon execution of a breakpoint DDT will now type the user  instruction
(in instruction format  regardless of the  permanent typeout mode)  at
that breakpoint and set  "." to the  breakpoint address. If,  further,
opn was specified as in section 9.1 above, then DDT will also  display
the contents of location opn in  the permanently set typeout mode  and
"." will  be  updated  to  opn (with  the  breakpoint  address  itself
becoming the previous PC sequence and so available via the $<CR>  etc.

The breakpoint instruction typeout is under the control of a flag  bit
set in the TTY control mask - see section 14.2 for details.

9.3 Examining breakpoint locations

The $nB command continues to be the "address" of breakpoint n's  data-
base, but $nB is no longer  equal to $n-1B+3. The breakpoint  database
of interest to the user now has the following format:

1.   $nB+0/    If nonzero the address for breakpoint n
2.   $nB+1/    The conditional break instruction (break if skips)
3.   $nB+2/    The proceed count (break on transition to 0)
4.   $nB+3/    If greater than or equal to zero then the address to be

The rest of the breakpoint data base should not be of use to the user.

9.4 Unsolicited breakpoints

DDT has a new breakpoint facility - the ability to handle  unsolicited
breakpoints (i.e., breakpoints that DDT  did not itself set). If  con-
trol passes to location  $0BPT+1 ($0BPT is a  global DDT symbol)  then
DDT will act as  if a breakpoint  had been set  at the address-1  con-
tained in location $0BPT. The address in $0BPT must be setup as if the
cpu executed a JSR $0BPT instruction - if in section 0 then  flags,,PC
otherwise just  global  30-bit  PC.  After  "hitting"  an  unsolicited
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 14

breakpoint the user  can proceed  with program execution  with the  $P
command (all arguments  to the  $P command  such as  proceed count  or
auto-proceed ($$P) are ignored).

Although this facility gives programs the ability to cause breakpoints
at any time (thus  getting into DDT with  the program state  carefully
preserved) it is intended to be of most use in conjunction with an as-
yet-unimplemented monitor  command (such  as control-D)  to "force"  a
breakpoint on a program without  having to control-C/DDT the  program.
Then the user could simply continue with the program by typing $P.

10.0 Single-stepping the program

The $X DDT command has been  significantly modernized (and sped up  in
general) with version 42/42B of DDT.

10.1 New opcodes

The ADJSP, DADD, DSUB, DMUL, and DDIV instructions have been added  to
DDT's $X table although double- and quad-word integers (for DADD etc.)
are still typed out as  two or four single  words rather than one  big
multiple precision integer.  All of the  extended JRST-class  instruc-
tions are correctly simulated/traced. A  user-UUO being executed in  a
non-zero section is simply XCT'ed and is not traced.

10.2 Byte-manipulation typeout

A rudimentary byte-manipulation-instruction typeout facility was added
(to DDT version 40 actually) to display the byte pointer and the  con-
tents of the effective address  of the byte pointer. The  EXTEND-class
instructions are not handled.

10.3 Effective address calculation

DDT now always  calculates the  effective address  of the  instruction
being $X'ed rather than just blindly "doing it" in order to both  pre-
vent DDT from getting an illegal  memory reference as well as to  make
DDT be independent of the section in which the user PC resides  (i.e.,
DDT does not  have to be  mapped into  the user PC  section to  handle
$X'es although if the user PC is  in a non-zero section then DDT  must
be in a non-zero section). Besides, it's usually faster too!

10.4 KS-10 I/O instruction trace

The  KS-10  specific  I/O  instructions  which  reference  the  UNIBUS
(executive mode only) are not traced, only the contents of the  regis-
ter specified in the AC field  are displayed. Since the UNIBUS  device
registers can be reference-volatile (i.e., merely referencing one  can
cause it to change -  such as the DL-11  data registers) DDT does  not
typeout the contents of the referenced UNIBUS address. Further,  since
the effective address of the instruction is not calculated in a  stan-
dard format (at least  as far as DDT  is concerned) the effective  ad-
dress itself is not even displayed.
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 15
Single-stepping the program

10.5 PC skipping

If the user instruction  being $X'ed skips then  DDT will now  typeout
"<SKIP>" if the  PC skips by  one location,  or "<SKIP n>"  if the  PC
skips by  n locations,  where  n is  less than  or  equal to  the  DDT
assembly parameter  SKPMAX (by  default  3). If  the PC  changes  more
drastically than that (e.g., goes to a smaller address) DDT will  type
"<JUMP> instead.


DDT (TOPS-20 only) will now handle instructions followed by either  an
ERCAL or an ERJMP instruction (which is really just a 72-bit  instruc-
tion with two effective addresses). If the instruction being  executed
does not take the error jump  then DDT will print "<ERSKP>" after  the
normal instruction trace  to indicate  to the  user that  an ERCAL  or
ERJMP was just skipped (i.e., the  PC incremented by 2 rather than  1)
and will not display the ERCAL  or ERJMP instruction. If the  instruc-
tion does take the error jump then the ERCAL or ERJMP instruction will
be displayed, if an  ERCAL instruction then register  17 will also  be
displayed, and the PC will be changed to the error address.

DDT will print "<ERSKP>"  rather than showing the  ERCAL or ERJMP  in-
struction since  DDT  has  no  way  of  telling  whether  or  not  the
instruction itself caused the skip (as in a SKIPA) or if the PC merely
"fell through"  the ERCAL  or ERJMP  instruction (as  in a  successful

Users of EDDT and  MDDT should be  cautioned about $Xing  instructions
followed by an ERCAL or ERJMP in non-zero sections - the monitor has a
tendency to transfer control to the error address in section 0,  which
will cause a BUGHLT because DDT (running in executive mode) does  non-
zero section things thinking it is still in a non-zero section.

10.7 $X'ing an INIT

DDT will now let the user $X an INIT (TOPS-10) monitor call. DDT  will
print out <SKIP 2> if the INIT fails or <SKIP 3> if the INIT succeeds.

10.8 $X speed up

By building into DDT a table of instructions which can cause the state
of the known world to change, and assuming the state of the world does
not change if the instruction being  $X'ed is not so marked, the  time
required to $X an instruction is cut  by roughly a factor of 10.  This
results in a dramatic performance increase especially for EDDT on  KL-
10's where waiting for the console front end to switch between  secon-
dary and primary protocol is very time-consuming.

10.9 Repetitive $X'es

The $$X command now takes an optional address range. Normally $$X will
terminate when the  user PC  inclusively enters  the range  .+1 to  .+
SKPMAX  (default  value  of  SKPMAX  is  3).  The  user  may   specify
lwr<upr>$$X where lwr  is the lower  address boundary and  upr is  the
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 16
Single-stepping the program

upper address boundary which, if  the user PC ever inclusively  enters
the range so specified, terminates the  $$X. If only lwr is  specified
then upr defaults to lwr+SKPMAX. This  command is very useful for  re-
covering from having  $X'ed a  (for example) PUSHJ  instead of  having
$$X'ed the (for example) PUSHJ.

10.10 Fast $$X'es

The $$X command has  been enhanced to allow  the user to specify  that
much of the $$X "paranoia" be bypassed. The high-speed $$X command  is
$$1X, which causes DDT to not  "restore the state of the world"  prior
to each instruction  $Xed. This is  usually not a  problem unless  the
code being $$Xed modifies the PSI system, terminal characteristics, or
the like.

10.11 $X'ing from instr$X

If the user  $X'es a  return from a  subroutine which  was entered  by
doing an instr$X  (for example  "PUSHJ P,SUBRTN$X where  SUBRTN has  a
breakpoint in it) then DDT simply "returns" from the original  instr$X
rather than proceding  to $X the  internals of DDT  itself. This is  a
very obscure condition so don't worry too much about it.

10.12 $$X status

DDT will now respond to  a ? character being  typed during an $$X  se-
quence by typing "Executing: " followed  by the current user "pc"  and
instruction being executed. Typing any other character terminates  the
$$X immediately.

10.13 $X PC

The $. command now acts like the  . command only $. returns the  value
of the $X PC (i.e., the address of the next instruction to be  $X'ed).
The $$. command returns the previous  $. value (useful for $$.<$$X  as
in section 10.9 above).

11.0 Searches

Most of the  differences in how  DDT handles searches  are simply  bug
fixes, not major changes in the logic of searching.

11.1 Non-existant pages

DDT now simply skips over pages which don't exist in the address space
being searched, rather than terminating the  search as soon as a  hole
has been found.

11.2 Effective address searches

Since almost all address calculations  start with an IFIW basis  (with
the exceptions being such things as interrupt vectors and the like  on
KL-10's or KS-10's), DDT will assume that each word it examines is  an
instruction and  perform an  IFIW effective  address calculation.  The
final result must match in all  30 bits (actually internally DDT  will
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 17

do a full 36-bit compare so the address being searched for had  better
not contain anything in bits 0 to 5).

11.3 Address limit defaults

With the advent  of extended  addressing and  physical addressing  the
address limits are defaulted  somewhat differently than from  previous
versions of DDT:

1.   EDDT, MDDT (TOPS-20 only), UDDT, and VMDDT

     1.   Lower Limit: <current section>,,0
     2.   Upper Limit: <current section>,,777777

2.   FILDDT looking at an .EXE file

     1.   Lower Limit: 0
     2.   Upper Limit: highest virtual address mapped

3.   FILDDT looking at a data file

     1.   Lower Limit: 0
     2.   Upper Limit: highest word written in file

4.   FILDDT looking at disk structure/unit

     1.   Lower Limit: 0
     2.   Upper Limit: highest word in disk structure/unit

5.   FILDDT looking at runing monitor

     1.   Lower limit: 0
     2.   Upper limit: 777777

6.   FILDDT looking at physical memory (TOPS-10 only)

     1.   Lower Limit: 0
     2.   Upper Limit: Highest extant memory address

As with any defaults not all cases will be properly "guessed" by  DDT.
In particular if the user has mapping or address relocation in  effect
the virtual address range so  produced may have nothing whatsoever  in
common with the address limit defaults chosen by DDT.

11.4 Search matches

DDT will leave each  address matched by its  search on the "pc  stack"
available to $<CR> etc.  commands. When the  search is terminated  DDT
will set "." to the last address searched.

11.5 Searching status

DDT will now respond to a ?  character being typed during a search  by
typing "Searching: " followed by the current location and value  being
searched. Typing any other character terminates the search  immediate-
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 18

12.0 Watching

DDT allows the user to "watch"  a location, waiting for it to  change.
Although primarily useful  for FILDDT'ing the  running monitor, it  is
present in all  flavors fo  DDT for  completeness. The  syntax of  the
watching command is exp$V, where exp is the address to be watched.  If
no explicit address is specified the last location opened by the  user
will be used.

Upon initial issuance  of the  $V command the  location is  displayed.
Thereafter  the  location  is  continuously  monitored,  and  will  be
displayed every time its contents change. In user mode DDTs (and  this
includes TOPS-20 MDDT as  well) the location is  checked once a  clock
tick (approximately 50 to  60 times a second),  in exec mode EDDT  the
location is continuously being monitored - no "pause" is attempted.

DDT will respond to a ? character being typed during an $V sequence by
typing "Watching: " followed by the current location and contents  be-
ing watched. Typing any other character terminates the $V immediately.

13.0 Zeroing memory

The algorithm used by DDT previous to version 42/42B has only  limited
usefulness in today's modern virtual world (especially on TOPS-20).  A
new command  has been  implemented -  lwr<upr>exp$z where  lwr is  the
lowest (starting) address,  upr is the  highest (ending) address,  and
exp is the 36-bit quantity to deposit in each word inclusively bounded
by lwr and  upr. Both lwr  and upr must  be specified. If  exp is  not
specified then 0 is used as  the default. This command completely  su-
persedes the older $$Z command, which  has been removed from DDT  ver-
sion 42B.

A special note: The creation of zeroed pages (which formerly were non-
existent) by the $Z command is under the control of the automatic page
create flag (i.e, the $1W and $$1W commands - see section 3.3.2).

DDT will  now  respond to  a  ? character  being  typed during  an  $Z
sequence by typing "Zeroing:  " followed by  the current location  and
value being "zeroed".  Typing any  other character  terminates the  $Z

14.0 Special masks

DDT version 42/42B (it actually started with DDT version 40) has  sev-
eral new "masks" (for lack of a better name and/or command) of  inter-
est to the user.

14.1 $0M - Search mask

The operation of the search mask continues unchanged. The search  mask
may now be referenced  by either the  $M (old style)  or the $0M  com-
mands. The default value remains 777777777777.
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 19
Special masks

14.2 $1M - TTY control mask

This mask controls  special TTY behavior  (primarily TOPS-10 and  exec
mode EDDT).

14.2.1 $Y command echo
Bit 15 controls the echoing of command input from $Y command files.  A
0 selects  command file  echoing  (the default  case); a  1  supresses
command file echoing.

14.2.2 Breakpoint printout
Bit 16 controls the automatic printing of the breakpoint  instruction.
A 0 selects the printing of the breakpoint instruction on occurance of
a breakpoint (the  default case); a  1 supresses the  printing of  the
breakpoint instruction.

14.2.3 Tab separator display
Bit 17 controls whether DDT will print its usual <TAB> or three spaces
for the <TAB> separator. A 0  (the default) selects three spaces, a  1
selects a <TAB>.

14.2.4 Tab simulation
Bit 34 controls tab simulation.  A 0 selects literal <TAB>  characters
(i.e., the terminal handles <TAB>'s  directly, a 1 selects  space-fill
instead. This condition is automatically  set for user mode DDT's  (in
user mode <TAB>s are always output  literally) - it is only useful  to
manually set tab simulation in exec mode EDDT.

14.2.5 Rubout control
Bit 35  controls rubout  (and ^W)  operation. A  0 selects  "hardcopy"
operation (DDT  will echo  a  "\" character  and the  character  being
deleted), a 1 will cause rubouts to echo as a backspace, space,  back-
space sequence.  This condition  is automatically  set for  user  mode
DDT's (if  TTY DISPLAY  (TOPS-10 only)  is set  then rubouts  echo  as
<BS><SP><BS>) - it  is only useful  to manually set  fancy rubouts  in
exec mode EDDT.

14.3 $2M - Offset range

The 36-bit "mask" in this case is really a value, used as the  maximum
offset allowable for typing addresses  in the form symbol+offset.  The
default offset is 1000 (octal).

14.4 $3M - Byte mask

This mask is used in conjunction with the $O command for typing  bytes
in a word that are not necessarily evenly spaced. Whenever an $O  com-
mand is issued without an explicit  byte size the byte boundaries  are
determined by one-bits in  the byte mask  - each one  bit in the  byte
mask marks the low order  bit of a byte.  Bit 35 is always  considered
on. The default value  is 0 (i.e., one  36-bit byte). For example  the
DDT command 040100200401$3M sets the byte mask for typing right-justi-
fied 8-bit bytes (preceded by the leading 4-bit byte).

DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 20
RADIX-50 symbol typein

15.0 RADIX-50 symbol typein

Since prehistoric times DDT has supported RADIX-50 symbol typein,  but
that fact was never documented. The syntax for using a RADIX-50 symbol
as an 36-bit item in an expression is sym$5" where sym is the  desired
RADIX-50 symbol.  For example,  to search  for all  occurences of  the
symbol PAT.. the DDT commands  37777,,-1$M (only look at low-order  32
bits) and PAT..$5"$W suffice.

16.0 New DDT runtime information

16.1 Exec-mode machine state

Several new words have  been added to  DDT's runtime table  describing
the state of the machine  upon (executive mode only) DDT-entry.  These
words are all accessible via the DDT command $I+offset (not  available

1.   $I-01/    APR CONI word
2.   $I+00/    PI CONI word
3.   $I+01/    Mask of PI channels turned off by EDDT
4.   $I+02/    Executive virtual address of EPT
5.   $I+03/    Executive virtual address of UPT
6.   $I+04/    Executive virtual address of CST
7.   $I+05/    Executive virtual address of SPT
8.   $I+06/    Original AC-block word (DATAI PAG) if acb$4U

16.2 Error typeout

DDT will  now sporadically  issue a  short textual  error message  for
certain error  conditions (e.g.,  trying to  write in  a  write-locked

The $?  command will  type out  the last  DDT error;  the $$?  command
(TOPS-20 only)  will type  out (ERSTR  JSYS) the  last process  (JSYS)

17.0 Obsolete commands

The executive mode paper tape facilities (^R, $J, and $L DDT commands)
are no longer  supported. The code  has been removed  from the  source

18.0 New exec-mode support

The exec-mode support for EDDT has been enhanced in several ways.

18.1 Typeahead

The exec-mode user can  now typeahead while EDDT  is typing out,  EDDT
will periodically "poll" the command input terminal to see if anything
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 21
New exec-mode support

has been typed, and will "buffer" any such typeahead internally.  Note
that this does  not apply to  such things as  searchs where  typeahead
will still cause the search to be aborted (unless "?" is typed).


EDDT now supports the XON/XOFF  protocol. Typing XOFF (^S) will  cause
EDDT to freeze  terminal output; Typing  XON (^Q) will  cause EDDT  to
resume terminal output.

18.3 Output suppression

EDDT now supports output  suppression a la ^O.  Typing ^O will  toggle
the output suppression - the first  ^O causes output to be  discarded,
the second ^O causes output to resume, etc.

19.0 FILDDT startup and commands

FILDDT is a special version of  DDT with the facilities for  "DDT'ing"
address spaces other than its own, such as disk files and in  particu-
lar .EXE files. FILDDT has existed  for years but has always been  off
in the background  as a specialized  "tool" for the  exclusive use  of
monitor programmers looking at crash dumps. With DDT version 42 FILDDT
is now a  general purpose  utility for  use by  the "general  public",
particularly people who  have databases resident  in disk files  (.REL
files for example).

19.1 Symbols

Out of efficiency considerations FILDDT builds the symbol table(s)  it
will actually use at runtime in  its own address space. Virgin  FILDDT
has no symbols (the symbol table (if any) for FILDDT in FILDDT.EXE  is
completely independent of the address  space being FILDDT'ed and  does
not count). There are special  commands to instruct FILDDT to  extract
(and build internal-to-FILDDT copies of) symbol tables from .EXE files
(see below). Once FILDDT  has setup its  internal symbol table(s),  it
may then be SAVEd with the  internal symbol table(s) for later use  by
exiting to monitor level (with the  ^Z FILDDT command) and typing  the
"SAVE" command.

19.2 TOPS-10

When FILDDT is started it will  prompt "File: ". The user may at  this
time optionally enter  a standard  TOPS-10 file  specification in  the
form dev:name.type[directory]/switch. At least one function switch  is
mandatory. SFD's are of course legal in the directory specification.

19.2.1 /D command
The /D command or function switch instructs FILDDT that the file spec-
ified is a data file - i.e., do  not map the file as an .EXE file  and
use real file words 0 to 17 for locations 0 to 17.

19.2.2 /F command
The /F command or function switch  instructs FILDDT to "DDT this  file
anyway". It is useful only in conjunction with the /S command or func-
DDT42B - DDT %42B(324) User's Guide to New Features            Page 22
FILDDT startup and commands

tion switch which normally re-prompts for another file  specification.
Used in conjunction with /S (which  implies an .EXE file) FILDDT  will
use the  file from  which symbols  were extracted  as the  file to  be

19.2.3 /H command
The /H command or function switch instructs FILDDT to type out a brief
help text, abort the current command, and prompt the user for  another

19.2.4 /J command
The /J command or  function switch is applied  to a job number  rather
than a file specification  and instructs FILDDT  to "DDT" the  address
space of the job specified. Since FILDDT uses JOBPEK monitor calls  to
access the specified job's address space the success or failure of any
given memory reference is dependent on the job being resident in  main
memory - if the job is swapped out or if the memory reference is to  a
page which is  paged out  the memory reference  will fail.  This is  a
privileged command.

19.2.5 /M command
The /M  command  or function  switch  instructs FILDDT  to  "DDT"  the
currently running  monitor and  physical  memory address  space  (con-
trolled by  use of  the $U  and $$U  commands). This  is a  privileged

19.2.6 /P command
The /P command or function switch instructs FILDDT to enable for writ-
ing as well as  reading the specified address  space. Note that  DDT's
internal fake registers are always writable.

19.2.7 /S command
The /S command or function switch instructs FILDDT to only extract the
symbol table  from  the file  specified,  replacing any  symbol  table
FILDDT may already have.  Unless overridden by the  inclusion of a  /F
command FILDDT will, after having read the symbol table, again  prompt
the user for the next FILDDT command.

19.2.8 /U command
The /U command or  function switch is applied  to a file structure  or
disk unit only rather than a complete file specification and indicates
to FILDDT that the user wants the entire physical address space repre-
sented by that  file structure or  disk unit name  independent of  any
"file structure mapping" normally  imposed by the  monitor. This is  a
privileged command.

19.3 TOPS-20

FILDDT on TOPS-20  runs in native  mode, and in  particular, uses  the
PMAP monitor call for all regular file access. FILDDT will also type a
brief message telling what address space  is about to be "DDT'ed"  be-
fore going into DDT mode.

19.3.1 DRIVE command
The format of the DRIVE command is:
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The DRIVE command  allows examination  of the  disk unit  u on  system
channel c on  channel controller k  without regard for  whether it  is
mounted as part of a file structure, or indeed whether it even has the
necessary information so that it could  be so mounted (as if the  HOME
blocks were wiped out).  If, however, the drive  is part of a  mounted
file structure, FILDDT will type a message indicating the structure to
which it belongs. This is a privileged command.

19.3.2 ENABLE DATA-FILE command
The ENABLE DATA-FORMAT command instructs  FILDDT to treat the file  as
pure data, even if a valid .EXE directory is detected, and in particu-
lar to use real file words 0 to 17 as locations 0 to 17.

19.3.3 ENABLE PATCHING command
The  ENABLE   PATCHING  command   instructs  FILDDT   to  enable   any
subsequently specified address space for patching (writing). This com-
mand is ignored when looking at the running monitor since there is  no
monitor call to "poke" the running monitor.

19.3.4 EXIT command
The EXIT  command instructs  FILDDT  to return  to command  level.  If
FILDDT has an  internal symbol table  (due to a  previous LOAD or  GET
FILDDT command) then a SAVE command will save FILDDT with the  symbols

19.3.5 GET command
The format of the GET command is:

   GET (FILE) filespec (optional switches)

The GET command instructs FILDDT to  set up the disk file filespec  as
the address space to be "DDT'ed", as modified by the optional switches
or previous ENABLE commands. The available switches are: /DATA - The /DATA switch  is equivilent to a previous  ENABLE
DATA-FILE command. /PATCH - The /PATCH switch is equivilent to a previous ENABLE
PATCHING command. /SYMBOL - The /SYMBOL switch instructs FILDDT to extract sym-
bols from the specified .EXE file before "DDT'ing" the file,  discard-
ing any symbols  that FILDDT may  already have. This  switch is  legal
only with .EXE files.

19.3.6 HELP command
The HELP command instructs FILDDT to  type out a short summary of  the
available FILDDT commands.

19.3.7 LOAD command
The format of the LOAD command is:

   LOAD (SYMBOLS FROM) filespec
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The LOAD command  instructs FILDDT  to extract symbols  from the  disk
file filespec, which must  be an .EXE file,  then to return to  FILDDT
command level. This command is legal only for .EXE files.

19.3.8 PEEK command
The PEEK command instructs FILDDT to use the currently running monitor
as the address space to be "DDT'ed". The address space so available is
currently limited to monitor executive virtual addresses 0 to  777777,
since the PEEK monitor call will only accept 18-bit address  arguments
for executive  virtual addresses.  Physical memory  addressing is  not
available. This is a privileged command.

19.3.9 STRUCTURE command
The format of the STRUCTURE command is:


The STRUCTURE command instructs FILDDT to use as the address space  to
be "DDT'ed"  the entire  disk file  structure str  independent of  any
"file structure mapping" normally  imposed by the  monitor. This is  a
privileged command.

19.4 Defaults

Following is a list of the various defaults supplied by FILDDT:

1.   DSK: is the  default file  device unless super  I/O is  specified
     (which requires an explicit file structure or disk unit name).
2.   .EXE is the default file type  or extension unless either a  data
     file or super I/O is specified, in which case there is no default
     file type or extension.
3.   The default directory is the user's default directory.
4.   The specified address space is read-only.
5.   If "DDT'ing" an  .EXE file  and FILDDT  does not  already have  a
     symbol table, extract  the symbol  table (if any)  from the  .EXE
     file first.
6.   If "DDT'ing" an .EXE file and  the symbol CRSHAC (if TOPS-10)  or
     BUGACS (if TOPS-20) exists, give a "free" CRSHAC$5U or  BUGACS$5U
     command. If the CRSHAC/BUGACS symbol does not exist then use file
     words 0 to 17 (if any) as mapped by the .EXE directory for  loca-
     tions 0 to 17.  For TOPS-20 only, if  the symbol SPT exists  then
     also give a free SPT$6U command as well.

19.5 Other FILDDT-specific commands

Following are the commands which are unique (or different) to FILDDT.

19.5.1 ^E command
The ^E command instructs FILDDT to exit the current address space  and
prompt the user for a new address space. The ^E command is  equivilent
to a ^Z, START command sequence.

19.5.2 ^Z command
The ^Z command instructs FILDDT to exit to monitor level after  having
written out  any changes  to the  current file  (if any).  It is  most
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important that the user exit only via ^Z (or ^E which does an implicit
^Z) in order to guarantee the integrity of the file data (if any) -  a
^C can leave a  file in an indeterminate  state (some changes  written
out to the disk and some not).

19.5.3 I/O errors
Should FILDDT incur  an I/O error  reading or writing  a disk file,  a
warning message will be  issued but FILDDT  will otherwise ignore  the
error. This is to allow  the user the ability  to manually fix a  file
with bad data by  rewriting the data  correctly (hoping the  rewriting
operation clears the error  condition - if  the physical disk  surface
itself is at fault, then it is probably hopeless).

                     [End of DDT42B User's Guide]