
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/package.clisp
There are no other files named package.clisp in the archive.
;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; The package system.
;;; Written by Lee Schumacher.
;;; Bug fixes, iteration macros, and stuff like that courtesy Skef Wholey.
;;; See package chapter of the Common Lisp Reference Manual.
;;; Package print function.  Describe can be used to get other information
;;; about packages.

(in-package 'lisp)

(export '(package *package* make-package in-package find-package rename-package
	  list-all-packages unintern export unexport import shadowing-import
	  shadow use-package unuse-package find-all-symbols do-symbols
	  do-external-symbols do-all-symbols apropos apropos-list
	  *keyword-package* *lisp-package*))

(defun %sp-get-package (sym) (%sp-svref sym 4))
(defun %sp-set-package (sym pack) (%sp-svset sym 4 pack))

(defun print-package (package stream print-level)
  (declare (ignore print-level))
  (write-string "#<The " stream)
  (write-string (package-name package) stream)
  (write-string " package>" stream))

(defstruct (package
	    (:constructor internal-make-package)
	    (:predicate packagep)
	    (:print-function print-package))
  (name "" :type string)		; The string name of the package
  (nicknames () :type list)		; List of nickname strings
  (use-list () :type list)		; List of packages we use
  (used-by-list () :type list)		; List of packages that use this one
  (internal-symbols (make-hash-table :test #'equal));Hashtable of internal syms
  (external-symbols (make-hash-table :test #'equal));Hashtable of external syms
  (shadowing-symbols () :type list))	; List of shadowing symbols

;;; Global variables.

(defvar *package-obarray* ()
  "Table of all package symbols.")

(defvar *package* () "The current package.")

;;; Lots of people want the keyword package and Lisp package without a lot
;;; of fuss, so we give them their own variables.

(defvar *lisp-package* ()
  "Holds the package name for the lisp package.")
(defvar *keyword-package* ()
  "Holds the package name for the keyword package.")
;;;; Test functions and utilities.

;;;[Victor] Parse a valid package name
(defun parse-package (name)
  (cond ((find-package name))
	((symbolp name) (symbol-name name))
	(t (string name))))		; Kludge-P

;;; Calls cerror and handles the patch if the luser continues.
;;; Only returns when the new name is not in conflict with anything.

(defun handle-package-name-conflicts (name)
  (cerror "a new package name will be prompted for."
	  "Package name conflict with ~S." name)
  (write-string "Name: ")
  (do ((name (string (read)) (string (read))))
    (if (find-package name)
	(format t "There is already a package named ~S.~%Name: " name)
	(return name))))

;;; Check name checks for package-name conflicts, and replaces symbols with
;;; strings.

(defun check-name (string-or-symbol)
  (cond ((find-package string-or-symbol)
	 (handle-package-name-conflicts string-or-symbol))
	(t (parse-package string-or-symbol))))

;;; This fun handles name conflicts were uninterning a shadowing symbol
;;; leaves multiple choices for the replacement.

(defun handle-revealed-name-conflict (symbol conflict-list package)
  (let ((package-list (mapcar #'%sp-get-package conflict-list)))
    (cerror "Pick the package whose symbol you wish to import ~
	    from ~S."
	    "Uninterning shadowing symbol ~S leaves ~
	    more than one symbol with that name available."
	    symbol (mapcar #'package-name package-list))
    (do* ((new-package (find-package (read)))
	   (new-symbol (find-symbol (symbol-name symbol)
	 ((member new-package package-list)
	  (shadowing-import new-symbol package))
	 (format t "That package is not one of the choices, try again."))))
;;;; Functions for handling packages.
;;; Provides error checking for the defstruct constructor function.

(defun make-package (name &key
			  (nicknames ())
			  (use (list (find-package 'lisp))))
  "Return a package object with the given name, assuming that no
  package already uses the name."
  (let* ((new-name (check-name name))
	 (new-nick-names (mapcar #'check-name nicknames))
	 (package-list (mapcar
			#'(lambda (x)
			    (if (packagep x)
				x (find-package x)))
	  (internal-make-package :name new-name
				 :nicknames new-nick-names
				 :use-list package-list)))
    ;; enter the nick-names in the *Package-Obarray*
    (dolist (x (cons new-name new-nick-names))
      (setf (gethash x *Package-Obarray*) package))
    ;; set the use by's 
    (dolist (x package-list)
      (setf (package-used-by-list x)
	    (push package (package-used-by-list x))))
    ;; return the new package object

;;; This function is substantially similar to make-package.

(defun in-package (name &rest keys &key
			(nicknames ())
			(use ()))
  "Sets *package* to package with given name, nicknames, and use-list,
  modifying appropriate fields if the package already exists."
  (setq *package*
	(let* ((old-package (find-package name)))
	  (if old-package 
	      (let ((new-nicknames (nset-difference
				     #'(lambda (x) (if (symbolp x)
						       (symbol-name x)
						       (the string x)))
				    (package-nicknames old-package)))
		       #'(lambda (x) (if (packagep x) x (find-package x)))
		      (package-use-list old-package)))
		    (*package* old-package))
		(mapcar #'use-package new-use-list)
		(dolist (x new-nicknames)
		  (if (and (find-package x)
			   (not (eq (find-package x) old-package)))
		       (cerror "Prompt for new nickname."
			       "Illegal nickname ~S for ~S, ~
			       name is already used for ~S."
			       x old-package (find-package x))
		       (do ((y))
			    (setf (package-nicknames old-package)
				  (push y
			 (format t "Enter a different nickname.")
			 (let ((answer (read)))
			   (if (or (not (find-package answer))
				   (eq (find-package answer)
			       (setq y answer)))))
		      (or (find-package x)
			    (setf (gethash (if (symbolp x)
					       (symbol-name x)
					       (the string x))
			    (setf (package-nicknames old-package)
				  (push x
	      (apply #'make-package name keys)))))

;; Gethash returns the correct value.

(defun find-package (name)
  "Find a package whose name is the string given, or the print name if it's a
  (values (gethash (if (symbolp name) (symbol-name name) (the string name))

;;; Does the same checking as make-package, using check-name.

(defun rename-package (package name &optional (nicknames ()))
  "Substitute the args for the appropriate fields in the given package."
  (let ((new-name (check-name name))
	(new-nicknames (mapcar #'check-name nicknames)))
    (remhash (package-name package) *package-obarray*)
    (dolist (nick (package-nicknames package))
      (remhash nick *package-obarray*))
    (setf (gethash new-name *package-obarray*) package)
    (dolist (nick new-nicknames)
      (setf (gethash new-name *package-obarray*) package))
    (setf (package-name package) new-name)
    (setf (package-nicknames package) new-nicknames)))

(proclaim '(special %lap-result))

;;; list-all-packages uses maphash and conses up a list from *package-obarray*

(defun list-all-packages ()
  "Return a list of all the packages in extent."
  (let ((%lap-result ()))
    (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
		 (pushnew y %lap-result))
;;;; Functions for handling symbols in packages.
;;; Looks for a symbol with name name using find-symbol,
;;; if its there, then the symbol is returned, o/w a new
;;; symbol with that name is created and returned.
;;; notes: name changed to intern when read knows not to send symbols.

;;;; Functions that have to do name conflict checking. (and there inverses)
;;; unintern checks to see if the symbol shadows anything. If it doesn't
;;; then the symbol is remhash'ed.
;;; Otherwise name conflicts are looked for and resolved if found,
;;; the symbol is removed the shadowing-symbols list and then 
;;; recurses.

(defun unintern (symbol &optional (package *package*))
  "Removes the symbol from the given package."
  (if (member (the symbol symbol)
	      (package-shadowing-symbols (the package package)))
       ;; The lambda returns nil if symbol was found in the package x,
       ;; under the assumption that the luser doesn't want that symbol
       ;; any more.
       ((symbol-list (delete-duplicates
		      (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
				   (new-symbol test)
				   (find-symbol (symbol-name symbol) x)
				   (if (eq test :external) new-symbol symbol)))
       ;; If there is only 1 element in symbol-list\symbol
       ;; then there is no conflict, and we go 
       ;; our merry way.
       (if (cdr (delete symbol symbol-list))
	   ;; handles the conflict, and calls unintern again.
	   (handle-revealed-name-conflict symbol symbol-list package)
	    (setf (package-shadowing-symbols package)
		  (delete symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)))
	    (unintern symbol package))))
      (let* ((name (symbol-name symbol))
	     (internal (multiple-value-list
			(gethash name (package-internal-symbols package)))))
	(if (eq (%sp-get-package symbol) package)
	    (%sp-set-package symbol nil))
	;; Remhash returns the proper value for the function.
	(if (second internal)(remhash name (package-internal-symbols package))
	    (remhash name (package-external-symbols package))))))

;;; Export does a find-symbol on each symbol in symbol list and
;;; for each package in the use-list of package. If a distinct symbol
;;; is found with the same name, a cerror is signaled.

(defun export (symbol-list &optional (package *package*))
  "Export makes it args external symbols in the given package,
  after checking for name conflicts in the used-by-list."
 (if (atom symbol-list) (setq symbol-list (list symbol-list)))
 (dolist (symbol symbol-list t)
   ;; If the thing is already external in the specified package, let it go.
   (multiple-value-bind (sym there)
			(gethash (symbol-name symbol)
				 (package-external-symbols package))
     (declare (ignore sym))
     (unless there
       (let* ((name (symbol-name (the symbol symbol)))
	      ;; Find all symbols with the same name that are accessible
	      ;; from packages using the given package.
	  (conflict-list (do ((x (package-used-by-list
				  (the package package))(cdr x))
			     ((null x) result)
			   (multiple-value-bind (conflict test)
						(find-symbol name (car x))
			     (if (and test
				      (not (member conflict
						    (car x)))))
				 (push (car x) result))))))
     (cond ((multiple-value-bind (x y) (find-symbol name package)
	      (declare (ignore x))
	      (not y))
	    (cerror "prompt for importing the symbol."
		    "Symbol ~S not available in ~S." symbol package)
	    (if (y-or-n-p "Should the symbol be imported ?")
		(progn (import symbol package)
		       (export symbol package))))
	    ((null conflict-list)
	      (remhash name
		       (package-internal-symbols package))
	      (setf (gethash name (package-external-symbols package))
	    (t (progn
		(cerror	"prompt for choice between symbol present and ~
			inherited symbol on a symbol by symbol, or ~
			package basis."
			"Exporting symbol ~S causes name conflict in  ~
			the package~P ~S."
			symbol (length conflict-list) conflict-list)
		(cond ((y-or-n-p
			(format nil "Do you want the symbol already present ~
				    to always take precedence ?"))
		       (dolist (x conflict-list)
			 (setf (package-shadowing-symbols x)
			       (push (find-symbol name x)
				     (package-shadowing-symbols x)))))
			(format nil "Do you want the symbol being exported to ~
				 always take precedence ?"))
		       (dolist (x conflict-list)
			 (unintern (find-symbol name x) x)
			 (let ((old (find-symbol name x)))
			   (if (second old) 
			       (shadowing-import symbol x)))))
		      (t (dolist (x conflict-list)
			   (if (y-or-n-p (format nil "Should the symbol ~
						 already present in package ~
						 ~S take precedence ?"
						 (package-name x)))
			       (push (find-symbol name x)
				     (package-shadowing-symbols x))
			       (unintern (find-symbol name x) x)))))
		(remhash name (package-internal-symbols package))
		(setf (gethash name (package-external-symbols package))

;;; Needs no name conlict checking.

(defun unexport (symbol-list &optional (package *package*))
  "Makes the symbols unavailable to using packages. The inverse of export."
  (if (atom symbol-list) (setq symbol-list (list symbol-list)))
  (dolist (symbol symbol-list t)
    (let ((name (symbol-name (the symbol symbol))))
      (remhash name (package-external-symbols (the package package)))
      (setf (gethash name (package-internal-symbols package)) symbol))))

;;; Import does all sorts of name checking.  Allows conflict resolution
;;; only on a symbol by symbol basis.

(defun import (symbol-list &optional (package *package*))
  "Make the symbols in symbol-list available as internal symbols
  to using packages."
  (if (atom symbol-list) (setq symbol-list (list symbol-list)))
  (dolist (symbol symbol-list t)
    (multiple-value-bind (conflict test)
			 (find-symbol (symbol-name (the symbol symbol))
      (if (and test (not (eq conflict symbol)))
	   (cerror "prompt for choice between old and new symbols."
		   "Symbol named ~S already available in ~S."
		   symbol package)
	   (if (y-or-n-p "Should the new symbol take precedence ?")
	       (shadowing-import symbol)))
	  (setf (gethash (symbol-name symbol)
			 (package-internal-symbols  package)) symbol)))))
;;;; Functions that have no name conflicts.
;;; Does import without worrying about name conflicts. All symbols in 
;;; symbol-list are put on the shadowing-symbols-list.

(defun shadowing-import (symbol-list &optional (package *package*))
  "Imports symbols in symbol-list and adds them to the 
  shadowing-symbols list of package. "
  ;; take care of atoms so iteration works on boundary case
  ;; I do this in a number of other places.
  (if (atom symbol-list) (setq symbol-list (list symbol-list)))
  (dolist (symbol symbol-list t)
     (multiple-value-bind (old-symbol test)
		       (find-symbol (symbol-name (the symbol symbol))
      (if (or (eq test :internal)
	      (eq test :external))
	   ;; So unintern doesn't worry about name-conflicts.
	   (setf (package-shadowing-symbols package)
		 (delete old-symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)))
	   (unintern old-symbol package)))
      (setf (package-shadowing-symbols package)
	    (push symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)))
      (setf (gethash (symbol-name symbol)
		     (package-internal-symbols package)) symbol))))

;;; Puts symbols in symbol-list on the shadowing-symbols-list of the package.

(defun shadow (symbol-list &optional (package *package*))
  "Creates a shadow for the arguments, does nothing if the symbol
  is directly present already."
  (if (symbolp symbol-list) (setq symbol-list (list symbol-list)))
  (dolist (symbol symbol-list t)
    (multiple-value-bind (old-symbol test)
			 (find-symbol (symbol-name (the symbol symbol))
      (declare (ignore old-symbol))
      (if (or (null test) (eq test :inherited))
	  (let* ((name (symbol-name symbol))
		 (new-symbol (make-symbol name)))
	    (%sp-set-package new-symbol package)	    
	    (setf (package-shadowing-symbols package)
		   (push new-symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)))
	    (setf (gethash name (package-internal-symbols package))

;;; Use-package does all sorts of name conflict checking. For each symbol
;;; in each package in package-list a find-symbol is done in
;;; %spec-package, and if a symbol is found, then an error is signalled.
;;; Allows conflict resolution on a package or symbol by symbol basis.

(defun use-package (package-list &optional (%spec-package *package*))
  "Put packages in package-list on the package use list of the given package." 
  (declare (special %spec-package))
  (setq package-list
	 #'(lambda (x) (cond ((packagep x) x)
			     ((or (and x (symbolp x)) (stringp x))
			      (or (find-package x) (error
"Unknown package ~S in call to use-package" x)))
			     (t (error "Illegal arg ~S to use-package" x))))
	 (if (atom package-list) (list package-list) package-list)))
  (dolist (current package-list t)		
    (let ((%conflict-list ()))
      ;; the following gross hack due to maphash lossage. and no-lex eval.
      (declare (special %conflict-list))
      (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
		   (multiple-value-bind (symbol test)
					(find-symbol x %spec-package)
		     (if (and test
			      (not (member symbol
			      (not (eq symbol y)))
			 (pushnew symbol %conflict-list))))
	       (package-external-symbols current))
      (if (null %conflict-list)
	   (setf (package-use-list %spec-package)
		 (pushnew current (package-use-list %spec-package)))
	   (setf (package-used-by-list current)
		 (pushnew %spec-package (package-used-by-list current))))
	   (cerror "Prompt for which symbols take precedence."
		   "The symbol~P in ~S conflict with ~
		   one~P already present in ~S."
		   (length %conflict-list)
		   current (length %conflict-list) %spec-package)
	    ((y-or-n-p (format nil "Do you want the symbols currently present ~
			       in ~S to take precedence ? " %spec-package))
	     (dolist (x %conflict-list)(shadowing-import x %spec-package)))
	    ((y-or-n-p (format nil "Do you want the symbols in ~S ~
			       to take precedence ? " current))
	     (dolist (x %conflict-list)
	       (shadowing-import (find-symbol (symbol-name x) current)
	    (t (dolist (x %conflict-list)
		 (if (y-or-n-p (format nil "Should the symbol ~S currently ~
				       in ~S take precedence ? " x
		     (shadowing-import x %spec-package)
		     (shadowing-import (find-symbol (symbol-name x)
	    (setf (package-use-list %spec-package)
		  (pushnew current (package-use-list %spec-package)))
	    (setf (package-used-by-list current)
		  (pushnew %spec-package (package-used-by-list current))))))))

;;; Unuse-package does no name conflict checking, it merely removes 
;;; the args from the given package.

(defun unuse-package (package-list &optional (package *package*))
  "Removes the packages in the first arg from the use-list of the second."
  (if (atom package-list)(setq package-list (list package-list)))
  (setq package-list
	 #'(lambda (x) (cond ((packagep x) x)
			     ((or (symbolp x) (stringp x))
			      (find-package x))
			      (error "Illegal arg to unuse-package ~S." x))))
  (dolist (x package-list)
    (setf (package-used-by-list x) (delete package (package-used-by-list x))))
  (setf (package-use-list package)
	(nset-difference  (package-use-list package) package-list))

(proclaim '(special %fas-string %fas-result))

(defun find-all-symbols (string-or-symbol)
  "Looks for symbol name string in all packages."
  (let ((%fas-string (if (stringp string-or-symbol) string-or-symbol
		    (symbol-name string-or-symbol)))
	(%fas-result ()))
    (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
		 (declare (ignore x))
		 (multiple-value-bind (new test) (find-symbol %fas-string y)
		   (if (and test (not (eq test :inherited)))
		       (pushnew new %fas-result))))
;;; Initialization.

(defun package-init ()

  ;; Common Lisp says that there's a System package, so here it is:
  (make-package "SYSTEM" :nicknames '("SYS"))

  ;; Lastly and leastly, the luser's package:
  (make-package "USER")

  (setq *package* (find-package "USER")))

;;; gctwa [garbage collect totally worthless atoms]
;;; Because we load first interpreted then compiled code, we will end
;;; up with variable names that are no longer being used.  In the
;;; compiled version, we want to get rid of them.  An atom is
;;; considered to be totally worthless if it has neither a function
;;; definition nor any properties.  Of course we do this only for
;;; internal symbols.

(defun gctwa (package)
  (maphash #'(lambda (ignore symbol)
	       (if (not (or (fboundp symbol)
			    (symbol-plist symbol)))
		   (unintern symbol package)))
	   (package-internal-symbols package)))
;;; Iteration macros:

;;; Instead of using slow, silly successor functions, we make the iteration
;;; guys be big PROG's.  Yea!

(eval-when (compile load eval)

(defun make-do-symbols-code (var str-var hash-table exit-form forms)
    `((maphash (function (lambda (,str-var ,var)


(defmacro do-symbols ((var &optional (package '*package*) result-form)
			  &rest forms)
  "Executes the Forms once for each symbol in accessible from the given 
   Package with Var bound to the current symbol."
  (let* ((PACKAGE-LOOP (gensym))
	 (package-list (gensym))
	 (hashtable-list (gensym))
	 (pname (gensym))
	 (internal-code (make-do-symbols-code
			 var pname `(package-internal-symbols ,package)
			 `(progn (setq ,hashtable-list
				       (cons (package-internal-symbols
			         (go ,PACKAGE-LOOP))
			 `((when (oksymbol ,pname ,hashtable-list)
	 (external-code (make-do-symbols-code
			 var pname `(package-external-symbols
				     (car ,package-list))
				 (setq ,hashtable-list
				       (cons (package-internal-symbols
					      (car ,package-list))
				 (setq ,package-list (cdr ,package-list))
				 (go ,PACKAGE-LOOP))
			 `((when (oksymbol ,pname ,hashtable-list)
    `(prog (,package-list ,hashtable-list)
	   (setq ,package-list (cons ,package (package-use-list ,package)))
           (if (null ,package-list)
	       (return ,result-form))

;;OKsymbol checks whether a symbol has already been seen

(defun oksymbol (pname hashlist)
   (cond ((null hashlist) t)
	 ((gethash pname (car hashlist)) nil)
	 (t (oksymbol pname (cdr hashlist)))))

(defmacro do-external-symbols ((var &optional (package '*package*) result-form)
			       &rest forms)
  "Executes the Forms once for each external symbol in the given Package with
  Var bound to the current symbol."
    `(prog nil
	      var 'ignore `(package-external-symbols ,package)
	      `(return ,result-form)

(defmacro do-all-symbols ((var &optional result-form)
			  &rest forms)
  "Executes the Forms once for each symbol in each package with Var bound
  to the current symbol."
  (let* ((PACKAGE-LOOP (gensym))
	 (TAG (gensym))
	 (package-list (gensym))
	 (internal-code (make-do-symbols-code
			 var 'ignore `(package-internal-symbols
				       (car ,package-list))
			 `(go ,TAG)
	 (external-code (make-do-symbols-code
			 var 'ignore `(package-external-symbols
				       (car ,package-list))
			 `(progn (setq ,package-list (cdr ,package-list))
				 (go ,PACKAGE-LOOP))
    `(prog (,package-list)
	   (setq ,package-list (list-all-packages))
           (if (null ,package-list)
	       (return ,result-form))

(defmacro do-most-symbols ((var &optional result-form)
			  &rest forms)
  "Executes the Forms once for each symbol in each package with Var bound
  to the current symbol.  This is like DO-ALL-SYMBOLS except that it
  ignores internal symbols in the LISP and COMPILER package."
  (let* ((PACKAGE-LOOP (gensym))
	 (TAG (gensym))
	 (package-list (gensym))
	 (internal-code (make-do-symbols-code
			 var 'ignore `(package-internal-symbols
				       (car ,package-list))
			 `(go ,TAG)
	 (external-code (make-do-symbols-code
			 var 'ignore `(package-external-symbols
				       (car ,package-list))
			 `(progn (setq ,package-list (cdr ,package-list))
				 (go ,PACKAGE-LOOP))
    `(prog (,package-list)
	   (setq ,package-list (list-all-packages))
           (if (null ,package-list)
	       (return ,result-form))
	   (unless (or (eq (car ,package-list) *lisp-package*)
		       (eq (car ,package-list) (find-package "CLC")))
;;; Apropos and Apropos-List.

(defun briefly-describe-symbol (symbol)
  (prin1 symbol)
  (when (boundp symbol)
    (write-string ", value: ")
    (prin1 (symbol-value symbol)))
  (when (fboundp symbol)
    (write-string (cond ((special-form-p symbol) ", special form: ")
			((macro-function symbol) ", macro: ")
			(t ", function: ")))
    (let ((*package* (symbol-package symbol)))
      (prin1 (desc-arglist symbol))))
  (write-char #\.))

(defun apropos (string &optional package &key predicate)
  "Briefly describe all symbols wich contain the specified String.
  If Package is supplied then only describe symbols present in that
  package.  If no package is given (or is NIL) then search all
  packages (except internal symbols of LISP and COMPILER package).  If
  Package is T then search all symbols.
  If Predicate is specified, only symbols for which the predicate
  (given one argument, the symbol) returns non-nil are described."
  (let ((string (coerce (if (stringp string) string (string string))
	(package (cond ((null package) nil)
		       ((eq package t) t)
			(typecase package
			  ((or symbol string) (find-package package))
			  (package package)
			  (t (error "~s isn't a package" package)))))))
    (declare (simple-string string))
    (cond ((null package)
	   (do-most-symbols (symbol)
	      (if (and (str-search string (symbol-name symbol))
		       (or (not predicate)
			   (funcall predicate symbol)))
		  (briefly-describe-symbol symbol))))
	  ((eq package t)
	   (do-all-symbols (symbol)
	      (if (and (str-search string (symbol-name symbol))
		       (or (not predicate)
			   (funcall predicate symbol)))
		  (briefly-describe-symbol symbol))))
	   (do-symbols (symbol package)
	      (if (and (str-search string (symbol-name symbol))
		       (or (not predicate)
			   (funcall predicate symbol)))
		  (briefly-describe-symbol symbol)))))

(defun apropos-list (string &optional package)
  "Identical to Apropos, except that it returns a list of the symbols
  found instead of describing them.
  If Predicate is specified, only symbols for which the predicate
  (given one argument, the symbol) returns non-nil are returned."
  (let ((string (coerce (if (stringp string) string (string string))
	(package (cond ((null package) nil)
		       ((eq package t) t)
		       (t (typecase package
		            ((or symbol string) (find-package package))
			    (package package)
			    (t (error "~s isn't a package" package))))))
	(list '()))
    (declare (simple-string string))
    (cond ((null package)
	   (do-most-symbols (symbol)
	      (if (and (str-search string (symbol-name symbol))
		       (or (not predicate)
			   (funcall predicate symbol)))
	          (push symbol list))))
    	  ((eq package t)
	   (do-all-symbols (symbol)
	      (if (and (str-search string (symbol-name symbol))
		       (or (not predicate)
			   (funcall predicate symbol)))
	          (push symbol list))))
	   (do-symbols (symbol package)
	      (if (and (str-search string (symbol-name symbol))
		       (or (not predicate)
			   (funcall predicate symbol)))
	          (push symbol list)))))

(defun str-search (sequence1 sequence2)
  (let ((start1 0) (end1 (length sequence1))
	(start2 0) (end2 (length sequence2)))
   (do ((index2 start2 (1+ index2))
	(terminus (- end2 (- end1 start1)))
	(last-match ()))
       ((> index2 terminus) last-match)
     (if (do ((index index2 (1+ index))
	      (sub-index start1 (1+ sub-index)))
             ((= sub-index end1) t)
           (if (not (eq (equal-char-int (schar sequence2 index))
			(equal-char-int (schar sequence1 sub-index))))
	       (return nil)))
	 (return t)))))