
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/lap.clisp
There are no other files named lap.clisp in the archive.
;;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file

;;; Loads Dec-20 Common Lisp Lap files into CLISP.  
;;; Written by JoSH.

;;; LAP code (this version) looks much like ordinary MIDAS (or MACRO)
;;; code. For the common instruction, the format is (opcode reg1 efad reg2),
;;; which translates into   opcode reg1,efad(reg2).

;;; some instructions do not fall into this schema.  Besides the special
;;; case ones, the "instructions" that reference code addresses are
;;; of the general form (opcode tag) where tag is an integer.  
;;; Opcodes for these are LABEL, JRST, and JRST1.  (JRST1 foo) means
;;; jrst foo+1.

;;; registers are named symbolically, eg. P, Q, O2, etc.
;;; Stack references are compiled completely, to give instructions like
;;; (move o1 -3 q)

;;; (special n)               special #n (from constants list)
;;; (constant n)              constant #n (from constants list)
(in-package "COMPILER")
(proclaim '(fixnum t))

;;;; the loader runs in the compiler package but must read files
;;; with *package* set to the user's package so his functions
;;; and constants etc will be read right.  To read the lap instructions
;;; into the right package, we use the pair of readmacros #_ 
;;; (read the following form in the compiler package) and #0_
;;; (used inside a #_ form to read a subform in the package prevailing
;;; outside the #_).

;;; note that *clc-package* is defined in Lclc.Clisp

(defvar *back-package* nil
  "to save the outside package in #_ / #0_ constructs")

(defun |#_-reader| (stream char arg)
  (declare (ignore char))
  (if arg (let ((*package* *back-package*)) (read stream t nil t))
      (let ((*back-package* *package*) (*package* *clc-package*))
	(read stream t nil t))))

(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\_ #'|#_-reader|)
(defvar codelist nil
  "List of LAP code.")

(defvar codewords 0
  "Number of code words needed for this function.  In pass 2 this is the
  actual address of the function.")

(defvar secnum 1
  "Section number for this code, in the left half.")

(defvar constants 0
  "The address of the constants block (full word address)")

(defvar consts 0
  "The address of the constants block (half word address)")

(defvar constants-lst nil
  "A list of all the constants used in this function.")

(defvar ucon nil
  "Unboxed constants list.")

(defvar labels nil
  "Vector of label addresses, indexed by label number.")

(defvar orgucon 0
  "Address of the first unboxed constant.")

(defvar odd-section nil
  "If in an odd section this is T, else NIL.")

;;; Get the name and type from the header
(defvar funname nil
  "Name of the function.")

(defvar funtype nil
  "Type of the function.")

(defvar entry-pts nil
  "List of entry points into the function gotten from the compiler.")

(defvar entry-vector nil
  "Entry vector to be used in the actual function defn.")

(defvar rest-arg nil
  "If non-nil, there is a rest arg for this function; an arbitratily
  large number of args might be passed.")

(defvar funclist nil
  "list of all functions called in this function")
;;;; Auxiliary functions and macros used in the instruction processing

;;; Cinst counts the number of codewords needed for this function.  This
;;; is done in pass 1.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro cinst (nw) `(incf codewords ,nw)))

;;; Cfunc "counts" functions called
(defun cfunc (fn) (pushnew fn funclist))

;;; lapval turns 'o2 into 6, etc
(defun lapval (ob)
  (cond ((null ob) 0)
	((numberp ob) ob)
	((symbolp ob) (if (> (%sp-get-value ob) #o1000000) (diep ob)
			  (%sp-get-value ob)))
	((consp ob) ob)
	(t (error "can't assess ~S" ob))))

;;; Dinst deposits the instruction at the codewords location.  This is done
;;; in pass 2.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro dinst (inst reg efad)
  `(progn (%deposit-instruction codewords ,inst ,reg ,efad)
	  (incf codewords))))

;;; Dpast computes the offset from the register.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro dpast (off reg)			; assemble "off(reg)"
  `(+ (rh ,off) (ash ,reg 18))))

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro atpast (off reg)			; assemble "@off(reg)"
  `(+ indirect (rh ,off) (ash ,reg 18))))

;;; Dconst returns the location of the given constant.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro dconst (con)
  `(+ consts ,con)))

;;; Dspec returns the location of the given special, with the indirect
;;; bit turned on to reference tha value cell.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro dspec (con)
  `(+ consts ,con indirect)))

;;; Dentry gives you the address of an entry point

(defun dentry (ent)
  (case (setq ent (nth ent entry-pts))
    (2-few (get '%TOO-FEW-ARGS 'sym))
    (2-many (get '%TOO-MANY-ARGS 'sym))
    (t (+ secnum (svref labels ent)))))

;;; Jump constants.  Used by PUSHJ

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro dfunc (func)
  `(+ indirect (rh (%function-address-block ,func codewords)))))

;; deposit internal entry point
(defun diep (func &aux (x (get func 'SYM)))
  (or x (error "~S is not a system internal entry point." func))
  (if (= (ash x -18) (ash codewords -18))
      (rh x)
      (+ indirect (rh (or (%int-ent-tab x codewords)
			  (+ (position x ucon) orgucon)))))))

(defun ciep (func &aux (x (get func 'SYM)))
  (or x (error "~S is not a system internal entry point." func))
  (or (< x #o1000000) (%int-ent-tab x codewords) (pushnew x ucon)))

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro .bp (len off efad) `(+ (ash ,len 24) (ash ,off 30) ,efad)))
;;;; this is the loader itself

(defmacro lap (fname fntype entry-pts constants-lst &rest fnlist)
  `(lap1 ',fname ',fntype ',(cadr entry-pts) ',constants-lst
	 ',(caddr entry-pts) ',fnlist))

(defun lap1 (funname funtype entry-pts constants-lst
		     rest-arg codelist)
  (let ((codewords 0)
	(constants (length constants-lst))
	(consts 0)
	(funclist nil)
	(x nil)
	(entry-vector (make-array 9))			; [Victor]
	(labels (create-labels)))
    ;; Pass 1 counts the number of instructions and defines labels
    ;; now we know how big it is, 
    (setq x (%allocate-bps constants codewords (length funclist) NIL))
    (setq constants (car x))		; Address of start of constants
    (setq consts (rh constants))
    (setq codewords (cdr x))		; Address of start of code block
    (setq secnum (ash codewords -18))
    (setq odd-section (not (eq 1 secnum)))
    (setq secnum (ash secnum 18))
    (coderel codewords)			; Relocate code to absolute locations.
    (condep)				; Deposit constants
    (setf (svref entry-vector 7) funname)
    (%sp-set-definition funname (if (memq funtype
					  '(expr closure auxiliary one-shot))
				    `(subr ,entry-vector)
				    `(macro subr ,entry-vector))))
  (if (eq funtype 'one-shot) (funcall funname))

(defun create-labels ()
  (let ((hi 0))
    (dolist (x codelist)
      (if (eq 'label (car x))
	  (setq hi (max (cadr x) hi))))
    (make-array (1+ hi))))

;;; Coderel relocates code (labels) to absolute locations.

(defun coderel (codad)
  (setq codad (rh codad))
  (dotimes (i (length labels))
    (if (svref labels i)
	(incf (svref labels i) codad))))

;;; Condep deposits constants into core.

(defun condep ()
  (let ((z constants))
    (dolist (x constants-lst)
      (%deposit-object-pointer z x)
      (incf z))))

;;; machine-code related functions and constants

(defun rh (w) (boole boole-and w #o777777))

(defvar indirect #o20000000)	; Specifies "@" in an address

(defvar p	(get 'p 'sym))		; regular PDL for fn linkage
(defvar sp	(get 'sp 'sym))		; binding stack
(defvar o1	(get 'o1 'sym))		; first of the five LISP object regs
(defvar o2	(+ o1 1))  (%put 'o2 'sym o2)
(defvar o3	(+ o1 2))  (%put 'o3 'sym o3)
(defvar o4	(+ o1 3))  (%put 'o4 'sym o4)
(defvar o5	(+ o1 4))  (%put 'o5 'sym o5)
(defvar o6	(get 'o6 'sym))		; temp for lots of things
(defvar q	(get 'q 'sym))		; the value stack for locals
(defvar n	(get 'n 'sym))		; for number of args
(defvar w2	(get 'w2 'sym))		; for jsp links to internals
(defvar w3	(+ w2 1))
(defvar w4	(+ w2 2))
(defvar mvp     (get 'mvp 'sym))	; M V stack pointer
(defvar ufo	(get 'ufo 'sym))
(defvar at%dsp  5)			; fadr block offset--
					; make sure this agrees w/BOOT!!!
;;; Macro opcode octal definitions

(defvar jsp    #o265)
(defvar adjsp  #o105)
(defvar pushj  #o260)
(defvar popj   #o263)
(defvar move   #o200)
(defvar dmove  #o120)
(defvar movem  #o202)
(defvar dmovem #o124)
(defvar movei  #o201)
(defvar xmovei #o415)
(defvar addi   #o271)
(defvar subi   #o275)
(defvar add    #o270)
(defvar sub    #o274)
(defvar jrst   #o254)
(defvar camn   #o316)
(defvar came   #o312)
(defvar camle  #o313)
(defvar caml   #o311)
(defvar camge  #o315)
(defvar camg   #o317)
(defvar jumpe  #o322)
(defvar jumpn  #o326)
(defvar setam  #o426)
(defvar setzm  #o402)
(defvar setzb  #o403)
(defvar push   #o261)
(defvar pop    #o262)
(defvar tlnn   #o607)
(defvar tlne   #o603)
(defvar tdzn   #o636)
(defvar tdcn   #o656)
(defvar caia   #o304)
(defvar cain   #o306)
(defvar caige  #o305)
(defvar caile  #o303)
(defvar cail   #o301)
(defvar caig   #o307)
(defvar caie   #o302)
(defvar setz   #o400)
(defvar jump   #o320)
(defvar aos    #o350)
(defvar xct    #o256)
(defvar movn   #o210)
(defvar ldb    #o135)
(defvar jumpa  #o324)
(defvar tlz    #o621)
(defvar add    #o270)
(defvar skipe  #o332)
(defvar skipa  #o334)
(defvar skipn  #o336)
(defvar tdza   #o634)
(defvar lsh    #o242)
(defvar hlrz   #o554)

;;; Def-p1 creates a macro-like pass-1 processor for the specified op.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro def-p1 (fn name arglist &body body)
    (defun ,name ,(if arglist (cons '&optional arglist)) ,@body)
    (setf (get ',fn 'cp1) ',name))))

;;; Dlm creates a macro-like Pass-2 processor for the specified op.

(eval-when (eval)
(defmacro dlm (fn name arglist &body body)
    (defun ,name ,(if arglist (cons '&optional arglist)) ,@body)
    (setf (get ',fn 'cp2) ',name))))

;;; Pass 1 over the lap code.  If there is a special processor the this
;;; lapcode instruction, run that.  Or if the efad field might be an
;;; internal sym reference, check it.

(defun cpass-1 ()
  (dolist (inst codelist)
    (let ((p1 (get (car inst) 'cp1)))
      (cond (p1 (apply p1 (cdr inst)))
	    (t (cinst 1)
	       (and (caddr inst) (symbolp (caddr inst))
		    (ciep (caddr inst)))))))
  (cond (ucon (setq orgucon codewords) (cinst (length ucon)))))

;;; count the sub-entry-vector code, if any

(def-p1 code-start code-start-cp1 ()
  (let ((lep (length entry-pts)))
    (if (> lep 7) (cinst (- lep 3)))))

(def-p1 call call-cp1 (fn nargs)
  (cfunc fn)
  (cinst (if (< nargs 6) 1 2)))

(def-p1 fcall fcall-cp1 (nargs)
  (cinst (if (< nargs 6) 4 5)))

(def-p1 icall icall-cp1 (fn)
  (ciep fn)  (cinst 1))

(def-p1 label label-cp1 (lbl)
  (setf (svref labels lbl) (rh codewords)))

(def-p1 spec-bind spec-bind-cp1 (var)
  (cinst 2))

(def-p1 unbind unbind-cp1 (nv)
  (cinst (ceiling nv 5)))

(def-p1 continue continue-cp1 ()
  (cinst 0))

(def-p1 adjust-values adjust-values-cp1 (nv)
  (cinst (case nv (0 1) ((1 2) 3) ((3 4) 5) (5 7) (t 2))))

;;; Pass 2 over the lap code.  Run the special processor for each lapcode
;;; instruction.  These generate and deposit the actual code.

(defun cpass-2 ()
  (dolist (inst codelist)
    (let ((spec (get (car inst) 'cp2)))
      (if spec (apply spec (cdr inst)) (stdinst inst))))
  (dolist (x ucon) (%deposit-word codewords x) (incf codewords)))

(defun stdinst (inst)
  (let ((opcode (lapval (car inst)))
	(reg1 (lapval (cadr inst)))
	(efad (lapval (caddr inst)))
	(reg2 (lapval (cadddr inst))))
    (dinst opcode reg1 
	   (+ (ash reg2 18)
	      (cond ((numberp efad) (rh efad))
		    ((eq (car efad) 'constant) (+ consts (cadr efad)))
		    ((eq (car efad) 'special)
		     (+ consts (cadr efad) indirect))
		    (t (error "Can't grok ~S" inst)))))))

(dlm code-start code-start-cp2 ()
  (let ((lep (length entry-pts)))
     (dotimes (enum 6)		; iterate over 0-5
       (setf (svref entry-vector enum) (dentry enum)))
     (setf (svref entry-vector 6)
	   (if (> lep 7)
	       (dentry 6)))
     (when (> lep 7)
	(dinst caile n (1- lep))
	(if rest-arg (dinst jrst 0 (rh (dentry (1- lep))))
	    (dinst jrst 0 (diep '%TOO-MANY-ARGS)))
	(dinst jrst 0 (+ indirect (dpast (- codewords 5) n)))
	(do ((x (nthcdr 6 entry-pts) (cdr x))
	     (i 6 (1+ i)))
	    ((null x))
	  (dinst 0 0 (dentry i))))))
(dlm spec-bind spec-bind-cp2 (var)
     (dinst push sp (dconst (cadr var)))
     (dinst push sp (dspec (cadr var))))

(dlm unbind unbind-cp2 (nv)
     (dotimes (i (floor nv 5)) (dinst pushj p (diep 'ub5)))
     (unless (zerop (mod nv 5))
	     (dinst pushj p (diep (nth (mod nv 5)
				       '(nil ub1 ub2 ub3 ub4))))))

(dlm jrst jrst-cp2 (lbl reg)
     (setq reg (lapval reg))
     (dinst jrst 0 (+ (svref labels lbl) (ash reg 18))))

(dlm jrst1 jrst1-cp2 (lbl reg)
     (setq reg (lapval reg))
     (dinst jrst 0 (+ 1 (svref labels lbl) (ash reg 18))))

(dlm jumpe jumpe-cp2 (reg lbl reg2)
     (setq reg (lapval reg))
     (setq reg2 (lapval reg2))
     (dinst jumpe reg (+ (svref labels lbl) (ash reg2 18))))

(dlm jumpn jumpn-cp2 (reg lbl reg2)
     (setq reg (lapval reg))
     (setq reg2 (lapval reg2))
     (dinst jumpn reg (+ (svref labels lbl) (ash reg2 18))))

(dlm jumpe1 jumpe1-cp2 (reg lbl reg2)
     (setq reg (lapval reg))
     (setq reg2 (lapval reg2))
     (dinst jumpe reg (+ 1 (svref labels lbl) (ash reg2 18))))

(dlm jumpn1 jumpn1-cp2 (reg lbl reg2)
     (setq reg (lapval reg))
     (setq reg2 (lapval reg2))
     (dinst jumpn reg (+ 1 (svref labels lbl) (ash reg2 18))))

(dlm icall icall-cp2 (fn)
     (dinst pushj p (diep fn)))

(dlm call call-cp2 (fn nargs)
     (cond ((< nargs 6)
	      (dinst pushj p (+ nargs (dfunc fn))))
	   (t (dinst movei n nargs)
	      (dinst pushj p (+ 6 (dfunc fn))))))

(dlm fcall fcall-cp2 (nargs)
     (unless (< nargs 6) (dinst movei n nargs))
     (dinst skipe w2 (dpast at%dsp o6))
     (dinst tlne o6 #o760000)
     (dinst pushj p (diep 'ufo))
     (dinst pushj p (atpast (min nargs 6) w2)))

(dlm label label-cp2 (lbl)
    (or (eq (svref labels lbl) (rh codewords))
	(error "Label mismatch at label ~S.  Addr ~S doesn't equal ~S."
	       lbl (svref labels lbl) (rh codewords)))))

(dlm continue continue-cp2 ()

(dlm adjust-values adjust-values-cp2 (v)
     (case v
       (0 (dinst movei n 0))
       ((1 2) (dinst caige n 2)
	      (dinst  dmovem 0 (dpast o1 n))
	      (dinst movei n v))
       ((3 4) (dinst caige n 4)
	      (dinst  dmovem 0 (dpast o1 n))
	      (dinst caige n 2)
	      (dinst  dmovem 0 (dpast o3 n))
	      (dinst movei n v))
       (5 (dinst caige n 5)
	  (dinst  dmovem 0 (dpast o1 n))
	  (dinst caige n 3)
	  (dinst  dmovem 0 (dpast o3 n))
	  (dinst caige n 1)
	  (dinst  movem 0 o5)
	  (dinst movei n v))
       (t (dinst movei w2 v)
	  (dinst pushj p (diep 'adjust-values)))))