
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/emacs.clisp
There are no other files named emacs.clisp in the archive.
;;; -*- Mode:CLisp; Package:Emacs -*-
; Aida::Ss:<Clisp.Upsala>Emacs.Clisp.7,  8-May-86 01:30:50, Edit by Victor
; Make get-definition hack special forms.
; Aida::Ss:<Clisp.Upsala>Emacs.Clisp.50,  1-Sep-85 15:44:28, Ed: Victor
; Completed the Lisp part, I think?
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; This is the Lisp part of the Common Lisp<->Emacs interface, written by
;;; Bjorn Victor, Computing Science Dept, Uppsala University, Sweden.

(provide "EMACS")
(in-package "EMACS" :nicknames '("TECO"))
;(shadow )
(export '(ed edit emacs start-emacs kill-emacs get-definition))
(eval-when (eval load)
  (or (fboundp (find-symbol "EDITOR-MODIFIED-P" *lisp-package*))
      (load "clisp:modified-p.lap")))
(use-package "LISP")

(import '(lisp::editor-kill-fork lisp::editor-create-fork
	  lisp::editor-buffer-size lisp::editor-call-fork 
	  lisp::editor-get-fork lisp::editor-set-modified
	  lisp::editor-write-channel lisp::editor-run-fork
	  lisp::editor-clip-buffer lisp::editor-set-jcl
	  lisp::editor-clear-buffer lisp::editor-read-channel

(make-feature :emacs)

(defconstant ESC (string #\escape) "The Escape character")
(defvar *emacs-started* nil "Flag that Emacs started our way")

(defun string-conc (&rest args)
  "Concatenate args to one string"
  (apply #'concatenate
	 (cons 'string
	       (mapcar #'string

; Same thing as editor-create-fork, except it starts EMACS in entry vector
; position 2, to set FS LISPT nonzero.
(defun init-emacs-top-level ()
  "Initiate emacs top level"
  (cond (*emacs-started*
	 (editor-set-modified nil))	; Make sure buffer isn't modified
	 (editor-kill-fork)		; Kill any Emacs
	 (setq *emacs-started* (editor-get-fork))	; Get a new
	 (editor-set-jcl (string-conc "CLISP " ESC "m(m.m CLISP mode" ESC ")"
				      ESC "0fsEXIT" ESC ESC)) ; Set up JCL
	 (editor-run-fork 2)		; Make FS LISPT nonzero
	 (editor-set-modified nil)))	; Make sure buffer isn't modified

(defun start-emacs ()
  "Start EMACS.
  Good for re-setting terminal length etc, which is only read at start.
  Good anytime EMACS seems screwed up."
  (emacs t))

(defun emacs (&optional start-it)
  "Read-Eval-Print top level for Emacs.
  The optional Start-It argument should be non-nil to start Emacs
  instead of just continuing it."
  (let ((terminal-modes (get-terminal-modes *terminal-io*)))
     (catch 'user::exit-emacs
       (set-terminal-modes *terminal-io* :translate nil)
       (init-emacs-top-level)		; Init Emacs
	(when (editor-modified-p)	; User wants something done
	  (let ((input (read (editor-read-channel) nil)) ; Read what
		(och (editor-write-channel)))
	    (editor-buffer-size 0)	; Close gap
	    (let ((*standard-output* och))
	      (dolist (x (multiple-value-list (eval input))) ; Eval to buffer
		(format t "~S~%" x)))	; And print result there too
	    (editor-clip-buffer och))	; Clip buffer
	  (editor-set-modified nil))	; Don't redo it
	(editor-run-fork	        ; Continue (or start) Emacs
	 (and start-it (progn (setq start-it nil)
					; Throw out: Reset terminal
     (apply #'set-terminal-modes *terminal-io* terminal-modes)))
  (editor-set-modified nil))		; Make sure we don't read again

(defun ed (&optional thing)
  "Edits something.  With no argument or NIL, just continues EMACS.
  With a symbol name, it edits the incore definition.
  With a pathname or string, it edits a file."
  (cond ((null thing))			; No args
	((symbolp thing)		; Edit function
(error "NYI - This feature is Not Yet Implemented~%~
       Meanwhile, use M-X Edit Definition$ in EMACS instead")
	 (if (not (get-definition thing)) ; Any definition?
	     (error "No definition for ~S to edit." thing)) ; No
	 (tell-emacs :edit-function thing)) ; Yes, tell Emacs to edit it
	(t				; Else must be a filespec
	 (tell-emacs :edit-file (namestring thing)))) ; Tell Emacs about it
  (emacs))				; And go to Emacs

(defmacro edit (&optional thing)
  "Edits something.  Just like ED except that is does not evaluate its
  `(ed ',thing))

(defun tell-emacs (&optional &key
			     (edit-file nil ?file)
			     (edit-function nil ?function)
			     (teco-code nil ?teco))
  "Tell Emacs to do something through JCL."
  (cond (?file
	 (let ((jcl (string-conc "CLISP m(m.mFind File" ESC
					  ")" edit-file ESC)))
	   (if ?teco
	       (setq jcl (string-conc jcl ESC teco-code)))
	   (editor-set-jcl jcl)))
	 (let ((jcl
		(string-conc "CLISP m(m.mEdit Definition" ESC ")"
			     edit-function ESC))) 
	   (editor-set-jcl jcl)))
	((and ?teco (not ?file))
	 (editor-set-jcl (string-conc "CLISP " teco-code)))
	 (error "You must tell me what to tell Emacs"))))

(defun kill-emacs ()
  "Kills Emacs, as we know it"
  (setq *emacs-started* nil)

(defun get-definition (sym)
  "Get a definition for sym.  Either a sexpr or a filename is returned."
  (flet ((car-or-it (x)
	   (if (listp x) (car x) x)))
  (if (not (fboundp sym)) nil		; No definition?
    (cond ((or (compiledp sym) (special-form-p sym)) ; If compiled, 
	    (documentation sym 'lisp::source))) ; try getting the source file
	  ((car-or-it (documentation sym 'lisp::source)))
	   (let ((fun (symbol-function sym)))	; Else get function
	     (case (car fun)
	       (lambda			; Get a lambda
		(string-trim '(#\Newline #\Space #\Tab)
			     (with-output-to-string (s)
			       (pprint (pretty-lambda-to-defun sym fun) s))))
	       (macro			; Or a macro
		(string-trim '(#\Newline #\Space #\Tab)
			     (with-output-to-string (s)
				(cons 'macro (cdr (pretty-lambda-to-defun
						   sym (cdr fun)))) s))))
	       (t `(setf (symbol-function ,sym) ',fun))))))))) ; Or something else

;;;**** This should already have been in Doc-Strings.Clisp

(defmacro def-doc (sym descr)
  `(lisp::%set-documentation ,sym 'function ,descr))

(def-doc 'editor-call-fork
  "Calls the editor fork's Fs Superior with the integer arg given")

(def-doc 'editor-set-jcl
  "Sets up JCL for the editor")

(def-doc 'editor-run-fork
  "Starts the editor. With a small integer arg starts the fork at that entry
  vector offset. If arg is NIL and the fork has been started, continues, else
  starts in entry vector offset 0.")

(def-doc 'editor-clear-buffer
  "Clears the current buffer")

(def-doc 'editor-write-channel
  "Returns a channel for writing into the buffer at point.")

(def-doc 'editor-read-channel
  "Returns a channel for reading from the buffer.")

(def-doc 'editor-create-fork
  "Make sure the editor has a valid buffer")

(def-doc 'editor-clip-buffer
  "Call after done writing - updates point, etc.")

(def-doc 'editor-set-modified
  "Sets the current buffer modified or not (T/NIL)")

(def-doc 'editor-kill-fork
  "Kill the current editor fork if it exists")

(def-doc 'editor-buffer-size
  "Returns the size of the buffer")

(def-doc 'editor-get-fork
 "Make sure we have an editor fork.  Creating it if needed.")