
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/array.clisp
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;;; -*- Lisp -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Functions to implement arrays for Spice Lisp 
;;; Written by Joe Ginder. 
;;; Rewritten and currently maintained by Skef Wholey.
;;; The array functions are part of the standard Spicelisp environment.
;;; **********************************************************************

(in-package 'lisp)

(export '(array-rank-limit make-array array-element-type array-rank
	  array-dimension array-dimensions array-total-size array-in-bounds-p
	  array-row-major-index adjustable-array-p bit-and bit-ior
	  bit-xor bit-eqv bit-nand bit-nor bit-andc1 bit-andc2 bit-orc1
	  bit-orc2 bit-not array-has-fill-pointer-p fill-pointer vector-push
	  vector-push-extend vector-pop adjust-array))

;20; get rid of all %primitive's.  We just use them as functions

;20; anything above this will probably blow the stack
(defconstant array-rank-limit 262144
  "The maximum number of dimensions an array may have.")
;;; Macros for Make-Array:

(eval-when (compile eval)

(defmacro array-linear-length (dimensions)
  `(do ((dimensions ,dimensions (cdr dimensions))
	(length 1))
       ((null dimensions) length)
     (declare (fixnum length))
     (setq length (* length (the fixnum (car dimensions))))))
;;; Init-Array-Data initializes the data vector of the Array.  If the Array
;;; is displaced, its data vector is set to the data vector of the array to
;;; which it is displaced.  If initial contents are specified, these are used
;;; to fill the array.  If neither of the above conditions are satisfied,
;;; the array is filled with the given initial value (or what it defaults to).

(defmacro init-array-data (array size type rank ival icontents disp-to)
  `(header-set ,array %array-data-slot
	      (cond ((slisp-array-p ,disp-to)
		     (header-ref ,disp-to %array-data-slot))
		    ((arrayp ,disp-to)
		     (copy-initial-contents ,size ,type ,rank ,icontents))
		    ((eq ,type 'bit)
		     (U-data-vec ,size '(mod 2) ,ival))
		    ((and (listp ,type) (eq (car ,type) 'mod))
		     (U-data-vec ,size ,type ,ival))
		     (B-data-vec ,size ,type ,ival)))))

(defun make-array (dimensions &key
       (element-type t)
       (initial-element '%%default)
       (adjustable ())
       (fill-pointer ())
       (displaced-to ())
       (displaced-index-offset 0))
  "Returns a newly constructed array with the dimensions and options 
   specified.  See manual for details."
    (if (not (listp dimensions)) (setq dimensions (list dimensions)))
    (if (eq fill-pointer t) (setq fill-pointer (car dimensions)))
    (let ((array-rank (length (the list dimensions))))
      (declare (fixnum array-rank))
      (if (and (not adjustable) (= array-rank 1)
	       (not displaced-to) (not fill-pointer))
	  (if initial-contents
	      (copy-initial-contents (car dimensions) element-type
				     1 initial-contents)
		((eq element-type 'bit)
		 (U-data-vec (car dimensions) '(mod 2) initial-element))
		((and (listp element-type) (eq (car element-type) 'mod))
		 (U-data-vec (car dimensions) element-type initial-element))
		 (B-data-vec (car dimensions) element-type initial-element))))
	  (let ((array-size (array-linear-length dimensions))
		(array (%sp-alloc-array array-rank)))
	    (init-array-data array array-size element-type array-rank
			     initial-element initial-contents displaced-to)
	    (header-set array %array-length-slot array-size)
	    (header-set array %array-fill-pointer-slot
		       (if fill-pointer fill-pointer array-size))
	    (header-set array %array-displacement-slot
		       (cond ((not (arrayp displaced-to)) 0)
			     ((integerp displaced-index-offset)
			     (T 0)))
	    (do ((dimensions dimensions (cdr dimensions))
		 (index %array-first-dim-slot (1+ index)))
		((null dimensions))
	      (declare (fixnum index))
	      (header-set array index (car dimensions)))

;;; Make-vector is no longer in the language, use Make-array.  To make sure
;;; set things so that they get make-array if trying to call make-vector.

(setf (symbol-function 'make-vector) #'make-array)
(%put (quote lisp::make-vector) (quote lisp::%fun-documentation)
  (quote "Make-vector is obsolete.  Use Make-array."))

;(defun make-vector (length &key
;       (element-type t)
;       (initial-element '%%default)
;       (initial-contents))
;  "Like Make-Array, but returns a simple vector always."
;    (cond (initial-contents
;	   (copy-initial-contents length element-type 1 initial-contents))
;	  ((eq element-type 'bit)
;	   (U-data-vec length '(mod 2) initial-element))
;	  ((and (listp element-type) (eq (car element-type) 'mod))
;	   (U-data-vec length element-type initial-element))
;	  (t
;	   (B-data-vec length element-type initial-element))))

;20; vector is in the kernel
;;; U-Data-Vec returns a data vector of unboxed objects initialized to Ival.

(defun U-data-vec (size type ival)
  (declare (fixnum size ival))
  (let* ((access-code (let ((n (cadr type)))
			(declare (fixnum n))
			 ((<= n 2) 0)
			 ((<= n 4) 1)
			 ((<= n 16) 2)
			 ((<= n 256) 3)
			 ((<= n 65536) 4)
			 (t (error "~S is too big a modulo type." type)))))
	 (data-vec (%sp-alloc-u-vector size access-code)))
    (declare (fixnum access-code))
    (if (and (not (eq ival '%%default)) (< ival (the fixnum (cadr type))))
	(do ((index 0 (1+ index)))
	    ((= index size) data-vec)
	  (declare (fixnum index))
	  (%sp-saset1 data-vec index ival))

;;; B-Data-Vec returns a data vector of boxed objects initialized to Ival.

(defun b-data-vec (size type ival)
  (if (eq type 'string-char)
      (if (eq ival '%%default)
	  (%sp-alloc-string size)
	  (make-string size :initial-element ival))
       (case type
	 ((t) (if (eq ival '%%default) nil ival))
	 ((random list cons function closure)
	  (if (typep ival type) ival ()))
	 ((fixnum bignum integer rational scalar)
	  (if (typep ival type) ival
	    (error "The initial-element, ~s, is not of type ~s" ival type)))
	 ((float short-float long-float single-float double-float)
	  (if (typep ival type) ival (coerce 0 type)))
	 (character (if (characterp ival) ival #\space))
	 (string (if (stringp ival) ival ""))
	 (symbol (if (and (symbolp ival) (not (eq ival '%%default)))
	 (vector (if (vectorp ival) ival '#()))
	 (array (if (arrayp ival) ival '#()))
	 (complex (error "Complex numbers aren't implemented yet."))
	 (T (if (typep ival type) ival ()))))))
;;; Copy-Initial-Contents returns a data vector formed by copying the sequences
;;; in the initial contents, Icontents.  We allocate a data vector using one
;;; of the above functions, and then spin off to an auxiliary function to
;;; recursively copy the initial contents into the data vector.

(defun copy-initial-contents (size type rank icontents)
  (let ((data (cond
		 ((eq type 'bit)
		  (u-data-vec size '(mod 2) '%%default))
		 ((and (listp type) (eq (car type) 'mod))
		  (u-data-vec size type '%%default))
		  (b-data-vec size type nil)))))
    (copy-contents-aux icontents type rank 0 data)

(defun copy-contents-aux (icontents type depth index data)
  (cond ((= depth 0)
	 (if (typep icontents type)
	     (%sp-saset1 data index icontents)
	     (error "~S is not if type ~S, and can't be used as contents."
		     icontents type))
	 (1+ index))
	((listp icontents)
	 (do ((icontents icontents (cdr icontents)))
	     ((null icontents) index)
	   (setq index (copy-contents-aux
			(car icontents) type (1- depth) index data))))
	((vectorp icontents)
	 (do ((i-index 0 (1+ i-index))
	      (i-end (length icontents)))
	     ((= i-index i-end) index)
	   (setq index (copy-contents-aux
			(aref icontents index) type (1- depth) index data))))
	 (error "~S is a bad thing to initialize array contents with."
;;; A helpful macro:

(eval-when (compile eval)

(defmacro linearize-subscripts (array subscripts)
  `(do ((subscripts (nreverse (the list ,subscripts)) (cdr subscripts))
	(dim-index (1- (header-length array)) (1- dim-index))
	(chunk-size 1)
	(result 0)
       ((= dim-index %array-dim-base)
	(if (atom subscripts)
	    (+ (the fixnum (header-ref ,array %array-displacement-slot))
	    (error "Too many subscripts for array reference.")))
     (declare (fixnum dim-index chunk-size result axis))
     (setq axis (header-ref ,array dim-index))
     (cond ((atom subscripts)
	    (error "Too few subscripts for array reference."))
	   ((not (< -1 (the fixnum (car subscripts)) axis))
	    (error "Subscript (~S) is out of bounds." (car subscripts)))
	    (setq result (+ result (* (the fixnum (car subscripts))
	    (setq chunk-size (* chunk-size axis))))))

(defmacro linearize-subscripts* (subscripts dim-list)
  `(do ((subscripts ,subscripts (cdr subscripts))
	(dim-list ,dim-list (cdr dim-list))
	(chunk-size 1)
	(result 0))
       ((null dim-list) result)
     (declare (fixnum chunk-size result))
     (setq result (+ result (* (the fixnum (car subscripts)) chunk-size)))
     (setq chunk-size (* chunk-size (car dim-list)))))


;;; Array Accessing functions

;20; aref is in kernel.  %sp-aref handles non-simple arrays only
(defun %sp-aref (array &rest subscripts)
  "Returns the element of the Array specified by the Subscripts."
      (%sp-saref1 (header-ref array %array-data-slot)
		  (linearize-subscripts array subscripts)))))

;20; aset is in kernel.  %sp-aset handles non-simple arrays only

(defun %sp-aset (array &rest stuff)
      (let ((rstuff (nreverse (the list stuff))))
	(do ((subscripts (cdr rstuff) (cdr subscripts))
	     (dim-index (1- (header-length array)) (1- dim-index))
	     (chunk-size 1)
	     (result 0)
	    ((= dim-index %array-dim-base)
	     (if (atom subscripts)
		 (aset1 (header-ref array %array-data-slot)
			    (+ (the fixnum
				     array %array-displacement-slot))
			    (car rstuff))
		 (error "Too many subscripts for array reference.")))
	  (declare (fixnum dim-index chunk-size result axis))
	  (setq axis (header-ref array dim-index))
	  (cond ((atom subscripts)
		 (error "Too few subscripts for array reference."))
		((not (< -1 (the fixnum (car subscripts)) axis))
		 (error "Subscript (~S) is out of bounds."
			(car subscripts)))
		 (setq result (+ result (* (the fixnum (car subscripts))
		 (setq chunk-size (* chunk-size axis)))))))))))

;20; svref and %svset are in the kernel
;;; Array Information functions

(eval-when (compile eval)

(defmacro internal-array-length (array)
  `(header-ref ,array %array-length-slot))


(defun array-element-type (array)
  "Returns the type of the elements of the array"
  (cond ((bit-vector-p array)
	 '(mod 2))
	((stringp array)
	((simple-vector-p array)
	((slisp-array-p array)
	 (array-element-type (header-ref array %array-data-slot)))
	((vectorp array)
	 (case (%sp-get-vector-access-type array)
	   (0 '(mod 2))
	   (1 '(mod 4))
	   (2 '(mod 16))
	   (3 '(mod 256))
	   (4 '(mod 65536))))
	(t (error "~S is not an array." array))))

(defun array-rank (array)
  "Returns the number of dimensions of the Array."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (- (header-length array) %array-first-dim-slot)

(defun array-dimension (array axis-number)
  (declare (fixnum axis-number))
  "Returns length of dimension Axis-Number of the Array."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (if (and (>= axis-number 0) (< axis-number (array-rank array)))
	  (header-ref array (+ %array-first-dim-slot axis-number))
	  (error "~S: Illegal axis number." axis-number))
      (if (= axis-number 0)
	  (%sp-get-vector-length array)
	  (error "~S: Illegal axis number." axis-number))))

(defun array-dimensions (array)
  "Returns a list whose elements are the dimensions of the array"
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (do ((index %array-first-dim-slot (1+ index))
	   (end (header-length array))
	   (result ()))
	  ((= index end) (nreverse result))
	(declare (list result))
	(push (header-ref array index) result))
      (list (%sp-get-vector-length array))))

(defun array-total-size (array)
  "Returns the total number of elements in the Array."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (header-ref array %array-length-slot)
      (%sp-get-vector-length array)))

(defun array-in-bounds-p (array &rest subscripts)
  "Returns T if the Subscipts are in bounds for the Array, Nil otherwise."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (do ((dim-index %array-first-dim-slot (1+ dim-index))
	   (dim-index-limit (+ %array-first-dim-slot
			       (the fixnum (array-rank array))))
	   (subs subscripts (cdr subs)))
	  ((= dim-index dim-index-limit)
	   (if (atom subs) T ()))
	(declare (fixnum dim-index dim-index-limit))
	(if (atom subs)
	    (return ())
	    (let ((subscript (car subs))
		  (dimension (header-ref array dim-index)))
	      (declare (fixnum subscript dimension))
	      (if (not (< -1 subscript dimension))
		  (return ()) ))))
      (and (null (cdr subscripts))
	   (< -1 (the fixnum (car subscripts))
	      (%sp-get-vector-length array)))))

(defun array-row-major-index (array &rest subscripts)
  "Returns the index into the Array's data vector for the given subscripts."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (do ((subscripts (nreverse (the list subscripts)) (cdr subscripts))
	   (dim-index (1- (header-length array)) (1- dim-index))
	   (chunk-size 1)
	   (result 0)
	  ((= dim-index %array-dim-base)
	   (if (atom subscripts)
	       (error "Too many subscripts for array reference.")))
	(setq axis (header-ref array dim-index))
	(cond ((atom subscripts)
	       (error "Too few subscripts for array reference."))
	      ((not (< -1 (car subscripts) axis))
	       (error "Subscript ~S is out of bounds." (car subscripts)))
	       (setq result (+ result (* (car subscripts) chunk-size)))
	       (setq chunk-size (* chunk-size axis)))))
      (cond ((> (length subscripts) 1)
	     (error "Too many subscripts for array reference."))
	    ((null subscripts)
	     (error "Too few subscripts for array reference."))
	    ((or (> (car subscripts) (1- (length array)))
		 (minusp (car subscripts)))
	     (error "Subscript ~S is out of bounds." (car subscripts)))
	     (car subscripts)))))  ; for 1-d array, result equals subscript

(defun adjustable-array-p (array)
  "Returns T if the given Array is adjustable, or Nil otherwise."
  (slisp-array-p array))
;;; Array fill pointer functions

(defun array-has-fill-pointer-p (array)
  "Returns T if the given Array has a fill pointer, or Nil otherwise."
  (and (vectorp array) (slisp-array-p array)))

(defun fill-pointer (vector)
  "Returns the fill pointer of the Vector."
  (if (and (vectorp vector) (slisp-array-p vector))
      (header-ref vector %array-fill-pointer-slot)
      (error "~S is not an array with a fill pointer." vector)))

(defun %set-fill-pointer (vector index)
  "Sets the fill pointer of the given Vector to Index."
  (if (and (vectorp vector) (slisp-array-p vector))
      (if (> index (header-ref vector %array-length-slot))
	  (error "New fill pointer, ~S, is larger than the length of array."
	  (header-set vector %array-fill-pointer-slot index))
      (error "~S is not an array with a fill pointer." vector)))

(defun vector-push (new-el array)
  "Attempts to set the element of Array designated by the fill pointer
   to New-El and increment fill pointer by one.  If the fill pointer is
   too large, () is returned, otherwise the new fill pointer value is 
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (let ((fill-pointer (header-ref array %array-fill-pointer-slot)))
	(declare (fixnum fill-pointer))
	(cond ((= fill-pointer (internal-array-length array)) ())
	      (t (header-set array %array-fill-pointer-slot (1+ fill-pointer))
		 (%sp-saset1 (header-ref array %array-data-slot)
			     (+ fill-pointer
				(header-ref array %array-displacement-slot))
		 (1+ fill-pointer))))
      (error "~S: Object has no fill pointer." array)))

(defun vector-push-extend
  (new-el array &optional (extension (max 10 (min 1000 (length array)))))
  (declare (fixnum extension))
  "Like Vector-Push except that if the fill pointer gets too large, the
   Array is extended rather than () being returned."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (let ((length (internal-array-length array))
	    (fill-pointer (header-ref array %array-fill-pointer-slot))
	    (data (header-ref array %array-data-slot))) 
	(declare (fixnum length fill-pointer))
	(if (= fill-pointer length)
	    (do* ((new-index 0 (1+ new-index))
		  (new-length (+ length extension))
		  (old-index (header-ref array %array-displacement-slot)
			     (1+ old-index))
		  (new-data (make-array new-length
			     :element-type (array-element-type array))))
		 ((= new-index length)
		  (header-set array %array-data-slot new-data)
		  (setq data new-data)
		  (header-set array %array-length-slot new-length)
		  (header-set array %array-first-dim-slot new-length))
	      (%sp-saset1 new-data new-index (%sp-saref1 data old-index))))
	(header-set array %array-fill-pointer-slot (1+ fill-pointer))
	(%sp-saset1 data
		    (+ fill-pointer
		       (header-ref array %array-displacement-slot))
	(1+ fill-pointer))
      (error "~S has no fill pointer." array)))

(defun vector-pop (array)
  "Attempts to decrease the fill-pointer by 1 and return the element
   pointer to by the new fill pointer.  If the new value of the fill
   pointer is 0, an error occurs."
  (if (slisp-array-p array)
      (let ((fill-pointer (header-ref array %array-fill-pointer-slot)))
	(declare (fixnum fill-pointer))
	(cond ((< fill-pointer 1) (error "Fill-pointer reached 0."))
	      (t (header-set array %array-fill-pointer-slot (1- fill-pointer))
		 (%sp-saref1 (header-ref array %array-data-slot)
			     (+ (1- fill-pointer)
				 array %array-displacement-slot))))))
      (error "~S: Object has no fill pointer." array)))
;;; Changing the size of an array:

(defun shrink-vector (vector new-size)
  "Destructively alters the Vector, changing its length to New-Size, which
   must be less than or equal to its current size."
  (cond ((slisp-array-p vector)
	 (%sp-shrink-vector (header-ref vector %array-data-slot) new-size)
	 (header-set vector %array-length-slot new-size))
	 (%sp-shrink-vector vector new-size))))
(defun adjust-array (array dimensions &rest options &key
       (element-type t)
       (initial-element '%%default)
       (fill-pointer ())
       (displaced-to ())
       (displaced-index-offset 0))
  "Adjusts the Array's dimensions to the given Dimensions.  See manual
  for details."
  (declare (ignore displaced-index-offset))
  (if (atom dimensions) (setq dimensions (list dimensions)))
  (if (not (= (%sp-type array) %array-type))
      (error "~S is not an adjustable array." array))
  (if (not (= (length (the list dimensions)) (array-rank array)))
      (error "Number of dimensions not equal to rank of array."))
    (if (and element-type
	     (not (subtypep element-type (array-element-type array))))
	(error "New element type, ~S, is incompatible with old." element-type))
    (cond ((or initial-contents displaced-to)
	   (apply #'make-array dimensions options))
	  ((null (cdr dimensions))
	   (if (eq fill-pointer t) (setq fill-pointer (car dimensions)))
	   (if fill-pointer
	       (header-set array %array-fill-pointer-slot fill-pointer))
	   (let ((old-length (header-ref array %array-length-slot))
		 (new-length (car dimensions))
		 (old-data (header-ref array %array-data-slot)))
	     (declare (simple-vector old-data))
	     (header-set array %array-length-slot new-length)
	     (cond ((> old-length new-length)
		    (%sp-shrink-vector old-data new-length))
		   ((< old-length new-length)
		    (let* ((element-type (or element-type
					     (array-element-type array)))
			   (data (cond
				    ((eq element-type 'bit)
				     (u-data-vec new-length '(mod 2)
				    ((and (listp element-type)
					  (eq (car element-type) 'mod))
				     (u-data-vec new-length element-type
				     (b-data-vec new-length element-type
		      (replace data old-data)
		      (header-set array %array-data-slot data))))
	     (header-set array %array-first-dim-slot new-length)))
	   (if fill-pointer
	       (error "Multidimensional arrays can't have fill pointers."))
	   (let* ((old-length (header-ref array %array-length-slot))
		  (new-length (array-linear-length dimensions))
		  (old-data (header-ref array %array-data-slot))
		  (new-data (if (> new-length old-length)
				   ((eq element-type 'bit)
				    (u-data-vec new-length '(mod 2)
				   ((and (listp element-type)
					 (eq (car element-type) 'mod))
				    (u-data-vec new-length element-type
				    (b-data-vec new-length element-type
	     (header-set array %array-length-slot new-length)
	     (header-set array %array-data-slot new-data)
	     (zap-array-data old-data (array-dimensions array)
			     new-data dimensions)
	     (do ((new-dims dimensions (cdr new-dims))
		  (dim-slot %array-first-dim-slot (1+ dim-slot)))
		 ((null new-dims))
	       (header-set array dim-slot (car new-dims))))))
;;; Zap-Array-Data does the grinding work for Adjust-Array.  The data is zapped
;;; from the Old-Data in an arrangement specified by the Old-Dims to the
;;; New-Data in an arrangement specified by the New-Dims.

;;; Bump-Index-List helps us out:

(eval-when (compile eval)

(defmacro bump-index-list (index limits)
  `(do ((subscripts ,index (cdr subscripts))
	(limits ,limits (cdr limits)))
       ((null subscripts) nil)
     (cond ((< (car subscripts) (car limits))
	    (rplaca subscripts (1+ (car subscripts)))
	    (return ,index))
	    (rplaca subscripts 0)))))


(defun zap-array-data (old-data old-dims new-data new-dims)
  (declare (list old-dims new-dims))
  (setq old-dims (nreverse old-dims))
  (setq new-dims (reverse new-dims))
  (let ((limits (mapcar #'(lambda (x y)
			    (1- (min x y)))
			old-dims new-dims)))
    (do ((index (make-list (length old-dims) :initial-element 0)
		(bump-index-list index limits)))
	((null index))
      (%sp-saset1 new-data (linearize-subscripts* index new-dims)
		  (%sp-saref1 old-data
			      (linearize-subscripts* index old-dims))))))
;;; Bit string hacking functions:
;20; bit and bit set functions are in the kernel

(defun bit-array-same-dimensions-p (array1 array2)
  (and (= (header-length array1)
	  (header-length array2))
       (do ((index %array-first-dim-slot (1+ index))
	    (length (- (header-length array1) %array-dim-base)))
	   ((= index length) t)
	 (if (/= (header-ref array1 index)
		 (header-ref array2 index))
	     (return nil)))))

(defmacro bit-bash (array1 array2 result-array op length)
  `(do ((index 0 (1+ index)))
       ((= index ,length) ,result-array)
     (%sp-sbitset ,result-array index
		  (boole ,op (%sp-sbit ,array1 index)
			     (%sp-sbit ,array2 index)))))

(defun bit-array-boole (array1 array2 op result-array)
  (if (eq result-array t) (setq result-array array1))
  (cond ((simple-bit-vector-p array1)
	 (let ((length (%sp-get-vector-length array1)))
	   (unless (and (simple-bit-vector-p array2)
			(= (%sp-get-vector-length array2) length))
	     (error "~S and ~S do not have the same dimensions."
		    array1 array2))
	   (if result-array
	       (unless (and (simple-bit-vector-p result-array)
			    (= (%sp-get-vector-length result-array) length))
		 (error "~S and ~S do not have the same dimensions."
			array1 result-array))
	       (setq result-array (make-array length :element-type '(mod 2))))
	   (bit-bash array1 array2 result-array op length)))
	 (unless (bit-array-same-dimensions-p array1 array2)
	   (error "~S and ~S do not have the same dimensions." array1 array2))
	 (if result-array
	     (unless (bit-array-same-dimensions-p array1 result-array)
	       (error "~S and ~S do not have the same dimensions."
		      array1 result-array))
	     (setq result-array (make-array (array-dimensions array1)
					    :element-type '(mod 2))))
	 (let ((data1 (header-ref array1 %array-data-slot))
	       (data2 (header-ref array2 %array-data-slot))
	       (data3 (header-ref result-array %array-data-slot))
	       (start1 (header-ref array1 %array-displacement-slot))
	       (start2 (header-ref array2 %array-displacement-slot))
	       (start3 (header-ref result-array %array-displacement-slot))
	       (length (header-ref array1 %array-length-slot)))
	   (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
		(index1 start1 (1+ index1))
		(index2 start2 (1+ index2))
		(index3 start3 (1+ index3)))
	       ((= index length) result-array)
	     (%sp-sbitset data3 index3
			  (boole op (%sp-sbit data1 index1)
				    (%sp-sbit data2 index2))))))))

(defun bit-and (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical AND on the elements of Bit-Array1 and Bit-Array2
  putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-and result-bit-array))

(defun bit-ior (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical IOR on the elements of Bit-Array1 and Bit-Array2
  putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-ior result-bit-array))

(defun bit-xor (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical XOR on the elements of Bit-Array1 and Bit-Array2
  putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-xor result-bit-array))

(defun bit-eqv (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical EQV  on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-eqv result-bit-array))

(defun bit-nand (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical NAND  on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-nand result-bit-array))

(defun bit-nor (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical NOR  on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-nor result-bit-array))

(defun bit-andc1 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical ANDC1 on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-andc1 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-andc2 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical ANDC2 on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-andc2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-orc1 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical ORC1 on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-orc1 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-orc2 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical ORC2 on the elements of Bit-Array1 and
  Bit-Array2 putting the results in the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array1 bit-array2 boole-orc2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-not (bit-array &optional result-bit-array)
  "Performs a bit-wise logical NOT in the elements of the Bit-Array putting
  the results into the Result-Bit-Array."
  (bit-array-boole bit-array bit-array boole-nor result-bit-array))