
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - clisp - clisp/upsala/analyze.clisp
There are no other files named analyze.clisp in the archive.
;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.

;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************

;;; This are the functions from DEFMACRO.CLISP that the compiler uses,
;;; They are all prefixed with CLC- for the compiler.  
;;; DKS 9:00pm  Thursday, 24 May 1984

;;; Written by Scott Fahlman.

;;; Ugly code, since I can't create macros here and need to stay close to
;;; Maclisp, so that it will be easy to create a derivitive version to use
;;; in the cross compiler.  Even without this, there's so much going on
;;; in the arglist that the code has to be hairy.

;;; *******************************************************************

;;; The following specials are used for communication during argument-list
;;; parsing for a macro or macro-like form.

(proclaim '(special %arg-count %min-args %restp %let-list
		    %keyword-tests *keyword-package*))

;;; CLC-ANALYZE1 is called to do the work for required and optional
;;; args.  It calls other functions if &rest, &key, or &aux are
;;; encountered.  Uses %arg-count, %min-args, %restp, and %let-list.

(defun clc-analyze1 (arglist path errloc whole)
  (do ((args arglist (cdr args))
       (optionalp nil)
       a temp)
      ((atom args)
       (cond ((null args) nil)
	     ;; Varlist is dotted, treat as &rest arg and exit.
	     (t (push (list args path) %let-list)
		(setq %restp t))))
    (setq a (car args))
    (cond ((eq a '&whole)
	   (cond ((and whole (cdr args) (symbolp (cadr args)))
		  (push (list (cadr args) whole) %let-list)
		  (setq %restp t)
		  (setq args (cdr args)))
		 (t (error "Illegal or ill-formed &whole arg in ~S." errloc))))
	  ((eq a '&optional)
	   (and optionalp
		(cerror "Ignore it."
			"Redundant &optional flag in varlist of ~S." errloc))
	   (setq optionalp t))
	  ((or (eq a '&rest) (eq a '&body))
	   (return (clc-analyze-rest (cdr args) path errloc whole)))
	  ((eq a '&key)
	   ;; Create a rest-arg, then do keyword analysis.
	   (setq temp (gensym))
	   (setq %restp t)
	   (push (list temp path) %let-list)
	   (return (clc-analyze-key (cdr args) temp errloc)))
	  ((eq a '&allow-other-keys)
	   (cerror "Ignore it."
		   "Stray &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS in arglist of ~S." errloc))
	  ((eq a '&aux)
	   (return (clc-analyze-aux (cdr args) errloc)))
	  ((not optionalp)
	   (setq %min-args (1+ %min-args))
	   (setq %arg-count (1+ %arg-count))
	   (cond ((symbolp a)
		  (push `(,a (car ,path)) %let-list))
		 ((atom a)
		  (cerror "Ignore this item."
			  "Non-symbol variable name in ~S." errloc))
		 (t (let ((%min-args 0) (%arg-count 0) (%restp nil))
		      (clc-analyze1 a `(car ,path) errloc nil))))
	   (setq path `(cdr ,path)))
	  ;; It's an optional arg.
	  (t (setq %arg-count (1+ %arg-count))
	     (cond ((symbolp a)
		    ;; Just a symbol.  Bind to car of path or NIL.
		    (push `(,a (cond (,path (car ,path)) (t nil)))
		   ((atom a)
		    (cerror "Ignore this item."
			    "Non-symbol variable name in ~S." errloc))
		   ((symbolp (car a))
		    ;; Car of list is a symbol.  Bind to car of path or
		    ;; to default value.
		    (push `(,(car a)
			    (cond (,path (car ,path))
				  (t ,(cond ((> (length a) 1) (cadr a))
					    (t nil)))))
		    ;; Handle supplied-p variable, if any.
		    (and (> (length a) 2)
			 (push `(,(caddr a) (not (null ,path))) %let-list)))
		   ;; Then destructure arg against contents of this gensym.
		   (t (setq temp (gensym))
		      (push `(,temp
			      (cond (,path (car ,path))
				    (t ,(cond ((cddr a) (cadr a))
					      (t nil)))))
		      (let ((%min-args 0) (%arg-count 0) (%restp nil))
			(clc-analyze1 (car a) temp errloc nil))
		      ;; Handle supplied-p variable if any.
		      (and (> (length a) 2)
			   (push `(,(caddr a) (not (null ,path))) %let-list))))
	     (setq path `(cdr ,path))))))

;;; This deals with the portion of the arglist following any &rest flag.

(defun clc-analyze-rest (arglist path errloc whole)
  (cond ((or (atom arglist)
	     (not (symbolp (car arglist))))
	 (error "Bad &rest or &body arg in ~S." errloc)))
  (push (list (car arglist) path) %let-list)
  (setq %restp t)
  (prog ((rest-arg (car arglist))
	 (more (cdr arglist)))
    (cond ((null more) nil)
	  ((atom more)
	   (cerror "Ignore the illegal terminator."
		   "Dotted arglist terminator after &rest arg in ~S." errloc))
	  ((eq (car more) '&key)
	   (clc-analyze-key (cdr more) rest-arg errloc))
	  ((eq (car more) '&aux)
	   (clc-analyze-aux (cdr more) errloc))
	  ((eq (car more) '&allow-other-keys)
	   (cerror "Ignore it."
		   "Stray &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS in arglist of ~S." errloc))
	  ((eq (cadr arglist) '&whole)
	   (cond ((and whole (cdr more) (symbolp (cadr more)))
		  (push (list (cadr more) whole) %let-list)
		  (setq more (cddr more))
		  (go try-again))
		 (t (error "Ill-formed or illegal &whole arg in ~S."

;;; Analyze stuff following &aux.

(defun clc-analyze-aux (arglist errloc)
  (do ((args arglist (cdr args)))
      ((null args))
    (cond ((atom args)
	   (cerror "Ignore the illegal terminator."
		   "Dotted arglist after &AUX in ~S." errloc)
	   (return nil))
	  ((atom (car args))
	   (push (list (car args) nil) %let-list))
	  (t (push (list (caar args) (cadar args)) %let-list)))))
;;; Handle analysis of keywords, perhaps with destructuring over the keyword
;;; variable.  Assumes the remainder of the calling form has already been
;;; bound to the variable passed in as RESTVAR.

(defun clc-analyze-key (arglist restvar errloc)
  (let ((temp (gensym))
	(check-keywords t)
	(keywords-seen nil))
    (push temp %let-list)
    (do ((args arglist (cdr args))
	 a k sp-var temp1)
	((atom args)
	 (cond ((null args) nil)
	       (t (cerror "Ignore the illegal terminator."
			  "Dotted arglist after &key in ~S." errloc))))
      (setq a (car args))
      (cond ((eq a '&allow-other-keys)
	     (setq check-keywords nil))
	    ((eq a '&aux)
	     (return (clc-analyze-aux (cdr args) errloc)))
	    ;; Just a top-level variable.  Make matching keyword.
	    ((symbolp a)
	     (setq k (clc-make-keyword a))
	     (push `(,a (cond ((setq ,temp (clc-find-keyword ',k ,restvar))
			       (car ,temp))
			      (t nil)))
	     (push k keywords-seen))
	    ;; Filter out error that might choke defmacro.
	    ((atom a)
	     (cerror "Ignore this item."
		     "~S -- non-symbol variable name in arglist of ~S."
		     a errloc))
	    ;; Deal with the common case: (var [init [svar]]) 
	    ((symbolp (car a))
	     (setq k (clc-make-keyword (car a)))
	     ;; Deal with supplied-p variable, if any.
	     (cond ((and (cddr a) (symbolp (caddr a)))
		    (setq sp-var (caddr a))
		    (push (list sp-var nil) %let-list))
		   (t (setq sp-var nil)))
	     (push `(,(car a)
		     (cond ((setq ,temp (clc-find-keyword ',k ,restvar))
			    ,@(and sp-var `((setq ,sp-var t)))
			    (car ,temp))
			   (t ,(cadr a))))
	     (push k keywords-seen))
	    ;; Filter out more error cases that might kill defmacro.
	    ((or (atom (car a)) (not (keywordp (caar a))) (atom (cdar a)))
	     (cerror "Ignore this item."
		     "~S -- ill-formed keyword arg in ~S." (car a) errloc))
	    ;; Next case is ((:key var) [init [supplied-p]]).
	    ((symbolp (cadar a))
	     (setq k (caar a))
	     ;; Deal with supplied-p variable, if any.
	     (cond ((and (cddr a) (symbolp (caddr a)))
		    (setq sp-var (caddr a))
		    (push (list sp-var nil) %let-list))
		   (t (setq sp-var nil)))
	     (push `(,(cadar a)
		     (cond ((setq ,temp (clc-find-keyword ',k ,restvar))
			    ,@(and sp-var `((setq ,sp-var t)))
			    (car ,temp))
			   (t ,(cadr a))))
	     (push k keywords-seen))
	    ;; Same case, but must destructure the "variable".
	    (t (setq k (caar a))
	       (setq temp1 (gensym))
	       (cond ((and (cddr a) (symbolp (caddr a)))
		      (setq sp-var (caddr a))
		      (push (list sp-var nil) %let-list))
		     (t (setq sp-var nil)))
	       (push `(,temp1
		       (cond ((setq ,temp (clc-find-keyword ',k ,restvar))
			      ,@(and sp-var `((setq ,sp-var t)))
			      (car ,temp))
			     (t ,(cadr a))))
	       (push k keywords-seen)
	       (let ((%min-args 0) (%arg-count 0) (%restp nil))
		      (clc-analyze1 (cadar a) temp1 errloc nil)))))
    (and check-keywords
	 (push `(clc-keyword-test ,restvar ',keywords-seen) %keyword-tests))))
;;; Functions that must be around when the macros produced by DEFMACRO are
;;; expanded.

(defun clc-make-keyword (s)
  "Takes a non-keyword symbol S and returns the corresponding keyword."
  (intern (symbol-name s) *keyword-package*))

(defun clc-find-keyword (keyword keylist)
  "If keyword is present in the keylist, return a list of its argument.
  Else, return NIL."
  (do ((l keylist (cddr l)))
      ((atom l) nil)
    (cond ((atom (cdr l))
	   (cerror "Stick a NIL on the end and go on."
		   "Unpaired item in keyword portion of macro call.")
	   (rplacd l (list nil))
	   (return nil))
	  ((eq (car l) keyword) (return (list (cadr l)))))))

(defun clc-keyword-test (keylist legal)
  "Check whether all keywords in a form are legal.  KEYLIST is the portion
  of the calling form containing keywords.  LEGAL is the list of legal
  keywords.  If the keyword :allow-other-keyws is present in KEYLIST,
  just return without complaining about anything."
  (cond ((memq ':allow-other-keys keylist) nil)
	(t (do ((kl keylist (cddr kl)))
	       ((atom kl) nil)
	     (cond ((memq (car kl) legal))
		   (t (cerror "Ignore it."
			      "~S illegal or unknown keyword." (car kl))))))))