
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-x130a-sb - nik.hlp
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NIK - Help file for NIK %1(13)                                  Page 1

NIK (Network Interchange Kludge) is a program for "image" (i.e., exact
copy including creation date/time/etc.) transfer of files between  two
TOPS-10 systems (or within a single system to exercise local  task-to-
task) running 6.03 or later monitors. Although designed primarily with
disk-to-disk transfer in mind you may  use any output devices as  long
as they support both ASCII and  image mode I/O. The input device  must
be a disk.  The command  format is  the usual  PIP-style out=in  where
"out" is the single output  (destination) file specification and  "in"
is a list of input file specifications.

To use NIK  you must first  start a NIK  running in passive  "receive"
mode (see /RECEIV switch) on the destination system under your ppn.

     Under 7.00 monitors or under 6.03? monitors with the  inclu-
     sion of the DDT  patch file listed at  the end of this  text
     NIK may be run in a FAL-like mode as an operator job to  act
     as a passive receiver (see  /RECEIV and /ANYPPN) which  will
     allow any remote user to  send files through it rather  than
     having to log in a NIK job under their own ppn.

Then from the  sending system run  NIK and type  in the "out=in"  com-

Naturally NIK uses SCAN and WILD (custom FSG versions however to allow
output wildcarding) so  complete input and  output wildcarding is  al-
lowed. File specs are of the usual TOPS-10 form:
where "node"  is  the network  node  name (totally  ignored  on  input
specs); "device" is  the device  name; "path" is  the directory  path;
filename is the name of the  file; "type" is the type (or  "extension"
if you prefer) of the file; and "switch(es)" is/are any  file-specific
(e.g., "SCAN") switches such as /ERSUPERCEDE - all NIK command switch-
es are "global" and independent of any file specs near which they  may

For example, having started a remote "receiver" NIK on node KLXYZ, the
command string:
would copy all files  from your DSKC:  directory (including all  SFD's
and files within  those SFD's) to  system KLXYZ onto  DSKB:, with  the
same names/directories/creation-times/etc. as on the original  system.
Adding "/SINCE:-7D" to the input file specification would restrict NIK
to transferring only  those files which  were created/modified  within
the last 7 days. Etc.

NIK does not  automatically create the  directories needed to  contain
the files being transferred (in the above example the UFD must already
exist). If the file specification contains the directories needed then
the directories will be created  appropriately (in the example  above,
since all SFD's  were passed  as files they  would be  created on  the
remote receiving system before any  files were written into them,  and
in fact if they  already existed you  would receive "Already  Existing
File" errors). The command string:
NIK - Help file for NIK %1(13)                                  Page 2

would effectively copy  the entire file  structure including all  UFDs
(note however that certain files such as DSKB:HOME.SYS[1,4] can  never
be overwritten and as such will always give file creation errors).

The default output specifications are DSK:*.*[-]; the destination node
must be explicitly  specified (no particular  reason, that's just  the
way it works). Note  that it is assumed  that ppns correspond  accross
all systems in the network - NIK uses your default path on the sending
system for output files if you do not explicitly type one yourself.

NIK goes to great trouble (and spends many cpu cycles) outsmarting all
known 6.03-and-later  monitor task-to-task  I/O problems  in order  to
guarantee the correct transfer of  the specified file(s). If you  come
across any conditions which NIK does  not handle (and your files  lose
accordingly) please bring them to  my attention (Robert Houk;  TOPS-10
Communications and Networks Group; MR1-2/eE89 x5443). I might even fix
NIK to handle it/them!


                             NIK switches

/[NO]ALLOCA    Preserve contiguous file  allocation on disk  (normally
               NIK does an estimating ENTER). Default is /NOALLOCATE.

/[NO]ANYPPN    If NIK  is running  in passive  receive mode  (/RECEIV)
               then accept any connection (allow other NIKs to connect
               regardless of the ppn under which the other NIK is run-
               ning). Default is /NOANYPPN.

/[NO]BITCH     The /BITCH switch will cause NIK to complain incessant-
               ly about  any NIK-detected  task to  task I/O  problems
               which would  normally  (were  NIK  not  ultra-paranoid)
               break the file and/or  control data being  transferred.
               Default is /NOBITCH.

/[NO]DETACH    If NIK  is running  in passive  receive mode  (/RECEIV)
               then detach the job. This  switch is useful for  subse-
               quently SET  HOSTing to  another system.  Default is  /

/[NO]FILES     The /FILES switch instructs NIK to list on your command
               terminal each  file  transfer  performed  as  the  file
               transfer is initiated (active mode only). Default is  /

/[NO]NBIO      The /NBIO switch instructs NIK to utilize  non-blocking
               I/O for its task-to-task communication. This switch  is
               intended only as a stopgap measure for certain monitors
               which would otherwise hang NIK in EW state.  Basically,
               if NIK works, do not use this switch (it is  relatively
               expensive in overhead).
NIK - Help file for NIK %1(13)                                  Page 3

/[NO]OKERROR   The /OKERROR switch instructs  NIK to procede with  any
               subsequent file transfers (from the same command  line)
               in spite of any transfer  errors (such as a  protection
               or checksum failure) rather than aborting any remaining
               file transfers  and  returning immediately  to  command
               level. Default is /NOOKERROR.

/[NO]PERCEN    The /PERCEN switch tells NIK to calculate the  percent-
               age of the file so far transmitted and set its  program
               name to the  percentage so  calculated. This  seemingly
               obscure behaviour can be useful when watching NIKs run-
               ning detached via SYSDPY, or  even (if .SET WATCH  VER-
               SION  is  enabled)  keeping  track  of  "active"   file
               transfers from your command tty. Default is /NOPERCENT.

/[NO]RECEIV    The /RECEIV switch  instructs NIK to  become a  passive
               receiver and await  connection from  a remote  "active"
               NIK to transfer one or more files. Once NIK is put into
               passive receive mode it remains there until  explicitly
               killed (i.e., you can send to  it as many times as  you
               like, NIK will  not return  to command  mode after  any
               file transfers it receives). Default is /NORECEIV.

/[NO]TOTALS    The /TOTALS switch instructs NIK to, upon completion of
               the file  transfer(s) indicated  by the  command  line,
               summarize the  total  words,  disk  blocks,  and  files
               transferred, as  well as  the effective  data  transfer
               rate (network protocol overhead counts against the baud
               rate). In addition, if any errors were encountered  the
               total error count is also listed.

/[NO]WAIT      The /WAIT switch instructs NIK to wait indefinitely for
               a receiving NIK  on the remote  node to appear,  rather
               than  "timing  out"  after  the  usual  three  attempts
               (spaced two seconds apart) for each of the regular  and
               /ANYNIKed receiving NIKs. NIK will issue a warning mes-
               sage to inform  you that NIK  is actually waiting,  not
               doing active file transfer.  This switch has no  effect
               if the specified node is not up.


The following DDT patch file must  be applied to 6.03 and 6.03A  moni-
tors to enable NIK's /ANYPPN feature to be used with them.

CAME P3,T1$>

NIK - Help file for NIK %1(13)                                  Page 4

TRZN T2,200<LF>
CAIL T2,60<LF>
CAIL T2,60(T3)<LF>
ADDI T1,-60(T2)<LF>

TLNE T1,-1
TLNE T1,-1