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TITLE	NETWORK: Program to list the nodes in a network
	SUBTTL	S. Sullivan



COPYRIGHT (C) 1979,1980 BY



	SUBTTL	Edit history

;[1]	Add the /TYPE: switch to determine a node by it's type
;[2]	Fix the core freeing code in CLRDAT to not zero DDT when loaded
;[3]	Fix the BLT in CLRDAT so it does not initalize MATCH to -1
;[4]	Fix the .ISCAN call so indirect files are illegal if logged out
;[5]	Make sure the user can't get into a "*" mode if not logged in
;[6]	Take care of the way the NODE. UUO error returns easier now
;[7]	Make CONC use .ISLGI in SCAN to be consistant in checking if logged in
;[8]	We saved the temps too early in the OFLINE routine
;[9]	Make sure that we are able to recover from a node in a "funny" state
;[10]	Buffer TTY output to reduce monitor overhead
;[11]	Change "NODE" in output to "Node"
;[12]	Change the HOST switch to be HOSTESS to be monitor compatable
;[13] 	Make the program Reenterable by setting up .JBREN
;[14]	Change the way TRMOP. errors are handled and fix
;	miscellaneous bugs.
;[15]	Make a zero low segment. Remove EXPs and replace with BLOCK.
;[16]	Don't allow "*" mode if not logged in...only can do when we
;	get control because SCAN has a matching bug, before we get it.
;[17]	Add a reset instruction because the dispatch through RUNAME
;	or RUNAMC in COMCON or the RUN/R command will not do a
;	reset unless the program is gotten from DSK. This means
;	that if the sharable dormant high seg was there and there
;	was no low seg an address check was the result.
;[18]	Fix OFLINE and correct other error recovery problems
;[19]	Add the /TOPOLOGY,/COST, and /SORT switches and fix some
;	more small bugs including a stack phase problem when we
;	used the default case (null node name).
	SUBTTL	Constants, symbols, and registers



	TWOSEG				;So the program will have two segments

;** Define the version word

	CUSTVR==0			;Customer version
	DECVER==1			;DEC version
	DECMVR==0			;DEC minor version
	DECEVR==^D19			;DEC edit number


	LOC	137


;** Set up .JBINT for interupt trapping

	LOC	134			;Set PC at .JBINT and
	EXP	INTBLK##		;make it point to our interupt block

;[13] ** Set up .JBREN to allow users to "Reenter" the program

	LOC	124			;[13] Set PC at .JBREN
	EXP	START+1			;[13] Use the run start address

	RELOC	400000			;Set back to the high segment

T1=1		;Temps
P1=5		;Save registers
P3=7		;For passing arguments to SCAN
CN=14		;Current node we are processing
L1=15		;First loop counter
L2=16		;Second loop counter
P=17		;Stack pointer
	SUBTTL	Start up and initalization code

START::	TDZA	P,P			;[19]Run start
	MOVEI	P,1			;CCL start
	MOVEM	P,OFFSET##		;Save starting offset for Scan
	MOVE	P,[PSIZ##,,PDL##]	;Set up the stack
	RESET				;[17] RESET to prevent address checks
	PUSHJ	P,CLRDAT		;Clear the data base...
	PUSHJ	P,ISCN			;Initalize Scan
	MOVE	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] Get the output control word
	TLZ	T1,MO.CHR##		;[10] Set the character mode bit
	MOVEM	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] And store it
	SETZ	T1,			;[10] Clear our character buffer out
	PUSHJ	P,OUTC			;[10] and output it
	JRST	TSCN			;and use Scan to scan a line

;** Routine to reset the data areas

CLRDAT:	HLRZ	T1,.JBSA		;[2] Reduce our core back to small
	CORE	T1,			;as we should be.
	  JFCL				;We don't care
	MOVE	T2,OFFSET##		;Save our start address offset
	MOVE	T1,[STDAT##,,STDAT##+1]	;Get the start and end of impure data
	SETZM	STDAT##			;Zero the first word
	BLT	T1,ENDAT##		;to the last word
	SETOM	FIRSW##			;Set the first location of the
	MOVE	T1,[FIRSW##,,FIRSW##+1]	;Switch block to -1, then
	BLT	T1,LASTSW##-1		;[3] BLT to the last one
					;*All switchs must be initalized
					;to -1 or Scan won't work right
	MOVE	T1,[INT##,,INTBLK##]	;[15] initalize interupt control block
	BLT	T1,INTYPE##-1		;[15] from data in the high seg
	MOVEI	T1,.TOWID		;Set up the argument block for TTY width
	MOVEM	T1,TTWID##		;So we can find his TTY's width
	MOVEI	T1,MAXNOD##+1		;The max number of nodes we can handle
	MOVEM	T1,NODNUM##		;So we can build tables of nodes
	ADDI	T1,2			;Fix the value for the
	MOVEM	T1,NDLEN##		;.NDNDB function of the NODE. UUO
	MOVEM	T2,OFFSET##		;Restore the offset
	POPJ	P,			;Done...return
;** Here when we have specified nodes

CCLST:	MOVN	L1,NODCNT##		;Set up counter for the MAIN loop
	HRL	L1,L1			;as an AOBJN counter
	HRRI	L1,NODCNT##+1		;With the RH pointing to node list
	JRST	LOOP			;Do the MAIN loop

;** Here when we have no nodes specified

RUNST::	PUSHJ	P,NETAB			;[19] Set up the network tables
RUNST1:					;[19] Enter here for default case
					;[19] because the list of nodes is
					;[19] already set up and sorted as s
					;[19] necessary
	MOVN	L1,NODNUM##		;Set up counter for the MAIN loop
	HRL	L1,L1			;as an AOBJN counter
	HRRI	L1,NODNUM##+1		;With the RH pointing to node list
	MOVEI	T1,1			;Our default
	SKIPGE	BRIEWD##		;Did he specify /BRIEF or /NOBRIEF?
	  MOVEM	T1,BRIEWD##		;No, assume /BRIEF on default
					;Fall into MAIN loop
	SUBTTL	Main program loop
;** Here for either the default or non-default case

LOOP:	MOVE	CN,(L1)			;Get the current node number
	PUSHJ	P,BLDNDB		;Build a copy of the node's NDB
	PUSHJ	P,SELECT		;Does node meet switch constraints?
	PUSHJ	P,PRINFO		;Yes, Print selected info
	AOBJN	L1,LOOP			;Increment and loop till done
LOOP0:	SKIPN	MATCH##			;Did we have any matches?
	  PUSHJ	P,NOMAT			;No, Tell user if constraints too tight

LOOP1:	SKIPE	OFFSET##		;[19] Did we CCL start?
	  JRST	FINISH			;[10] No, exit and flush buffers
	PUSHJ	P,.ISLGI##		;[16] Are we logged in?
	  JRST	FINISH			;[16] No, exit and flush buffers
	PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;No, type a <CR><LF>
	MOVE	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] Get the output control word
	TLZ	T1,MO.CHR##		;[10] Set the character mode bit
	MOVEM	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] And store it
	SETZ	T1,			;[10] Clear our character buffer out
	PUSHJ	P,OUTC			;[10] and output it
	PUSHJ	P,CLRDAT		;and clear the data area
	JRST	TSCN			;and look for another line of input
	SUBTTL	Build tables of network information

;** Here to build our network tables, this is our snapshot of the network

NETAB:	MOVE	T1,[-1]			;Set to get our UDX in the data base
	TRMNO.	T1,			;Can we get it?
	  PUSHJ	P,TRMOER		;No, TRMNO. error, tell the user and die
	MOVEM	T1,UDX##		;Yes, save it in TRMOP. argument block

	MOVE	P1,NODBIN##		;Point to table for node numbers
	MOVE	P2,[XWD .NDNLS##,NODNUM##]	;Set up ac for NODE. UUO
	NODE.	P2,			;Can we get the table of node numbers?
	  PUSHJ	P,NODERR		;No, tell user why and die
	MOVEM	P2,NODNUM		;Stash the number of nodes in network

	MOVN	P2,P2			;Negate the number of nodes
	HRL	P2,P2			;Make it an AOBJN counter
	HRRI	P2,NODBIN##		;Point RH to table of node numbers

	SKIPLE	SORTWD##		;[19] Should we sort the network?
	  PUSHJ	P,NETSRT		;[19] Yes, call the bubble sort
	MOVEI	P3,2			;[19] Get the argument block length

NETAB1:	MOVE	P4,(P2)			;[19] Get a node number
	MOVE	P1,[XWD .NDRNN,P3]	;Set up P1 for NODE. UUO
	NODE.	P1,			;Can we change number to sixbit name?
	  SETZ	P1,			;[6] No, make it a zero name and wing it
	MOVEM	P1,MAXNOD##(P2)		;Yes, stash in ajacent table of names
	AOBJN	P2,NETAB1		;[19] Loop till done
	POPJ	P,			;Return

;[19] Here to sort the node numbers gotten above
;[19] P2=AOBJN pointer to table of node numbers
;[19] T1=Count of exchanges in this pass of table of node numbers
;[19] T2=Working copy of the AOBJN pointer in P2
;[19] T3=The register used for comparisons and exchanges

NETSRT:	PUSH	P,P2			;[19] Save the AOBJN pointer for a bit
	AOBJP	P2,NETSR4		;[19] N elements means N-1 compares
NETSR1:	SETZ	T1,			;[19] Clear the count of exchanges
	MOVE	T2,P2			;[19] Get a copy of tha AOBJN pointer
NETSR2:	MOVE	T3,-1(T2)		;[19] Get value of the node before here
	CAMLE	T3,(T2)			;[19]  and compare it with this one
	JRST	[EXCH T3,(T2)		;[19] If they are out of order,
		 EXCH T3,-1(T2)		;[19]  then exchange them
		 AOJA T1,NETSR3]	;[19]  and count the exchanges
NETSR3:	AOBJN	T2,NETSR2		;[19] Loop over all comparisons
	JUMPN	T1,NETSR1		;[19] Repeat if there were any exchanges
NETSR4:	POP	P,P2			;[19] Restore p2. we are done
	POPJ	P,			;[19] Done, return
	SUBTTL	Copy the current nodes NDB

;** Here to build a copy of the node's NDB in our space

BLDNDB:	HRRZM	CN,NNM##		;Stash node number
	MOVEI	T1,2			;Set up the field number
	MOVEM	T1,FLDNUM##		;for the NODE. UUO
	MOVE	T2,CN			;[19] Get the current node #
	MOVE	T3,[.NDRNN,,T1]		;[19] Set up the AC
	NODE.	T3,			;[19] Try to get the name
	  JRST	OFLINE			;[19] Oops, node in a funny state
	MOVEM	T3,SNM##		;[19] Stash it
	MOVE	T1,[.NDNDB##,,NDLEN##]	;[19] Set up the ac
	AOS	FLDNUM##		;Point to next field in NDB
	NODE.	T1,			;Get next info?
	  JRST	OFLINE			;No, investigate
	MOVE	T3,[DATBLK##,,SID##]	;Yes, set up to BLT software ID
	BLT	T3,DAT##		;to our NDB copy
	AOS	FLDNUM##		;Point to software date field
	NODE.	T1,			;Get more info?
	  JRST	OFLINE			;No, investigate
	MOVE	T3,[DATBLK##,,DAT##]	;Yes, set up to BLT date
	BLT	T3,LMA##		;to our NDB copy
	AOS	FLDNUM##		;Point to next field
	MOVE	L2,[-10,,LMA##]		;make loop counter for one word fields
BLDND1:	NODE.	T1,			;Get the info?
	  JRST	OFLINE			;No, investigate
	MOVE	T2,DATBLK##		;Yes, move it to 
	MOVEM	T2,(L2)			;our NDB copy
	AOS	FLDNUM##		;Increment to point to next field
	AOBJN	L2,BLDND1		;Loop till done
	NODE.	T1,			;Get the topology table?
	  JRST	OFLINE			;No, investigate
	MOVE	T3,[DATBLK##,,TOP##]	;Yes, copy topology table 
	BLT	T3,CNF##		;to our NDB copy
	AOS	T3,FLDNUM##		;Point to the configuration field
	NODE.	T1,			;Can we get it?
	  JRST	OFLINE			;No, investigate
	MOVE	T3,[DATBLK##,,CNF##]	;Yes, BLT it to 
	BLT	T3,ENDB##		;our NDB copy
	POPJ	P,			;Return
;** Here to decide whether or not to print a node. The decision is
;   based on the selection of /<device-name> switches.
;   A skip return is taken if the node is not to be printed.

SELECT:	MOVE	T1,[-NDEV##,,MCRWD##]	;Make a AOBJN pointer to switch words
SELEC0:	SKIPGE	(T1)			;Is this switch selected?
	  JRST	SELEC3			;No, ok so far
	MOVE	T2,[-NDEV##,,CNF##]	;AOBJN pointer to the configuration info
SELEC1:	SKIPN	(T2)			;Is configuration word zero?
	  JRST 	SELEC2			;Yes, see if a /NO<device> switch
	HLRZ	T3,(T2)			;Get the object type
	ADDI	T3,MCRWD##		;Make the address of the switch work
	CAIE	T3,(T1)			;Are the addresses the same?
	  AOBJN	T2,SELEC1		;No, loop till found or NDEV
	SKIPE	(T1)			;Is it a /<device> switch?
	  JRST	SELEC3			;Yes, Ok so far
	JRST	SELEC4			;No, don't print this node
SELEC2:	SKIPG	(T1)			;Is it a /<device> switch?
	  JRST	SELEC3			;No, Ok so far
SELEC4:	AOS	(P)			;We don't want to print so skip return
	POPJ	P,			;...
SELEC3:	AOBJN	T1,SELEC0		;Loop through all switches
	SETO	T1,			;[1] Make T1 -1
	CAMN	T1,TYPWD##		;[1] Did we specify /TYPE:?
	  JRST	SELEC5			;[1] No, don't check it
	MOVE	T1,TYPWD##		;[1] Get the type we are looking for
	MOVEI	T2,SID##		;[1] Point to the software ID
	PUSHJ	P,ASCSIX		;[1] See if it matches
	  JRST	SELEC4			;[1] No match, skip return
SELEC5:	AOS	MATCH##			;Count the number of matches
	POPJ	P,			;We want to print this node, just return
;[1] ** Routine to compare the first six characters of an ASCIZ string
;[1]    with the SIXBIT value it T1
;[1]    call:	T1=SIXBIT/value/
;[1] 		T2=[ASCIZ/string/]
;[1] 	  <no match>	;First six chars of string converted to sixbit in T2
;[1] 	<match>

ASCSIX::PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;[1] Save the temps
	MOVE	T1,[-6,,-6]		;[1] Set up an AOBJN pointer
	SETZB	T4,TEMP##		;[1] Clear temps where necessary
	HLL	T2,[POINT 7,0]		;[1] Byte pointer for the asciz string
	MOVE	T3,[POINT 6,TEMP##]	;[1] Byte pointer for sixbit conversion
ASCSI1:	ILDB	T4,T2			;[1] Get a byte from the string
	SUBI	T4," "			;[1] Make SIXBIT
	JUMPLE	T4,ASCEOS		;[1] Is the character a space?
	IDPB	T4,T3			;[1] Place into the save byte
	AOBJN	T1,ASCSI1		;[1] Loop about 6 times
ASCEOS:	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;[1] Restore the temps
	CAMN	T1,TEMP##		;[1] Is it the same??
	  AOS	(P)			;[1] Yes, do the skip return
	CAME	T1,TEMP##		;[1] Did we match?
	  MOVE	T2,TEMP##		;[1] No, copy what we had to T2
	POPJ	P,			;[1] Return
	SUBTTL	Output routines

;** Here to print the information about a node.
;   This routine dispatches according to the switches selected:
;   destroys many registers

PRINFO:	AOS	MATCH##			;If here we must have had a match
	  POPJ	P,			;Yes, Just return...errors only!
	MOVE	T4,WIDWD##		;See if they said /WIDTH:nn
	MOVEM	T4,CARWID##		;Stash it just in case
	JUMPG	T4,PRINF1		;Yes, don't get the TTY width
	MOVE	T4,[XWD 3,TTWID##]	;Set up to get the TTY width
	TRMOP.	T4,			;Try for it
	  MOVEI	T4,DEFWID##		;[14] Error, use the default width!
	MOVEM	T4,CARWID##		;Save for other routines
PRINF1:	SKIPLE	TOPWD##			;If /TOPOLOGY was specified
	  JRST	PRTOPO			; then go print it
	SKIPG	FASWD##			;/NOFAST or default?
	  PUSHJ	P,PFIRST		;Yes, print the first line
	  PUSHJ	P,SHOLST		;Yes, do a short list
	  JRST	PRINF2			;No, /BRIEF is the default
	SKIPE	BRIEWD##		;Did he say /BRIEF?
	  JRST	PRINF3			;Yes, don't print configuration
PRINF2:	SKIPG	BRIEWD##		;Here if /NOFAST or default
	  PUSHJ	P,PCONF			;No, print the configuration
PRINF3:	POPJ	P,			;Return to loop
;** Here to print the first line in the default format

PFIRST:	PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;Lead off with a <CR><LF>
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/Node /]	;[11] Print the lead word
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;...
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;Print a <tab>
	MOVE	T1,SNM##		;Get the sixbit node name
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;and print it
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;followed by a <tab>
	MOVEI	T1,"("			;Get a <left-paren>
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;and print it
	MOVE	T1,NNM##		;Get out node number
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;and print it in octal
	MOVEI	T1,")"			;Get a <right-paren>
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;and print it
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;followed by a <tab>
	MOVEI	T1,^D28			;This is our horizontal position
	MOVEM	T1,HPOS##		;so set it
	MOVEI	T1,SID##		;Point at the software ID (asciz)
	PUSHJ	P,KILBLK		;And kill leading blanks
	PUSHJ	P,TCARE			;and print it carefully
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;followed by a <tab>
	MOVEI	T1,DAT##		;Point to the software date (asciz)
	PUSHJ	P,TCARE			;and print it carefully
	POPJ	P,			;Return
;[19] Here to print topology information for a node
;[19] P1 points to topo, p2 = count

PRTOPO:	PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;[19] Lead off with a <CR><LF>
	SETZ	P2,			;[19] Clear the count of chars printed
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/Node	/]	;[19] Lead off with "node<tab>"
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;[19] ...
	MOVE	T1,SNM##		;[19] Get the name
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;[19]  and print it
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;[19] Print a <TAB>
	MOVEI	T1,"("			;[19] Get an open paren
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;[19]  and print it
	MOVE	T1,NNM##		;[19] Get the node's number
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;[19]  and print it
	MOVEI	T1,")"			;[19] Finally, get the close paren
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;[19]  and print it
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;[19] Print another <TAB>
	MOVEI	P2,30			;[19] 3 <TAB>s bring us to col # ^D24
	MOVEM	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Save our horizontal position

;[19] Set up to output the topology information

 	MOVEI	P1,TOP##		;[19] Get the address of the topology
	SKIPN	(P1)			;[19]  and if there aren't any
	JRST	[MOVEI T1,[ASCIZ \None\];[19]  neighbors, then
		 PJRST TCARE]		;[19]  tell the user
	JRST	PRTOP3			;[19] Skip the ","<TAB> the first time

;[19] Here to type a comma in the correct place

PRTOP2:	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/,	/]	;[19] Point to ","<TAB>
	CAME	P2,10			;[19] No ","<TAB> if we called CRLFH
	PUSHJ	P,TCARE			;[19] type it

;[19] Here to print the neighbor's node number

PRTOP3:	MOVE	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Get the horizontal position
	HRRZ	T1,(P1)			;[19] Get the neighbors node number
	PUSHJ	P,FLATSO		;[19] Account for the size
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;[19]  and print it in octal
	SKIPE	COSTWD##		;[19] Should we print the link costs?
	  PUSHJ	P,PRCOST		;[19] Print the link costs
	SKIPE	1(P1)			;[19] See if there are any more entrys
	AOJA	P1,PRTOP2		;[19]  and if so, go process them
	SKIPN	BRIEWD##		;[19] Check for configuration typeout
	  PUSHJ	P,PCONF			;[19] Yes, do the configuration
	POPJ	P,			;[19] No more neighbors to process
;[19] Here to print the link costs

PRCOST:	HLRZ	T1,(P1)			;[19] Get the link's cost
	PUSHJ	P,FLATSD		;[19] Account for the size
	ADDI	P2,2			;[19] Allow for the ")" & "("
	MOVE	T1,P2			;[19] Save P2
	SUB	T1,HPOS##		;[19] Get the length of the string
	CAML	P2,CARWID##		;[19] exceeded the carrage width?
	  PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;[19] Yes, <CRLF> now
	ADDM	T1,HPOS##		;[19] add the length of the string
	MOVE	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Restore the horizontal postion
	MOVEI	T1,"("			;[19] Get an open paren
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;[19]  and print it
	HLRZ	T1,(P1)			;[19] Get the link's cost
	PUSHJ	P,.TDECW##		;[19]  and print it in decimal
	MOVEI	T1,")"			;[19] Finish off the entry
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;[19]  with a close paren
	POPJ	P,			;[19]  and return
;[19]    Routines to count (in P2) the number of chars used in the printed
;[19]    representation of the item in T1.

FLATSN:	PUSH	P,T1			;[19] Here for counting names
	MOVEM	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Save the horizontal position
FLATN1:	SKIPE	T1			;[19] If we haven't zeroed the whole wd
	JRST	[LSH T1,6		;[19]  yet, then shift the name
		 AOJA P2,FLATN1]	;[19]  and count it
	CAML	P2,CARWID##		;[19] Can this fit??
	  PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;[19] Too big to fit, <CRLF> now
	MOVE	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Restore the local count
	POP	P,T1			;[19] Restore the name
	POPJ	P,			;[19]  and return

FLATSO:	PUSH	P,T1			;[19] Here for octal numbers
	MOVEM	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Save the horizontal position
	SKIPE	T1			;[19] Worry about a zero
FLATO1:	SKIPE	T1			;[19] if we're not done yet
	JRST	[LSH T1,-3		;[19]  divide the number by 8
		 AOJA P2,FLATO1]	;[19]  and count the digit
	CAML	P2,CARWID##		;[19] Can this fit??
	  PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;[19] Too big to fit, <CRLF> now
	MOVE	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Restore the local count
	POP	P,T1			;[19] restore the number
	POPJ	P,			;[19]  and return

FLATSD:	PUSH	P,T1			;[19] Here for decimal numbers
	SKIPE	T1			;[19] Make sure zero counts 1
FLATD1:	SKIPE	T1			;[19] If there are still more digits
	JRST	[IDIVI T1,5+5		;[19]  divide by 10
		 AOJA P2,FLATD1]	;[19]  and count the char
	MOVEM	P2,HPOS##		;[19] Save the horizontal position
	POP	P,T1			;[19] Restore the number
	POPJ	P,			;[19]  and return
;** Here to print the configuration information

PCONF:	PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;print a <CR><LF>
	MOVE	P1,[XWD -20,CNF##]	;Make a AOBJN pointer
 	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;Type a <tab>
	MOVEI	T5,10			;and set up horizontal position
PCONF1:	SKIPN	(P1)			;Any more devices?
	JRST	PCONF2			;No, all done
	HLRZ	T1,(P1)			;Yes, get the configuration word
	MOVE	T1,CTAB##(T1)		;and the asciz name string
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;and print it
	HRRZ	T1,(P1)			;Get how many
PCONF3:	IDIVI	T1,10			;and find the number of digits
	ADDI	T5,1			;add one to the horizontal position
	JUMPG	T1,PCONF3		;loop till we have counted all digits
	HRRZ	T1,(P1)			;Get how many, again
	PUSHJ	P,.TDECW##		;and print it this time
	MOVEI	T1,"]"			;Get a <left bracket>
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;and print it
	PUSHJ	P,.TSPAC##		;followed by a space
	ADDI	T5,6			;Add number of characters in the:
					;device name [3]
					;brackets [2]
					;<space> [1]
					;to the horizontal position
	PUSH	P,T5			;save T5
	ADDI	T5,11			;Add the max expected for the 
					;next device
	CAML	T5,T4			;Do we exceed the TTY's width?
	  JRST	PCONF4			;Yes, do a <CR><LF>
	POP	P,T5			;No, restore T5 and 
	AOBJN	P1,PCONF1		;loop till done
PCONF2:	SKIPLE	FASWD##			;Did he type /FAST?
	  PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;No, do a <CR><LF>
	POPJ	P,			;return
PCONF4:	SKIPG	1(P1)			;any more devices?
	  JRST	PCONF5			;Yes, loop back
	PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;Type a <CR><LF>
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;and a <tab>
PCONF5:	POP	P,T5			;then restore T5
	MOVEI	T5,10			;Reset the horizontal position counter
	AOBJN	P1,PCONF1		;and loop back
;** routine to produce a listing of nodes in the network
;   by name and number only on one or two lines

SHOLST:	SKIPN	FIRSTL##		;Is this the first spec?
	  PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;Yes, do a <CR><LF>
	AOS	FIRSTL##		;Count the number of specs we do
	MOVEI	T1,","			;In case we need a comma
	SKIPE	HPOS##			;Did we just type a <CR><LF>
	  PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;No, type a comma
	SKIPE	HPOS##			;Did we just do a <CR><LF>
	  AOS	HPOS##			;No, typed a "," so increment position
	MOVE	T1,CARWID##		;Get the width of our TTY
	SUBI	T1,^D12			;Allow for our worst case
	SUB	T1,HPOS##		;Do we have enough room on the line?
	JUMPG	T1,SHOLS1		;...
	  SETZM	HPOS##			;No, Reset our position
	  PUSHJ	P,CRLFH			;No, do a <CR><LF>
SHOLS1:	MOVE	T1,SNM##		;Get the sixbit node name
	PUSHJ	P,HOSIX			;Keep track of our horizontal position
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;Type the name
	MOVEI	T1,"("			;Type a left paren
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;...
	MOVEI	T3,2			;# of punctuation characters 
	HRRZ	T1,NNM##		;Type the node number
SHOLS2:	IDIVI	T1,10			;Get the number of digits 
	AOS	T3			;Add one to count and see if more
	JUMPG	T1,SHOLS2		;Loop till count exausted
	ADDM	T3,HPOS##		;Adjust the horisontal position
	HRRZ	T1,NNM##		;Get the node number again
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;in octal...
	MOVEI	T1,")"			;Followed by a right paren
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;...
	POPJ	P,			;Return
;** Routine to keep track of the horizontal position of the
;   cursor on the tty when printing sixbit words from T1
;preserves all registers

HOSIX:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps...
	SETZ	T2,			;Zero T2 in case 6 chars in T1
	MOVE	T3,[POINT 6,T1]		;Point at the sixbit word
HOSIX1:	ILDB	T4,T3			;Get a byte
	  AOS	HPOS##			;No, count over 1 space
	JUMPN	T4,HOSIX1		;Is it zero?
HOSIX2:	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;No, restore the temps
	POPJ	P,			;Return 

;** Here to do a carrage return/ line feed sequence
;   and set HPOS (our horizontal position) to zero

CRLFH:	SETZM	HPOS##			;Set the horizontal position back to 
					;the left margin
	PJRST	.TCRLF##		;And do a real <CR><LF>

;** Here to kill leading blanks or tabs from a string pointed to by T1
;   Returns with T1 pointing to the start of the new string
;   * destroys P3

KILBLK:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	HLL	T1,[POINT 7,0]		;Make T1 a byte pointer
	MOVE	T3,T1			;Copy it
KILBL1:	ILDB	T2,T1			;Load a byte
	CAIN	T2,40			;Is it a <blank>
	  JRST 	KILBL1			;Loop til we find a non-blank character
	CAMN	T1,T3			;Are the byte pointers different?
	  JRST	KILBL4			;No, return to the caller
KILBL2:	 IDPB	T2,T3			;Deposit the current byte
	 ILDB	T2,T1			;Get another byte
	 JUMPN	T2,KILBL2		;Loop until zero byte
	 IDPB	T2,T3			;and deposit it
KILBL4:	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	POPJ	P,			;and return
;** here to type a asciz string without exceeding the page width
;   (if possible).

TCARE:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVEI	T3,0			;Clear T3
	HLL	T1,[POINT 7,0]		;Make a byte pointer
TCARE1:	ILDB	T2,T1			;Get the first byte
	CAIN	T2,"	"		;Is this a <tab>
	PUSHJ	P,CARTAB		;Yes, handle it
	AOS	T3			;Increment the string length
	JUMPN	T2,TCARE1		;Loop till the end of the string
	SOS	T3			;Correct for the Off By One error
	ADD	T3,HPOS##		;Add this to our horizontal position
	CAMLE	T3,CARWID##		;Is this less than the width?
	  JRST	TCARE4			;No, reset and <CR><LF>
	MOVEM	T3,HPOS##		;Yes, Save the horizontal position
TCARE3:	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;and restore the temps
	PJRST	.TSTRG##		;Type the string and return

TCARE4:	SUB	T3,HPOS##		;Get the length of the string back
	CAMLE	T3,CARWID##		;Will it ever fit
	  JFCL				;No, Punt! til we think of
					;something better
	ADDI	T3,10			;Followed by <CR><LF> with a <tab>
	PUSHJ	P,.TTABC##		;Do a <tab>
	MOVEM	T3,HPOS##		;Reset horizontal position
	JRST	TCARE3			;And return to the user

;** Here to handle typing a <tab> with our horizontal position counter

CARTAB:	PUSH	P,T4			;Save T3
	PUSH	P,T3			;and T4
	ADDI	T3,10			;A <tab> is 8 (decimal) spaces
	IDIVI	T3,10			;So what we really want is
	POP	P,T3			;MOD 8 added to T3
	ADD	T3,T4			;So do it
	SOS	T3			;Off by one trick again
	POP	P,T4			;Restore T4
	POPJ	P,			;Return
	SUBTTL	Routines to interface to Scan

;[10] ** Routine to finish I/O and exit

FINISH:	MOVE	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] Get the output control word
	TLO	T1,MO.CHR##		;[10] Bit to go into character mode
	MOVEM	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] Set in output control word
	SETZ	T1,			;[10] Clear T1 to be a Null
	PUSHJ	P,OUTC			;[10] Output the rest of the buffer
	JRST	.MONRT##		;[10] And exit gracefully

;[10] ** Routine to buffer tty output
;[10]    Called by SCAN and placed in character mode for prompt
;[10]    The character is in T1

OUTC::	SKIPL	OUTCON##		;[10] If bit 0 is set then line mode
	  JRST	OUTLST			;[10] If char mode output the buffer
	SOSGE	NCHAR##			;[10] Decrement the character count
	  JRST	OUTLST			;[10] Output it to the TTY
	IDPB	T1,BUFFP##		;[10] Deposit character in the buffer
	POPJ	P,			;[10] Return

OUTLST:	IDPB	T1,BUFFP##		;[10] Store the last character
	SETZ	T1,			;[10] Zero character next
	IDPB	T1,BUFFP##		;[10] To make the string ASCIZ
	OUTSTR	BUFFER##		;[10] Output the buffer
	MOVE	T1,[POINT 7,BUFFER]	;[10] Reset the buffer pointer
	MOVEM	T1,BUFFP##		;[10] ...
	MOVEI	T1,BUFSIZ##		;[10] Reset the character count
	MOVEM	T1,NCHAR##		;[10] ...
	POPJ	P,			;[10] Return to SCAN
;** Here from Scan to allocate space for Scan blocks as node or file specs
;   IALLO increments number of specs on the input side of the "="
;   OALLO increments the number of specs on the output side of the "="
;   Scan will try to BLT the info into the right spot

IALLO::	AOS	INFIL##			;Add one to the number of input specs
	SKIPA				;If here always skip OUTFIL increment

OALLO::	AOS	OUTFIL##		;Add one to the number of output specs
	MOVE	T1,NUMBLK##		;Get the number of blocks so far
	IMULI	T1,BLKSIZ##		;Get the amount of core this takes
	ADDI	T1,BLKSIZ##+SBLKS##	;And add one more block & address
	CAMG	T1,.JBREL		;Do we already have enough core?
	  JRST	OALLO1			;Yes, We already have enough
	PUSH	P,T1			;No, Save T1 around CORE UUO
	CAILE	T1,MAXCOR##		;Are we still smaller than max allowed
	  JRST	ALOCER			;No, tell user
	ADDI	T1,BLKSIZ##		;Add block size
	ANDI	T1,777000		;Mask to pages
	ADDI	T1,1000			;And add one
	CORE	T1,			;...
	  JRST	ALOCER			;Allocation error, tell user
	PUSHJ	P,.TCRLF##		;Do a <CR><LF>
	MOVEI	T1,"["			;Type a <left bracket>
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;...
	MOVE	T1,.JBREL		;Get how much we got now
	ANDI	T1,777000		;Mask to pages
	ADDI	T1,2000			;And add one
	PUSHJ	P,.TCORW##		;Type how much core we are using
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/ core]/]	;Tell him it's core
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;...
	POP	P,T1			;Ok, Restore T1
OALLO1:	MOVEI	T2,BLKSIZ##		;a pointer and a block size
	SUB	T1,T2			;Backup one block length
	AOS	NUMBLK##		;add one to the count of 
					;Scan blocks allocated
	POPJ	P,			;Return to Scan
;** Here to initalize Scan with .ISCAN
;   called from the startup code

ISCN:	MOVE	T2,[ISLEN##,,ISBLK##]	;.ISCAN argument block if logged in
	PUSHJ	P,.ISLGI##		;[4] Are we logged in?
	  MOVE	T2,[ISLEN##,,ISBLO##]	;[4] .ISCAN argument block if logged out
	MOVE	T1,T2			;[4] Put the argument into T2

;** Here to do the Traditional Scanner .TSCAN
;   called from the startup code

TSCN:	MOVE	T1,[TSLEN##,,TSBLK##]	;.TSCAN argument block
	PUSHJ	P,.TSCAN##		;Scan a line of input
	MOVE	T1,[OSLEN##,,OSBLK##]	;.OSCAN argument block
	MOVE	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] Get the output control word
	TLO	T1,MO.CHR##		;[10] Set output mode to string mode
	MOVEM	T1,OUTCON##		;[10] And store it
	SKIPN	NUMBLK##		;Do we have Scan blocks to process?
	  JRST	RUNST			;No, take default start
	PUSHJ	P,NETAB			;[19] Build network tables
	SUBTTL	Dissect the Scan blocks

;** Routine to get a node-spec out of a Scan block
;   If the spec is "wild" do a search of node names for winners
;   If not "wild" use the NODE. UUO to figure out who we want
;   Then (in either case) insert the proper entries into the
;   selection table
;   Finally jump to the main loop to tell the user about what we already know

DISECT:	MOVN	T3,NUMBLK##		;Number of Scan Blocks
	HRL	T3,T3			;Make an AOBJN pointer
	HRRI	T3,SBLKS##		;Point to the first Scan block
DISEC1:	MOVE	T1,.FXMOD(T3)		;Get the modifier word
	TDNN	T1,[FX.NDV]		;Did he type a device?
	 JRST   SPECER			;Yes, tell him
	TDNN	T1,[FX.NUL]		;Did he type an extension?
	 JRST   SPECER			;Yes, tell him
	TDNE	T1,[FX.DIR]		;Did he type a P,PN?
	 JRST 	SPECER			;Yes, tell him
	MOVE	T1,.FXNAM(T3)		;Get the name
	SKIPE	OFFSET##		;Run start?
	 JUMPE	T1,WILDS2		;Yes, keep prompting
	SKIPN	T2,.FXNAM(T3)		;Is the name null?
	  PUSHJ	P,DEFCAS		;See if the default case
	SETO	T1,			;Make a mask for the mask
	ANDCM	T1,.FXNMM(T3)		;And out the mask
	JUMPN	T1,WILDS		;Yes, handle wildcarding
	 MOVEI	T1,2			;No, set up an argument block
	 MOVE	P4,[.NDRNN,,T1]		;and an ac
DISEC4:	 NODE.	P4,			;Use NODE. UUO to check node
	  JRST	NONOD			;Error, tell user node is no good
	 TLNE	P4,777777		;Is what we have a name?
	  JRST	[MOVE	T2,P4		;Yes, reset the argument block
		 MOVE	P4,[.NDRNN,,T1]	;Set ac back up
		 JRST	DISEC4]		;Make it a node number
	 MOVN	T1,NODNUM##		;Here when we have a number
	 HRL	T1,T1			;Swap halves and make into
	 HRRI	T1,NODBIN##		;an AOBJN counter
DISEC3:	 HRRZ	T2,(T1)			;Get RH
	 CAME	P4,T2			;A match?
	  AOBJN	T1,DISEC3		;No, loop till match or EOT
	 CAME	P4,T2			;Match or EOT?
	  JRST	DISEC5			;EOT, handle it
	 SETOM	(T1)			;Make a flag entry in memory
	 HRRM	P4,(T1)			;Put the entry back in the table
	AOS	NODNUM##		;[19] Count this in the total too
	 JRST	WILDS2			;Jrst to the next Scan block
DISEC5:	AOS	NODNUM##		;EOT but, node is there
	HRLI	P4,777777		;Insert into table and flag
	MOVEM	P4,(T1)			;...
	JRST	WILDS2			;Do the next one
;** Here for a wildcard node name

WILDS:	SETZM	WMATCH##		;Clear the match flag
	AND	T2,.FXNMM(T3)		;Mask the name
	MOVN	T4,NODNUM##		;Set up the max number of nodes
	HRL	T4,T4			;Put it in LH of T4
	HRRI	T4,NODNAM##		;and point to their names
WILDS1:	MOVE	T1,(T4)			;Get a node
	AND	T1,.FXNMM(T3)		;Mask it's name
	CAME	T1,T2			;A match?
	 AOBJN	T4,WILDS1		;No, loop
	CAMN	T1,T2			;Really a match or the end of list
	PUSHJ	P,INSERT		;Yes, a match, enter in table
	AOBJN	T4,WILDS1		;No, EOT, loop through all nodes
	MOVE	T1,WMATCH##		;Get the flag word
	JUMPE	T1,NOWILD		;If we didn't get a match
WILDS2:	ADDI	T3,BLKSIZ##-1		;Add size of the block to the pointer
	AOBJN	T3,DISEC1		;Loop until all the blocks are checked

;** Here to generate a list of nodes to look at

GLIST:	MOVN	T1,NODNUM##		;Get the negative number of nodes
	HRL	T1,T1			;and make it an AOBJN pointer
	HRRI	T1,NODBIN##		;Into the table
	MOVEI	T2,NODLST##		;Point to the list we are making
	SETZB	T2,NODCNT##		;and clear the count
GLIST1:	SKIPL	(T1)			;Is this entry flagged?
	 JRST	GLIST2			;No, skip the insertion
	HRRZ	T3,(T1)			;Yes, get it
	AOS	T2			;Add one to the count
	AOS	NODCNT##		;Add one to the number to process
	MOVEM	T3,NODCNT##(T2)		;and put it into the new table
GLIST2:	AOBJN	T1,GLIST1		;Loop till done
	SKIPE	NODCNT##		;Did we flag any?
	 JRST	CCLST			;Yes, do the CCL start
	JRST	LOOP1			;No, nothing to print, try again
;** Here to see of null name is the only one 
;   specified

DEFCAS:	MOVE	T2,NUMBLK##		;Get the number of blocks
	CAIG	T2,1			;More than 1 Scan block?
	  JRST	[POP	P,(P)		;[19] Reset the stack
		 JRST RUNST1]		;[19] For the default list
	SETZ	T2,			;Make sure T2 gets zeroed again
	POPJ	P,			;Yes, return

;** Here to flag a node to be listed
;   Here from wilds when we have a match

INSERT:	SETOM	WMATCH##		;Flag the match
	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	HRRZ	T4,T4			;Clear the LH of T4
	SUBI	T4,NODNAM##		;Get the index into the table
	ADDI	T4,NODBIN##		;and make a pointer to the new list
	MOVEI	T3,777777		;Get the flag
	HRLM	T3,(T4)			;and place it in the list
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	POPJ	P,			;Return
	SUBTTL	Error message handling routines

;** Here when we run out of Scan block storage.
;   tell the user once and continue, ignoring any more specs

ALOCER:	SKIPE	SBMCNT##		;Sure to only tell him once!
	  JRST	ALOCE1			;Don't count errors unless we print them
	MOVE	T1,NFECNT##		;How many non-fatal errors did we have?
	CAILE	T1,MAXNFE##		;Did we have too many?
	  JRST	NFEERR			;Yes, tell the user and die
	AOS	NFECNT##		;No, count the error
ALOCE1:	POP	P,T1			;Restore T1
	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVE	T1,['NWKSBE']		;Yes, tell the user
	MOVE	T2,["%",,[ASCIZ/Scan Blocks used up. Node spec ignored/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;Clear for Scan
	SKIPN	SBMCNT##		;Sure to only tell him once!
	  PUSHJ   P,.ERMSG##		;Yes, print the error
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	MOVEI	T2,1			;Clear size and destination
	MOVEI	T1,TEMP##		;Fake it in the temp space
	AOS	SBMCNT##		;Keep track of how many times here
	POPJ	P,			;Return

;** Debug routine to help figure out what has gone wrong
;Here on a TRMNO. error

TRMOER:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVE	T1,['NWKTUE']		;The prefix
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/TRMNO. UUO error at PC/]]
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;[18] Print the error message
	HRRZ	T3,-4(P)		;[18] Get the PC
	SUBI	T3,2			;[18] Backup to the UUO
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;[18] Type the address of the error
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore temps in case of dump
	JRST	FINISH			;[10] and die
;** Debug routine to help figure out what has gone wrong
;Here on a GETTAB error

GTABER:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVE	T1,['NWKGUE']		;The prefix
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/GETTAB UUO error at PC/]]
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;[18] Print the error message
	HRRZ	T3,-4(P)		;[18] Get the PC
	SUBI	T3,2			;[18] Backup to the UUO
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;[18] Type the address of the error
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps in case of dump
	JRST	FINISH			;[10] and die

;** Debug routine to help figure out what has gone wrong
;Here on a NODE. UUO error

NODERR:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVE	T4,[34,,11]		;Is the monitor 7.00 or later?
	GETTAB	T4,			;...
	 PUSHJ	P,GTABER		;[18] GETTAB error? tell user and die
	LSH	T4,-6			;Right justify monitor version
	ANDI	T4,777			;and mask out other stuff
	CAIGE	T4,700			;7.00 or later?
	  JRST OLDMON			;No, tell user and die
	MOVE	T1,['NWKNUE']		;Yes, the prefix
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/NODE UUO error at PC/]]
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;[18] Print the error message
	HRRZ	T3,-4(P)		;[18] Get the PC
	SUBI	T3,2			;[18] Backup to the UUO
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;[18] Type the address of the error
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps in case of dump
	JRST	FINISH			;[10] and die

OLDMON:	MOVE	T1,['NWKMTO']		;The prefix
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/Monitor too old. Must be 7.00 or later/]]
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Print the error message
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore in case of dump
	JRST 	FINISH			;[10] and die
;** Here when no node can meet the constraints set by the device
;   switches set by the user
;   Only prints if no other message has been typed
;  uses T1-T4

NOMAT:	MOVE	T1,NFECNT##		;How many non-fatal errors did we have?
	CAILE	T1,MAXNFE##		;Did we have too many?
	  JRST	NFEERR			;Yes, tell the user and die
	AOS	NFECNT##		;No, count the error
	MOVE	T1,['NWKNNM']		;The prefix
	MOVE	T2,["%",,[ASCIZ/No Nodes meet constraints/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;Zero these for Scan
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Print the error message
	POPJ	P,			;Return

;** Here when we lose in a wildcard search

NOWILD:	MOVE	T2,.FXNAM(T3)		;Put node-spec as user typed it in T2
					;and fall into 'no node in network 

;** Here when we have to tell the user about a no-match situation.
;   Can come here from wild failure (above) or non-wild failure (DISECT)

NONOD:	SKIPN	ERRWD##			;Do we want to print no-node errors?
	 JRST	WILDS2			;No, just return
	AOS	MATCH##			;Increment the match count because 
					;we printed an error
	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	PUSH	P,T2			;Save T2 again for later
	MOVE	T1,['NWKNNN']		;Get the prefix characters
	PUSH	P,[NONOD1]		;Put print routine address on the stack
	PUSHJ	P,ERMSP			;Go to our error message processor
	POP	P,T1			;If here, pop the extra address 
					;off the stack
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	JRST	WILDS2			;and fake a loop to WILDS

NONOD1:	MOVE	T1,[POINT 7,[ASCIZ/NODE /]]	;If here, print the 
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;rest of the message
	POP	P,T1			;Put the node name into T1 for Scan
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;and print it
	MOVE	T1,[POINT 7,[ASCIZ/ not in Network/]]
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;and the rest of the message
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Then restore the temps
	JRST	WILDS2			;and fake a loop back to wilds
;** Here to handle too many non-fatal errors
;   this is determined by MAXNFE in NDATA

NFEERR:	MOVE	T1,['NWKTME']		;Too many non-fatal errors
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/Too many errors/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;Clear for Scan
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Tell the user the bad news
	JRST	FINISH		;[10] and then just die

;** Here to print standard error message prefixes
;   Modified version of Scan's .ERMSG routine to allow us to put
;   extra things in the line like a node spec or illegal parts of a 
;   node spec...
;   T1  =  The message prefix
;   -1(P) = The address of the extra print routine
;   uses T2-4

ERMSP::	PUSH	P,T1		;Save the prefix
	MOVE	T1,NFECNT##	;How many non-fatal errors did we have?
	CAILE	T1,MAXNFE##	;Did we have too many?
	  JRST	NFEERR		;Yes, tell the user and die
	AOS	NFECNT##	;No, count the error
	MOVEI	T1,"%"		;Get the lead character (never called if fatal)
	PUSHJ	P,.TNEWL##	;make a new line
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##	;Issue the lead character
	PUSHJ	P,.VERBO##	;Get /MESSAGE setting
	MOVE	T4,T1		;and copy it to a safer place
	POP	P,T1		;Get the prefix back
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##	;Yes, issue the prefix
	PUSHJ	P,.TSPAC##	;Space to the text area
	POP	P,T1		;Yes, use the supplied print address
	POPJ	P,		;and return to there
;** Here to tell the user he has entered a bad node spec.
;   This happens when we get a PPN, device, or extension in a node spec
;   We will tell him and then prompt him with a * as we change into 
;   run mode by poking our OFFSET word

SPECER:	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVEI	T1,1			;Fake a run start so we will
	MOVEM	T1,OFFSET##		;prompt the user, a second chance
	MOVE	T1,['NWKBNS']		;The prefix
	PUSH	P,[SPECE1]		;Set up the print routine address
	PUSHJ	P,ERMSP			;Process the message
	POP	P,T1			;If here, restore the stack
	  JRST	SPECE2			;and exit
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;Type the generic message
	MOVE	T4,.FXMOD(T3)		;Get the Scan block modifier word
	MOVE	T1,.FXDEV(T3)		;Get the device name
	TDNN	T4,[FX.NDV]		;Do we have a device?
	  PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;Yes, type the device name
	MOVEI	T1,":"			;Get a ":"
	TDNN	T4,[FX.NDV]		;and print it if
	  PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;we printed a device
	MOVE	T1,.FXNAM(T3)		;Get the name
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;and print it always
	MOVEI	T1,"."			;Get a period
	TDNN	T4,[FX.NUL]		;Null extension?
	  PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;No, type the period
	HLLZ	T1,.FXEXT(T3)		;Get the extension
	TDNN	T4,[FX.NUL]		;Is it null?
	  PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;No, type it
	TDNN	T4,[FX.DIR]		;Was a directory typed?
	  JRST 	SPECE2			;No, skip this stuff
	MOVE	T1,.FXDIR(T3)		;Yes, get the PPN
	PUSHJ	P,.TPPNW##		;and type it
SPECE2:	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	JRST	WILDS2			;and fake a return to WILDS
;** Here when a node has gone offline when we are processing it

OFLINE:	SKIPN	ERRWD##			;Print "No Node" errors
	  AOBJN	L1,LOOP			;No, fake loop
	AOS	MATCH##			;[18] So we don't get the
					;[18] "No nodes meet constraints"
	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;[8] Save the temps
	MOVE	T1,['NWKNWD']		;No, The prefix
	PUSH	P,[OFLIN2]		;Print routine address
	PUSHJ	P,ERMSP			;Error message routine
	POP	P,T1			;Restore the stack
	JRST	OFLIN3			;and exit to the main loop

OFLIN2:	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/Node /]	;[18] text
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;[18] Type the string
	MOVE	T1,-<MAXNOD##+1>(L1)	;[18] Get the sixbit name
	PUSHJ	P,.TSIXN##		;[18] Type it 
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/	(/]	;[18]
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;[18] Type it
	MOVE	T1,CN			;Get the node number
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;Type it
	MOVEI	T1,")"			;Get a <right paren>
	PUSHJ	P,.TCHAR##		;Type it
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ/ is going on or offline/]	;[9] Strange state msg
	PUSHJ	P,.TSTRG##		;Type the rest of the message
OFLIN3:	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	AOBJN	L1,LOOP			;fake the end of the main loop
	JRST	LOOP0			;And restart if end of loop
	SUBTTL	Control/C and other interupt handling!

;[19] Here on a ^C or other interrupt

CONC::	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	HLRZ	T1,INTYPE##		;Get the interupt type
	CAIE	T1,ER.ICC		;Was it a ^C interupt?
	  JRST	CONC1			;No, check the next type
	PUSHJ	P,.ISLGI##		;[7] Are we logged in?
	  JRST	FINISH			;[10] No, Do the right thing and exit!
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Yes, restore the temps and make it
	EXIT	1,			;look like a plain ^C

			;** Here if the user types a CONTINUE command

	PUSH	P,LASTPC##		;Put the return address on the stack
	SETZM	LASTPC##		;and clear it in the interupt block
	POPJ	P,			;Finally, return to what we were doing

CONC1:	CAIE	T1,ER.FUL		;is the disk full
	  JRST	CONC2			;No, check the next possibility
	PUSHJ	P,.PSH4T##		;Save the temps
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/No more room on file structure/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;Clear T3 and T4
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Print the Message
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	JRST	FINISH			;[10] Exit...(Die)

CONC2:	CAIE	T1,ER.QEX		;Did he exceed his disk quota?
	  JRST 	CONC3			;No, check the next possibility
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/Disk Quota exceeded/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;clear T3 and T4
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Print the message
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	JRST	FINISH			;[10] Exit...(die)
CONC3:	CAIE	T1,ER.TLX		;Did he exceed his time limit?
	  JRST	CONC4			;No, check the last possibility
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/Time Limit exceeded/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;Clear T3 and T4
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Print the message
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;Restore the temps
	EXIT	1,			;Do a continuable exit

			;** Here if the user types a CONTINUE command

	PUSH	P,LASTPC##		;Put the return address on the stack
	SETZM	LASTPC##		;and clear it in the interupt block
	POPJ	P,			;Finally, return to what we were doing

CONC4:	CAIE	T1,ER.EIJ		;Did he encounter a fatal error
					;of the fourth kind?
	  JRST 	CONC5			;No, let the user have it
	MOVE	T2,["?",,[ASCIZ/Fatal Error at PC/]]
	SETZB	T3,T4			;Clear T3 and T4
	PUSHJ	P,.ERMSG##		;Print the message
	HRRZ	T1,LASTPC##		;[18] Get the last PC
	SUBI	T1,1			;[18] Backup to the error PC
	PUSHJ	P,.TOCTW##		;[18] and type the PC
	PUSHJ	P,.POP4T##		;restore the temps
	JRST 	FINISH			;[10] Exit to the monitor

CONC5:	POP	P,T1			;Restore T1
	PUSH	P,LASTPC##		;Put the last PC on the stack 
	SETZM	LASTPC##		;Clear it in the interupt block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to the user program
	XLIST				;[19] For a neater listing
	LIT				;Force literals to be in high segment
	LIST				;[19]

	TITLE	NDATA  Data structures for the NETWORK program
	SUBTTL	Constant definitions


	TWOSEG			;Make sharable  twoseg

	MAXNOD=:200		;The max number of nodes we can handle
	BLKSIZ=:10		;Number of words allocated to each Scan block
	PREALO=:MAXNOD/10	;How many nnode specs to preallocate for
	MAXNFE=:MAXNOD/2	;Maximum # of non-fatal errors we will allow
	MAXCOR=:10000		;The maximum amount of core we allow (in words)
	MO.CHR=:400000		;[10] Character mode  bit
	DEFWID=:^D72		;[14] Define our default width
	PSIZ=:40		;Number of words in the stack
	.NDNDB=:13		;NDB access function of the NODE. UUO
	.NDNLS=:12		;List nodes in network function of NODE. UUO
	SUBTTL	Stack and interupt block

	RELOC	0	;Set to low segment for data and stack


;** Interupt block

INTBLK::BLOCK	1		;[15]4 words long,,interupt handler
	BLOCK	1		;[15]No message control,, 2 ^C
LASTPC::BLOCK	1		;[15] User PC stored here when interrupted
INTYPE::BLOCK	1		;[15] Interupt type in LH
	SUBTTL	UUO  argument blocks

STDAT::			;Start of core to be zeroed on initalization

;** Argument block for the NODE. UUO's .NDNDB function

CURNOD::BLOCK	1		;Current node number
FLDNUM::BLOCK	1		;Field number we want
DATBLK::BLOCK	100		;Data area

;** Argument block for the TRMOP. UUO's .TOWID function

TTWID::	BLOCK	1		;Function code to get TTY width
CARWID::BLOCK	1		;The TTY's width

;** argument block for the NODE. UUO's .NDNLS function
;   This generates a list of all the nodes in the network by number

NODNUM::BLOCK	1		;Header for UUO
NODBIN::BLOCK	MAXNOD		;The list of the node numbers
	SUBTTL	Tables to allow wildcarding node names

;** List of nodes in network by their name in sixbit


;** List of numbers of nodes selected to be displayed

NODCNT::	BLOCK	1		;Number of nodes to process
NODLST::	BLOCK	MAXNOD		;List of nodes to process

;** Our model of an NDB. We copy the nodes NDB here so we can get it easier

NNM::	BLOCK	1		;Node number
SNM::	BLOCK	1		;Node name in sixbit
SID::	BLOCK	10		;Software ID (asciz)
DAT::	BLOCK	10		;Software date (asciz)
LMA::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL message assigned
LMS::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL ACK message sent
LAR::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL ACK recieved
LAP::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL ACK processed
LMR::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL message recieved
LMP::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL message processed
LAS::	BLOCK	1		;Last NCL ACK sent
MOM::	BLOCK	1		;Maximum outstanding message counter
TOP::	BLOCK	20		;Network topology table in the form
				;XWD Level , Node
CNF::	BLOCK	20		;Configuration table in the form
				;XWD Object , Number
ENDB::	BLOCK	1		;End of our NDB
	SUBTTL	Scan related switces

;** Scan switch storage

FIRSW::				;Start of switch area
WIDWD::	BLOCK	1		;/WIDTH:nn switch.
FASWD::	BLOCK	1		;Short listing switch
ERRWD::	BLOCK	1		;/ERROR switch
COSTWD::BLOCK	1		;/COST switch 
SORTWD::BLOCK	1		;/SORT switch

;** The following 12 locations must be contigous and in the same order

MCRWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "MCR"
TTYWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "TTY"
CDRWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "CDR"
LPTWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "LPT"
PTRWD:: BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "PTR"
PTPWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "PTP"
PLTWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "PLT"
MTAWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "MTA"
DTAWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "DTA"
TSKWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "TSK"
RDAWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for nodes with "RDA"
CDPWD::	BLOCK	1		;Switch for ndoes with "CDP"
TYPWD::	BLOCK	1		;Value for the /TYPE switch

NDEV=:.-MCRWD			;Length of table of device switches

LASTSW=:.			;Last switch location
;** Other random variables used in odd places

MATCH::	BLOCK	1		;Count of matches or match errors
FIRSTL::BLOCK	1		;Count of times through the SHOLST code
SBMCNT::BLOCK	1		;Count of Scan block error message
OFFSET::BLOCK	1		;The starting offset
WMATCH::BLOCK	1		;Flag for status of a wildcard search
HPOS::	BLOCK	1		;The current horizontallocation of the carriage
NFECNT::BLOCK	1		;Number of non-fatal errors
OUTCON::BLOCK	1		;[10] Output control word
TEMP::	BLOCK	BLKSIZ+1	;Our scratch area

;[10] ** TTY buffer space

NCHAR::	BLOCK	1		;[10] Number of characters in the buffer
BUFFP::	BLOCK	1		;[10] Pointer into the buffer
BUFFER::BLOCK	20		;[10] TTY buffer
BUFSIZ=:<<.-BUFFER> * 5 > - 2	;[10] Number of characters in the buffer
	SUBTTL	Scan block storage area

;** Counters to keep track of the Scan block allocation

OUTFIL::BLOCK	1		;Number of output specs
INFIL::	BLOCK	1		;Number of input specs
NUMBLK::BLOCK	1		;Number of scan blocks allocated so far

;** Default area to store Scan blocks.
;   Must be at the end of core incase we want to expand

SBLKS::	BLOCK	PREALO*BLKSIZ	;Make large enough to hold 1 Scan block

ENDAT::	BLOCK	1		;End of our low seg to be zeroed
	SUBTTL	Pointers and constants

	RELOC	400000		;Relocate to the high segment

;Copy of the interupt control block to be BLTed on initalization

INT::	XWD	4,CONC##	;[15]4 words long,,interupt handler
	XWD	0,2		;[15]No message control,, 2 ^C
	BLOCK	1		;[15] User PC stored here when interrupted
	BLOCK	1		;[15] Interupt type in LH
IBLKLN=:.-INT			;[15]length of interupt block

;** Pointers to asciz strings used by the PCONF routine to 
;   print the device names in the configuration of a node. They must
;   be in this order since they are indexed by their NCL device types.

	SUBTTL	Scan macro calls and definitions

;** Switch definitions

	SN	BRIEF,BRIEWD,FS.NFS	;Control listing of devices
	SN	CDP,CDPWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with CDP's
	SN	CDR,CDRWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with CDR's
	SN	COST,COSTWD,FS.NFS	;List the link cost with /TOPOLOGY
	SN	DTA,DTAWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with DTA's
	SN	ERROR,ERRWD,FS.NFS	;Control listing of errors
	SN	FAST,FASWD,FS.NFS	;For super short list of nodes
	SN	LPT,LPTWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with LPT's
	SN	MCR,MCRWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with MCR's (can be a host)
	SN	MTA,MTAWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with MTA's
	SN	PLT,PLTWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with PLT's
	SN	PTP,PTPWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with PTP's
	SN	PTR,PTRWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with PTR's
	SN	RDA,RDAWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with RDA's
	SN	SILENC,SILWD,FS.NFS	;Control non-error output
	SN	SORT,SORTWD,FS.NFS	;To sort the node names
	SN	TSK,TSKWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with TSK's
	SN	TTY,TTYWD,FS.NFS	;Only nodes with TTY's
	DOSCAN	(TOGLS)		;The DOSCAN macro generates the tables
				;defined by the SWTCHS macro
	SUBTTL	Scan argument blocks

;[4] ** .ISCAN initalization block if logged out

ISBLO::	IOWD	1,ISCANI	;[4] Acceptable CCL commands table
	XWD 	OFFSET,'NWK'	;[4] Starting offset,,Tmp core name
	XWD	0,0		;[4] Default I/O
	XWD	0,0		;[4] Indirect file name (unknown)
	XWD	0,0		;[4] Monitor return,, prompt routine
	EXP	FS.IFI		;[4] Indirect files illegal if logged out

;** .ISCAN initalization block if logged in

ISBLK::	IOWD	1,ISCANI	;Acceptable CCL commands table
	XWD 	OFFSET,'NWK'	;Starting offset,,Tmp core name
	XWD	0,0		;Default I/O
	XWD	0,0		;Indirect file name (unknown)
	XWD	0,0		;Monitor return,, prompt routine
	EXP	0		;Reserved by Scan for the future
ISLEN=:.-ISBLK			;.ISCAN block length

;** Table of CCL names for Scan


;** .OSCAN argument block
;   The options file scanner (SWITCH.INI[,])

OSBLK::	IOWD	TOGLSL,TOGLSN	;SWTCHS' table length,,name table
	XWD	TOGLSD,TOGLSM	;Table of defaults,,processor address
	XWD	0,TOGLSP	;Pointers for storing values
	EXP	-1		;Help word, -1 for "HLP:NETWOR.HLP"
	SIXBIT	/NETWOR/	;Options word...our name
OSLEN=:.-OSBLK			;Length of .OSCAN block

TSBLK::	IOWD	TOGLSL,TOGLSN	;SWTCHS' table length,,name table
	XWD	TOGLSD,TOGLSM	;Table of defaults,,processor address
	XWD	0,TOGLSP	;Pointers for storing values
	EXP	-1		;Use our name for help
	XWD	0,0		;Default to clear answers and file specs
	XWD	IALLO##,OALLO##	;Scan block allocation routines
	XWD	0,0		;Default for sticky defaults
	XWD	0,1B18!1B19	;Scan control flags
				;1B18=More than 1 input spec OK
				;1B19=Global switches can be anywhere
	XWD	0,0		;Let Scan store the values
TSLEN=:.-TSBLK			;.TSCAN block length