
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - ap-c800d-sb - cobddt.hlp
There are 9 other files named cobddt.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.

Load COBDDT as follows:

.DEBUG userprogram       or

.R LINK                                 
*/LOCALS userprogram/DEBUG:COBOL/G

When program is executed, it will first  type  "STARTING  COBOL  DDT".
The  user  may  then  set breakpoints, examine locations, etc., before
Note, the execution of the object program may be interupted by  typing
^C (control-C) twice and answering Y to the question
Do you want to enter COBDDT?  (Y or N)

COBDDT Commands:

ACCEPT data-name         (accept data typed on next line as new  value
                         for specified data item)

ACCEPT                   (assumes data-name of last DISPLAY or ACCEPT)

BREAK paragraph or section-name         (set breakpoint)

CLEAR paragraph or section name         (clear breakpoint)

CLEAR                    (clear all breakpoints)

DDT                      (enter DDT if it has been loaded)

DISPLAY date-name

DISPLAY                  (assumes data-name of last DISPLAY or ACCEPT)

GO procedure-name        (go to the sepecified procedure name)

HISTORY INITIALIZE [file spec] ['title'] (initialize a histogram)

HISTORY BEGIN [file spec] ['title']     (begin gathering statistics)

HISTORY END                             (stop gathering statistics)

HISTORY REPORT [file spec] ['title']    (create the histogram)

MODULE program-name      (use symbol table of named program)

MODULE                   (list the current module and all  modules  in

LOCATE procedure-name or identifier     (type the corresponding  octal

NEXT [signed integer]    (a form of DISPLAY for subscripted items)

OVERLAY ON               (break when a module in a LINK-10 overlay  is
                         entered,  if  that  overlay was not in memory


PROCEED                  (proceed from breakpoint)

PROCEED n                (proceed to nth occurrence of breakpoint)

STEP [integer]           (PROCEED through [integer] paragraph-names)

STOP                     (stop run)

TRACE BACK               (type the current program name  and  sequence
                         of programs called to get here)

TRACE ON                 (type each paragraph or section-name as it is


WHERE                    (list all breakpoints)

All command verbs and arguments may be abbreviated,  so  long  as  the
part type is sufficient to identify that item.

                          [END OF COBDDT.HLP]