
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - TOPS-20_V6.1_DECnetSrc_7-23-85 - mcb/utilities/ndtdat.lst
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								24-Jan-1983 11:51:33	TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530)	    Page   1
								30-Dec-1982 17:56:52	NETPKG:<UTILITIES>NDTDAT.R16.8 (1)

;	  0001	! [Beginning of NDTDAT]
;	  0002	!
;	  0003	!
;	  0004	!                    COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982
;	  0005	!                    DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION
;	  0006	!                        Maynard, Massachusetts
;	  0007	!
;	  0008	!     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;	  0009	!     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;	  0010	!     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;	  0011	!     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;	  0012	!     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;	  0013	!     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;	  0014	!
;	  0015	!     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;	  0016	!     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;	  0018	!
;	  0019	!     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;	  0020	!     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;	  0021	!     DIGITAL.
;	  0022	!
;	  0023	
;	  0024	!++
;	  0025	!
;	  0026	! FACILITY: Node Debugging Tool
;	  0027	!
;	  0028	! ABSTRACT:
;	  0029	!
;	  0030	!	This contains the data structure definitions for NDT.
;	  0031	!
;	  0032	! ENVIRONMENT: MCB V3.0
;	  0033	!
;	  0034	! AUTHOR: Alan D. Peckham	CREATION DATE: 02-Sep-81
;	  0035	!
;	  0036	! MODIFIED BY:
;	  0037	!
;	  0038	!	Alan Peckham, 02-Sep-81
;	  0039	! 01	- New process for DN20 testing.
;	  0040	!--
;	  0041	
;	  0042	%if not %declared (XPO$K_VERSION) %then library 'XPORT'; %fi
;	  0043	
;	  0044	%if not %declared (MCB$K_VERSION) %then library 'MCBLIB'; %fi
;	  0045	
;	  0047	
;	  0048	!
;	  0049	! INI process data base
;	  0050	!
;	  0051	
;	  0052	$FIELD
								24-Jan-1983 11:51:33	TOPS-20 Bliss-16 2A(530)	    Page   2
								30-Dec-1982 17:56:52	NETPKG:<UTILITIES>NDTDAT.R16.8 (1)

;	  0053	    D_FIELDS =
;	  0054		set
;	L 0055		D_BASE = [$SUB_BLOCK (0)],
; %PRINT:				  [0,0,0,0]   (+%O'0')
;	L 0056		D_STATE = [$TINY_INTEGER],
; %PRINT:				  [0,0,8,1]   (+%O'0')
;	  0057		    $ALIGN (FULLWORD)
;	L 0058		D_SC_PIX = [$BYTE],
; %PRINT:				  [1,0,8,0]   (+%O'2')
;	L 0059		D_LLA = [$BYTE],
; %PRINT:				  [1,8,8,0]   (+%O'3')
; %PRINT:				  [2,0,16,1]   (+%O'4')
; %PRINT:				  [3,0,16,0]   (+%O'6')
;	  0062		tes;
;	  0063	
;	  0064	literal
;	  0065	    D_LENGTH = $FIELD_SET_SIZE,
;	  0066	    DS_ACCEPT = 1,
;	  0067	    DS_RUN = 2,
;	  0068	    DS_ABORT = 3,
;	  0069	    DS_KILL = 4,
;	  0070	    DS_LOW = min (DS_ACCEPT, DS_RUN, DS_ABORT, DS_KILL),
;	  0071	    DS_HIGH = max (DS_ACCEPT, DS_RUN, DS_ABORT, DS_KILL);
;	  0072	
;	  0073	!
;	  0074	! [End of NDTDAT]

;					     -------- Symbols --------    Blocks
;	File				     Total    Loaded   Percent      Read
;  NETPKG:<BLIS16>XPORT.L16.1		       568        29         5         0
;  NETPKG:<V3P0>MCBLIB.L16.7		       372         0         0         0

; Run Time:	00:01.8
; Elapsed Time:	00:08.8
; Memory Used:	13 pages
; Library Precompilation Complete