
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_SRC_3_19910112 - stanford/ftp/tcpftp.mac
There are 3 other files named tcpftp.mac in the archive. Click here to see a list.
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.309, 27-Apr-85 13:15:38, Edit by LOUGHEED
; To avoid error handler loops, TCPERR doesn't try to send a QUIT 
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.308, 20-Apr-85 12:36:06, Edit by LOUGHEED
; TCPCLS is a no-op if no connection is open yet.  Prevents LUUO
;  routines from erring ungracefully when a connection attempt fails.
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.307, 12-Feb-85 21:31:15, Edit by LOUGHEED
; From Rutgers:
; - if we don't know the O/S, default to text mode
; - Print out a TOPS-20 file's protection on a SEND/GET
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.306, 29-Oct-84 16:27:01, Edit by LOUGHEED
; From Rutgers: make CTRL-G work during a directory listing
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.305, 15-Oct-84 12:55:06, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Support more operating systems
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.304,  2-Oct-84 09:24:27, Edit by SATZ
; Move STTXT8 routine to FTP.MAC
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.303, 17-Sep-84 02:03:02, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.302, 17-Sep-84 01:29:31, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix TCPSCF to handle SENDS.TXT.1;T as a single filename, instead of
;  one filename with generations "1" and "T".
; For UNIX a DIRECTORY command with no argument uses "*" instead of "."
;  as the default pathname.
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.301, 16-Sep-84 18:38:19, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix TCPFXN to wildcard a TOPS-20 filename extension if none was specified
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.300, 16-Sep-84 14:54:31, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Default transfer type for Multics is stream mode ASCII
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.299,  4-Sep-84 01:29:35, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Support for automatic ANONYMOUS login if F%ANON set, no username has
;  been specified, and there is no default username for that site.
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.298,  4-Sep-84 00:41:17, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Call TIMEIN before TCDSND to get correct timing statistics for SEND
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.297,  3-Sep-84 14:45:27, Edit by KRONJ
; Make GET use transfer type given in FILPRP not DEFPRP
; Save a bunch of registers in TCPGET and TCPSND
; Change calling conventions of TCPSCN and TCPPRP
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.296,  3-Sep-84 14:29:13, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Default transfer type for ITS operating systems is 36-bit binary
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.295, 31-Aug-84 15:25:37, Edit by SATZ
; Make setting default transfer information protocol dependant
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.294, 28-Aug-84 00:41:14, Edit by SATZ
; Open the TCP FTP command connection in interactive wait mode
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.293, 25-Aug-84 16:23:16, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.292, 25-Aug-84 15:50:41, Edit by LOUGHEED
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.291, 25-Aug-84 14:32:40, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Support QUOTE command
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.290, 24-Aug-84 14:51:07, Edit by SATZ
; TENEX doesn't always output author/last write for STAT
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.289, 24-Aug-84 14:43:24, Edit by SATZ
; Change SKTERS to SKVERB in TCPPRE so errors will be output
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.288, 20-Aug-84 23:04:32, Edit by SATZ
; Make Unix default directory more intelligent
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.287, 20-Aug-84 21:08:14, Edit by KRONJ
; CWD only needs one space before dir spec
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.286, 26-Apr-84 14:45:48, Edit by KRONJ
; Use OPNSTO, now available in FTPUTL, for PRINT
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.285, 31-Mar-84 17:07:07, Edit by LOUGHEED
; Fix credits.
;<FTP>TCPFTP.MAC.284, 30-Mar-84 15:59:41, Edit by KRONJ
; Extend sign of version in TCPFXN

	SUBTTL David Eppstein / Stanford University / January, 1984

	;; Frank M. Fujimoto was responsible for a preliminary version
	;; of this FTP module.
	;; Copyright (C) 1984 Board of Trustees, Stanford University
	;; The information in this software is subject to change without
	;; notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Stanford
	;; University.  Stanford assumes no responsibility for the use or
	;; reliability of this software.

	.REQUIRE TCPDAT		; Data transfer protocol routines



TCPVEC::TCPCLS			; .CLOSE - close connection
	TCPOPN			; .OPEN - open connection
	TCPLGN			; .LOGIN - TCP login
	TCPCWD			; .CWDIR - connect to directory
	TCPCFL			; .CFLAG - set connection flags
	TCPOPS			; .OPSYS - look up operating system
	TCPSND			; .SEND - send a file
	TCPGET			; .RECV - receive a file
	TCPDEL			; .DELFL - delete a file
	TCPPNT			; .PRINT - print on lineprinter
	TCPRNM			; .RENAM - change name of a remote file
	TCPDIR			; .DIREC - directory of remote files
	TCPPSK			; .PARSK - Parse socket in OPEN
	TCPFTM			; .UFTPM - Protocol-dependant yoyo
	TCPSTS			; .STAT  - Connection-dependant info
	TCPQUO			; .QUOTE - quote command
	TCPDEF			; .SDEFS - Setup defaults based on opsys

CHKVEC TCPVEC			; Make sure vector is right

BUFLEN==100			; Length for buffers

LS TCPFNP			; Remote port number if user wants other than 21
; .CLOSE - close a connection

TCPCLS:	TXNN F,F%COPN		; Open connection?
	 RET			; No, return now
	FTPM <QUIT>		; Tell server bye bye
	  CALL TCPRSP		; Get the response
	   NOP			; Ignore errors
	   NOP			; Shouldnt get "not logged in error" but ignore
	  CAIE A,^D221		; Is it what we expected?
	    SKTERS VB.VRB	; Yes, if being verbose
	     CALL TCPTFM	; Then type farewell message
	    TYPE <%% Unexpected response [%1D] %3S%/>
	  CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	   LOOP.		; Yes, get continuation

; Here when want to close connection without sending QUIT
TCPCLZ:	CALL TCXCLS		; Flush data connection if still there
	MOVE A,NETJFN		; Get net connection
	CALL TCPBIN		; Do protocol one last time
	  TYPE <%% Garbage at end of TELNET connection%/>
	    CALL TCPBIN		; Get another char
	     IFSKP. <LOOP.>	; Back until no more
	CLOSF%			; Close the connection
	  TYPE <%% Unexpected error closing connection - %J%/>
	  MOVE A,NETJFN		; Get connection again
	  HRLI A,(CZ%ABT)	; Aborting
	  CLOSF%		; Try this close
	   NOP			; Ignore more errors
	TXZ F,F%COPN		; Flag we don't have an open connection
; .OPEN - open a connection

LS LCLPRT			; Local port, also used to open data conn

TCPOPN:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D>	; Save some registers
	SETZM LCLPRT		; No port yet
	MOVX A,.HPELP		; Time since system was up in 10's of usec's
	HPTIM%			; Get high precision time
	 JFATAL			; Some strange error
	DPB A,[POINT 8,LCLPRT,35] ; Use time as low byte
	GJINF%			; Get job information
	DPB C,[POINT 8,LCLPRT,27] ; Use job number as high byte
	HRROI A,NETBUF		; Use this buffer area
	MOVE B,LCLPRT		; Get port number
	MOVE C,HSTNUM		; Foreign host number
	MOVE D,TCPFNP		; Foreign socket number
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT		; Short form of GTJFN%
	HRROI B,NETBUF		; Filestring
	GTJFN%			; Get a handle on the connection
	 JRST TO.ER2		; Couldn't
	OPENF%			; Open the connection
	 JRST TO.ERR		; Couldn't

	;; Connection open, read server banner
	  CALL TCPRSP		; Get the response
	   JRST TCPCLS		; Failure response??? Shut down
	   LOOP.		; Login required??? Get new response
	  CAIE A,^D120		; Expected server delay?
	    SKTERS VB.VRB	; Being verbose?
	     CALL TCPTFM	; Yes, type delay message
	    LOOP.		; And go get more banner
	  CAIN A,^D220		; Open acknowledgement?
	    TYPE <%% Unexpected response [%1D] %3S%/>
	    LOOP.		; Oh well, try for another
	  SKTERS VB.NRM		; Unless terse
	   CALL TCPTFM		; Show the reply
	  CAIN B,"-"		; Continuation line?
	   LOOP.		; Yes, loop

	;; Banner read, now finish setting up connection
	TXO F,F%COPN		; Say we have an open connection
	HRRZS MULGET		; Assume we can use MULTIPLE GET (NLST)
	SETZM TCPUSR		; No user name yet
	SETZM TCPORS		; No old response waiting to be finished
	CALL TCPZRO		; Clear data transmisssion variables
	RETSKP			; Go back winningly

; Here when the GTJFN or OPENF failed, print error and return failure
TO.ERR:	EXCH A,NETJFN		; Some failure, get back JFN
	RLJFN%			; Release it
	 NOP			; Ignore an error here
	MOVE A,NETJFN		; Get error code back
	SETZM NETJFN		; Say no more JFN
	ETYPE <Couldn't connect to %2S - %1J%/>
	RET			; Return failure from OPEN
; .LOGIN - Check logged in user name

LS TCPUSR,USRSTL		; Place to store user names for comparison

	HRROI A,USRNAM		; Pointer to the username
	HRROI B,TCPUSR		; And what we think we are logged in as
	CALL STRCMP		; See if same
	 IFSKP. <RETSKP>	; Is, don't try to log in as this again
	HRROI A,USRNAM		; Else get string for user name again
	FTPM <USER %1S>		; Want to login a user
TL.RTY:	CALL TCPRSQ		; Get the response
	 JRST TCPRLG		; 530 error aborted or error other than 530
	 RETSKP			; Got 530 response, now handled
	CAIN A,^D331		; Need password?
	 JRST TL.PAS		; Yes
	CAIN A,^D332		; Need account?
	 JRST TL.ACT		; Yes
	CAIE A,^D230		; Login Ok?
	 CAIN A,^D202		; Or not implemented but ok???
	  IFSKP.		; No, protocol violation
	    TYPE <%% Unexpected response [%1D] %3S%/>
	    JRST TL.RTY		; Try for something more reasonable
	SKTERS VB.NRM		; If not terse
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Type success message
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TL.RTY		; Yes get continuation
	HRROI A,TCPUSR		; Into our user string
	HRROI B,USRNAM		; With user name
	WRITE <%2S>		; Copy strings
	RETSKP			; All done successfully

; Here when response is "331 User name okay, need password"
TL.PAS:	SKTERS VB.VRB		; Being verbose?
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Yes, type message
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TL.RTY		; Yes, get continuation
	  MOVE A,[POINT 7,USRPSW] ; Point to password
	  ILDB A,A		; Get first byte
	  JUMPN A,ENDLP.	; If have a password, done
	  HRROI A,USRPSW	; Point to where to look
	  HRROI B,USRNAM	; Location to clear on abort
	  CALL GETPSW		; Get a password
	   RET			; Propagate failure
	  LOOP.			; Try this one for nullity
	HRROI A,USRPSW		; Point to password
	FTPM <PASS %1S>		; Send it off
	JRST TL.RTY		; Wait for another response

; Here when response is "332 Need account for login"
TL.ACT:	SKTERS VB.VRB		; Being verbose?
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Yes, type message
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TL.RTY		; Yes, get continuation
	HRROI A,USRACT		; Point to account string
	FTPM <ACCT %1S>		; Send it off
	JRST TL.RTY		; Wait for another response
; Routines to be called from elsewhere to retry login

; Here when we get a 530 or a failure in the LOGIN command, try again
; returns +2/always (jumps to command loop on failure)
; should not have printed error before calling this
TCPRL1:	CALL TCPRSQ		; Here with another response
	 IFSKP. <RETSKP>	; +2, return success, otherwise (+1, +3) go on
TCPRLG:	CALL TCPTFQ		; Report error
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TCPRL1		; Yes, get continuation
	  SKIPE TCPUSR		; Got a user?
	   RETSKP		; Yah, keep it
	  CALL DOANON		; Perhaps we should try ANONYMOUS login?
	   LOOP.		; Yes, see if we have a user now
	  CALL PUSHIO		; Make sure talking to the terminal
	  SETZM USRNAM		; Remember not yet logged in
	  PROMPT [ASCIZ \LOGIN (user) \] ; Create a prompt
	  SETABORT (COMLP)	; If we abort, throw all the way to top level
	  CALL LOGCMD		; Try to login again
	  LOOP.			; Try again, checking if we have a user yet

; Here when we think we might have a 332 "need account" message
; e.g. call this immediately after the TCPRSP for a STOR command
; Enter at TCPRSA to do a TCPRSP first.  Same return conventions as TCPRSP.
TCPRSA:	CALL TCPRSP		; Read more response
	 RET			; Bad, propagate
	 RETSKP			; Needed to be logged in but Ok now, retry
	CAIE A,^D332		; 332?
	 JRST R2SKIP		; No, all right so leave alone and return
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Type out
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TCPRSA		; Yes, get continuation
	HRROI A,USRACT		; Point to account string
	FTPM <ACCT %1S>		; Send it off
	CALL TCPRSQ		; Go read reply
	 JRST TCPRLG		; Lost, try getting a new account
	 RETSKP			; Something else wrong but all fixed now
	JRST R2SKIP		; +3 success, propagate
; .CWDIR - Check connected directory

TCPCWD:	SAVEAC <A,B,C>		; Save some AC's
TC.RTY:	HRROI A,CONNAM		; Pointer to the dir name
	FTPM <CWD %1S>		; Say we want to connect
TC.RSP:	CALL TCPRSA		; Get the response
	 RET			; Lose
	 JRST TC.RTY		; Retry

	;; Normally we would check here for the numeric code returned.
	;; However some servers are flaky in this respect; for instance
	;; The TOPS-20 server will give 331 ostensibly asking for a password
	;; But if you give it one will say "password?  what's this for?".
	;; There is no way included in the standard for giving a password
	;; and the return code here is likely to be strange, so I'll just
	;; Assume that since it isn't a 500 code it means success.

	SKTERS VB.NRM		; Unless terse
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Print out confirmation message
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TC.RSP		; Yes, type another one
	RETSKP			; Good return to caller
; .CFLAG - set flags for connection

TCPCFL:	RET			; No checksumming or other such flags
; .OPSYS - Look up operating system type, return +1 with number in A

	MOVX A,.GTHHN		; Want status
	MOVE C,HSTNUM		; Get host number
	GTHST%			; Try to get it
	 TDZA A,A		; Probably bad host number, set to unknown
	  LOAD A,HS%STY,D	; Got information, extract system type
	SKIPL A			; If negative
	 CAILE A,OS.MAX		; Or bigger than greatest known opsys
	  MOVX A,OS.UNK		; Then set to unknown
	RET			; Go back
; .SDEFS - setup default transfer info based on operating system

TCPDEF:	MOVE A,OPSYS		; Get host info pointer
	CALLRET @[ STTEXT	; Unknown
		   STPAGE	; Tenex, normal paging
		   ST36BN	; ITS, 36-bit binary
		   ST36BN	; TOPS-10 and WAITS, 36-bit binary
		   STTEXT	; TIP???
		   STTEXT	; MTIP???
		   STTEXT	; ELF???
		   STTEXT	; ANTS???
		   STTEXT	; MULTICS, stream mode text
		   STPAGE	; TOPS-20
		   STTXT8	; UNIX
		   STTEXT	; Network???
		   STTEXT	; Fuzzballs???
		   STTXT8	; VMS
		   STTEXT	; TAC???
		   STTEXT ](A)	; MS-DOS
; .SEND - send file to remote filesystem

TCPSND:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D,P1,P2>	; Save caller registers
	CALL TCPSTU		; Can use STAT to get file properties?
	  CALL TS.PRP		; Yes, get them
	   JRST TS.SKR		; Bad filename, give up
	  HRROI A,[ASCIZ/Can't get file properties/]
	  CALL NOUPDA		; STAT not available, make sure not INSTALL
	CALL TCPSET		; Set up modes and types
	 JRST TS.RET		; Lost, don't try again
	CALL TCDOPN		; Make sure data conn is open
	 JRST TS.RET		; Lost

; Here to send off STOR command
TS.RTY:	CALL TCPFXN		; Get filename to send
	FTPM <STOR %2S>		; Ask to send it
TS.RSP:	CALL TCPRSA		; Get response
	 JRST TS.SKR		; Lost, ignore this file
	 JRST TS.RTY		; Retry
	SKTERS VB.VRB		; Success.  Verbose?
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Yes, type reply
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TS.RSP		; Yes, get rest
	IFVERB VB.NRM		; If at least normal verbosity
	  SKTERS VB.DEB		; But not debugging
	  MOVE A,OPSYS		; If TOPS-20, use real dest file spec
	  CAIN A,OS.T20	
	  CALL TCPFXN		; With name we asked for
	  HRRZ A,FILJFN		; and JFN we are sending
	  TYPE( %1F => %2S )	; Make start of message
	CALL TIMEIN		; Start collecting timing statistics
	CALL TCDSND		; Send data to net
	  HRRZ A,FILJFN		; Get local file
	  CALL TIMOUT		; Finish stat timing.

; Here to return from send command
TS.SKR:	AOS (P)			; Set up success return
	HRLI A,(CO%NRJ)		; Not releasing JFN, just closing
	CLOSF%			; Close it
	 TYPE <%_%% Unlikely failure to close SEND source - %J%/>
	RET			; All done
; SEND continued

; Here to read file properties when SMART-DIRECTORY available
; returns +1/bad, ignore this file, +2/ok
TS.PRP:	CALL TCPFXN		; Get filename again
	MOVE A,[POINT 7,TEMP]	; Point to temporary buffer
	MKPTR(B)		; Make a real byte pointer

	;; Want to strip off generation and replace with zero - first find it
	;; TXPFXN guarantees a generation so we just look for last . or ;
	SETZ D,			; No pointer found yet
	  ILDB C,B		; Get char
	  IDPB C,A		; Drop in
	  CAIE C,"."		; Period
	   CAIN C,";"		; or semi?
	    MOVE D,A		; Yes, copy pointer

	;; Make sure we really got a generation
	  CALL TCPFXN		; Get name we would use
	  TYPE <%_%% Bad remote file name - no version - "%2S"%/>

	;; Get version number from string for later
	MOVE A,D		; Copy pointer
	MOVEI C,^D10		; Decimal
	NIN%			; Read filename
	  TYPE <%_%% Bad remote file version - %J - "%4S"%/>
	IFLE. B			; If not particularly specified
	  SKIPN FILPRP+P.VERS	; See if what we have is any better
	   SETOM FILPRP+P.VERS	; -1 is better than 0, so use that
	  MOVEM B,FILPRP+P.VERS	; We have a real version, so use it

	;; Now we can write over old version
	MOVEI C,.CHNUL		; Get a null
	IDPB C,D		; Drop over version string

; Here to ask for remote filespec
TS.PRS:	HRROI A,TEMP		; Point to filename we made
	FTPM <STAT %1S0>	; Ask for version zero
TS.PRR:	CALL TCPRSQ		; Get response
	 JRST TS.PRF		; Lost, probably means doesn't already exist
	 JRST TS.PRS		; Retry
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TS.PRR		; Yes, only want one line
	CAIN A,^D212		; Wildcard return?
	 JRST TS.PRW		; Yes, go complain
	CAIE A,^D213		; Strange status?
	 JRST TS.PRB		; Yes, bad response

	;; Got a nice 213 response, scan it for properties
	MOVEI P2,TMPPRP		; Get temporary property list
	CALL TCPPRP		; Scan property list
	 JRST TS.PRE		; Lost
	MV. TMPPRP+P.WDAT,FILPRP+P.PWDT	; Copy write to previous-write

	;; Now make sure install is Ok
	MOVEI D,FILPRP		; With file prop list (where write date put)
	CALL SNDCNF		; Confirm send
	 RET			; Not confirmed, skip this file

	;; Canonicalize filespec for prettyprinting
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT!GJ%OFG	; Short form, unchecked wildcard filespec
	HRROI B,TMPPRP+P.SFIL	; With filename we read in
	GTJFN%			; Get JFN
	 RETSKP			; Lost, give up on canonicalization
	MOVE B,A		; Move JFN to appropriate place
	HRROI A,FILPRP+P.SFIL	; Into file name we want to use
	JFNS%			; Make string for JFN
	 ERNOP			; Ignore failure
	MOVE A,B		; Move JFN back
	RLJFN%			; Flush the JFN
	 TYPE <%_%% Unlikely failure to close default file - %J%/>
	RETSKP			; Say to send the file

; Here when we couldn't read the property list from the STAT reply
TS.PRB:	TYPE <%% Unexpected STAT reply [%1D] %3S%/>
TS.PRE:	HRROI A,[ASCIZ/Error reading file properties/]
	CALL NOUPDA		; Make sure this isn't INSTALL
	RETSKP			; Get the file

; Here when we got a wildcard response to our STAT
; Don't even try to send the string through in a STOR command
TS.PRW:	HRROI A,TEMP		; Point to the filename we used
	MOVE B,FILPRP+P.VERS	; Get version
	ETYPE <Invalid use of wildcards - "%1S%2D"%/>
	RET			; Give up on this file

; Here when we got failure response to our STAT
; Assume it means file does not already exist
TS.PRF:	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TS.PRR		; Yes, get rest
	RETSKP			; No, just get the file
; .RECV - retrieve file from remote file system

TCPGET:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D,P1,P2>	; Don't mung caller registers
	CALL TCPSTU		; Can use smart directory stuff?
	  MOVE A,[FILPRP,,TMPPRP] ; Set up for BLT
	  BLT A,TMPPRP+PLSIZE-1	; Save this transfer's props in a safe place
	  MOVE P2,[TMPPRP,,FILPRP] ; Set up where to copy properties
	  JSP P1,TCPSCN		; Scan filenames matching spec
	   CALL TG.NNL		; Retrieve one file from name in FILPRP
	  RET			; All done, go on

	;; Here for normal get w/o STAT - check if we want to use NLST
	HRROI A,[ASCIZ/Can't get file properties/]
	CALL NOUPDA		; Let user know that UPDATE will lose
	 CAIN B,MG.OFF		; Turned off?
	  JRST TG.NNL		; Off or host can't handle, don't use NLST
	CAIN B,MG.HEU		; Heuristic?
	 JRST TG.HEU		; Yes, use that

; We don't know that the host will barf on it, so we try doing a MULTIPLE GET
; using NLST first.  I suppose we could run some heuristic on stars in the
; filename before doing this to avoid two data transfers for every file
; transfer, but that doesn't seem useful or necessary.

TG.TNL:	STKVAR <OLDTYP,OLDXTY>	; Place to save old transfer type
	MV. FILPRP+P.XTYP,OLDXTY ; And remote copy of same
	MVI. TT.TXT,FILPRP+P.TYPE ; Set up transfer type as text
	MVI. TT.TXT,FILPRP+P.XTYP ; Set up transfer type as text
	HRRO A,FRECOR		; Point to free storage
	MOVEM A,FILJFN		; Use as destination (yes string ptr works)
	CALL TCPSET		; Set up connection parameters
	 RET			; Lost
	CALL TCDOPN		; Get the data port
	 RET			; Didn't work

; Here to send off the NLST command
TG.NLS:	CALL TCPFXN		; Point to filename
	FTPM <NLST %2S>		; Ask for list of file names

; Here to read the reply
TG.NLR:	CALL TCPRSQ		; Quiet response
	 JRST TG.NLE		; Failure, maybe NLST is unimplemented
	 JRST TG.NLS		; Retry
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TG.NLR		; Yes, get continuation
	ABTSET			; Be able to notice aborts
	TXOE F,F%STYO		; Suppress typeout
	 TXOA F,F%NPRF		; Was on, remember so
	  TXZ F,F%NPRF		; Not on
	TXZ F,F%DSKF		; To memory, so don't try to treat as disk
	CALL TCDREC		; Receive listing
	 RET			; Failure, give up
	TXZN F,F%NPRF		; Was F%STYO on before?
	 TXZ F,F%STYO		; No so turn it off again
	MV. OLDTYP,FILPRP+P.TYPE ; Get transfer type back
	MV. OLDXTY,FILPRP+P.XTYP ; and remote transfer type

	;; Now we have a list of filenames in core - read in one at a time
	MOVE A,FRECOR		; Point to top of core again
	HRLI A,(POINT 7)	; As a byte pointer
	MOVEM A,TCPFNP		; Save file name pointer
	  ABTSKIP		; Aborted?
	   CALL TG.NL1		; Do one line
	    RET			; All done
	  MOVE A,TCPFNP		; Get next pointer
	  LOOP.			; Back for more
; GET continued

; Here with A,TCPFNP/pointer to line of filename
; retrieve that filename, return +1/nothing left, +2/try again
TG.NL1:	ILDB B,A		; Get next char
	JUMPE B,R		; If null then give up
	CAIE B,.CHCRT		; Carriage return?
	 JRST TG.NL1		; No, more to come
	SETZ B,			; Yes, get a null
	DPB B,A			; And drop over it
	IBP A			; Skip over linefeed
	EXCH A,TCPFNP		; Save new pointer and get old again
	AOS (P)			; Set up skip return
	JRST TG.FIL		; Go get file

; Here when MULGET contains MG.HEU
; check over file name for possible wildcards and decide
; whether or not to use MULTIPLE GET on that basis.

TG.HEU:	MOVE A,[POINT 7,FILPRP+P.SFIL] ; Point to filename
	  ILDB B,A		; Get character
	  JUMPE B,TG.NNL	; Null means no wildcards, do just one file
	  CAIE B,"*"		; This wildcard
	   CAIN B,"%"		; Or this wildcard?
	  LOOP.			; Not interesting, back for another char

; Here with failure response from NLST, see whether unimplemented
; or whether filename or some such is bad.
TG.NLE:	CAIE A,^D500		; Unimplemented
	 CAIN A,^D502		; Or this unimplemented?
	    CALL TCPTFQ		; No, type failure response
	    CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	     JRST TG.NLR	; Yes, get rest
	    RET			; Return failure from command
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TG.NLR		; Yes, get rest
	HRROS MULGET		; Can't use NLST any more
	JRST TG.NNL		; Go get the file
; GET continued

; Here to get one file, byte (well actually HRROI) pointer to filename in A
; enter at TG.NNL when FILPRP+P.SFIL is already set up.
; returns +1/always
TG.FIL:	HRROI B,FILPRP+P.SFIL	; Into server filename
	WRITE B,<%1S>		; Copy name we have
TG.NNL:	MOVEI A,^D8		; Get number of bits
	SKIPN FILPRP+P.BYTE	; To use if byte size unspecified
	 MOVEM A,FILPRP+P.BYTE	; Was, set 8 bits
	 RET			; Didn't want this file, ignore it
TG.NTY:	CALL TCPSET		; Set up for data transfer
	MOVE A,FILJFN		; Get where to put it
	CALL CHKDSK		; See if on disk
	IFXE. F,F%DSKF		; Is it?
	  MOVE A,FILPRP+P.TYPE	; Yes, get transfer type
	  CAIE A,TT.PAG		; If paged
	   CAIN A,TT.MEI	; or this paged
	  SETZM FILPRP+P.TYPE	; Ask user instead
	  SETZM FILPRP+P.XTYP	; Clear this too for consistency
	  JRST TG.NTY		; Go set type again
	CALL TCDOPN		; Get the data port
	 JRST KILFIL		; Couldn't, don't get file
TG.RTY:	CALL TCPFXN		; Get remote filename again
	FTPM <RETR %2S>		; Ask for it
TG.RSP:	CALL TCPRSA		; Get server reply
	 JRST KILFIL		; Couldn't get it
	 JRST TG.RTY		; Retry, ask again
	SKTERS VB.VRB		; Verbose?
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Yes, say starting
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continuation line?
	 JRST TG.RSP		; Yes, get rest
	CALL FILEIN		; Start counting
	CALL TCDREC		; Get file
	CALLRET FILOUT		; File all received, finish up
; .DELFL - delete file from FILPRP

	CALL TCPSTU		; Can use STAT for properties?
	 JRST TD.DEL		; No, can only delete one file
	ABTSET			; Let TCPSCN not lose with aborts
	MOVE P2,[DEFPRP,,FILPRP] ; Set up where to default properties
	JSP P1,TCPSCN		; Scan files
	 CALL TD.DEL		; Delete one file
	RET			; All done

; Here to delete one file, properties in FILPRP
TD.DEL:	CALL DELCNF		; Confirm if necessary
TD.RTY:	CALL TCPFXN		; Get file to delete
	FTPM <DELE %2S>		; Say we want to delete
TD.RSP:	CALL TCPRSA		; Get the response
	 RET			; Lose
	 JRST TD.RTY		; Retry
	SKTERS VB.NRM		; Unless terse
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Type confirmation message
	CAIN B,"-"		; If continued
	 JRST TD.RSP		; Then get continuation
	RET			; Return to caller
; .PRINT - send file to LPT: in type text

TCPPNT:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D>	; Don't mung caller registers
	MOVE A,OPSYS		; Get operating system looked up earlier
	 CAIN A,OS.T20		; or TOPS-20?
	    IFVERB VB.TRS	; If super-terse assume knows what's happening
	      TYPE <%% Don't know how to print files on that system%/>
	      PROMPT [ASCIZ/Sending to LPT: anyway [Confirm] /]
	      CALL DOCONF	; Ask user to say he really wants to print it
	       JRST TP.ERR	; Doesn't, give up
	MVI. TT.TXT,FILPRP+P.TYPE ; Set transfer type text
	MVI. TT.TXT,FILPRP+P.XTYP ; for both ends of connection
TP.FIL:	CALL TCPSET		; Set up connection
	 JRST TP.ERR		; Couldn't
	CALL TCDOPN		; Open it
	 JRST TP.ERR		; Couldn't
	CALL OPNSTO		; Open file for read
	 JRST TP.NXJ		; Couldn't, try for another
	HRROI A,FILPRP+P.SFIL	; Point to server-filename
	WRITE <LPT:>		; Start filename
	MOVX C,FLD(.JSAOF,JS%NAM) ; Just the filename
	JFNS%			; Write it out
	 ERNOP			; Don't care if it doesn't make it
TP.RTY:	HRROI B,FILPRP+P.SFIL	; With that filename
	FTPM <STOR %2S>		; Ask to store file
TP.RSP:	CALL TCPRSA		; Get response
	 JRST TP.NXT		; Lost, go on
	 JRST TP.RTY		; Needed account or login, try again
	SKTERS VB.VRB		; Being verbose?
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Yes, type out reply
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TP.RSP		; Yes, get continuation
	IFVERB VB.NRM		; If at least normal verbosity
	  SKTERS VB.DEB		; But not debugging
	  HRRZ A,FILJFN		; With JFN we are sending
	  HRROI B,FILPRP+P.SFIL	; and filename at other end
	  TYPE( %1F => %2S )	; Make start of message
	CALL TCDSND		; Send file
	 NOP			; Ignoring failures
	HRLI A,(CO%NRJ)		; Don't release JFN
	CLOSF%			; Close it
	 TYPE <%_%% Unlikely file open or close error - %J%/>
TP.NXJ:	CALL NXTFIL		; Step filespec
	 RET			; None, all done
	JRST TP.FIL		; Have one, go do another file

; Here when fail permanently - message should already be typed
	RLJFN%			; Release it
	 TYPE <%_%% Unlikely JFN release error - %J%/>
; .RENAM - change name of a remote file

	MOVEM A,FILNAM		; Save pointer to the name
TR.RTY:	CALL TCPFXN		; Get the file to rename
	FTPM <RNFR %2S>		; Rename from
	 RET			; Lose
	 JRST TR.RTY		; Retry
	SKTERS VB.VRB		; If being verbose
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Then type response
	CAIN B,"-"		; If continued
	 JRST TR.RSP		; Get continuation
	MOVE A,FILNAM		; Get pointer to the destination name
	FTPM <RNTO %1S>		; Rename to
	 RET			; Lose
	 JRST TR.RTY		; Retry
	SKTERS VB.NRM		; Terse?
	 CALL TCPTFM		; No, type server confirmation
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TR.RST		; Yes, get continuation
; .DIREC - directory of remote files
; we get DIRJFN in A but by the time we use it we have smashed it
; and have to look it up in DIRJFN again...

	CALL TCPSTU		; Can use STAT for properties?
	  MOVE P2,[DEFPRP,,FILPRP] ; Set up default property list
	  JSP P1,TCPSCN		; Scan files
	   CALL DIRPNT		; Print a property list
	  RET			; All done

	;; Here when have to do directory the hard way with LIST command
	TXO FX,L%HDR		; Don't expect formatted data
	MVI. TT.TXT,FILPRP+P.TYPE ; Transfer type text
	MVI. TT.TXT,FILPRP+P.XTYP ; Remote transfer type too
	CALL TCPSET		; Set up connection parameters
	 RET			; Lost
	CALL TCDOPN		; Get the data port
	 RET			; Didn't work
TI.RTY:	CALL TCPFXN		; Get list to do a directory of
	FTPM <LIST %2S>		; Want a directory
TI.RSP:	CALL TCPRSA		; See what they say
	 RET			; Lose
	 JRST TI.RTY		; Retry
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TI.RSP		; Yes, get continuation
	MOVE A,DIRJFN		; Get directory JFN
	MOVEM A,FILJFN		; Save for transfer
	CALL CHKDSK		; See if it is on disk
	TXO F,F%STYO		; Suppress typeout
	CALL TCDREC		; Receive listing
	 NOP			; Ignore failure
; .PARSK - parse an alternate socket
; Called during OPEN command parse in case we can handle alternate sockets.
; We can, so we parse a decimal socket number defaulting to FTP, socket 21.

TCPPSK:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D>	; Save registers
	NOISE <socket>		; Guide words
	MOVEI B,[FLDDB. .CMNUM,CM%SDH,^D10,<decimal socket number>,<21>]
	CALL .COMND		; Parse it
	 ERMSG <Invalid socket number>
	MOVEM B,TCPFNP		; Save as socket to use
	JUMPG B,R		; If reasonable, return with it
	ERMSGX <Socket number must be positive>
; .UFTPM - send message to server

TCPFTM:	CALL FORMAT		; Call formatter
	 MOVE A,[POINT 7,TYPBUF] ; Using same buffer as TYPE macro
	 CALL TF.SND		; Send off buffered text
	RET			; All done

	IDPB B,A		; Add to buffer
	IDPB B,A		; Add to make CRLF
	SETZ B,			; Get a null
	IDPB B,A		; Tie off buffer with it
	MOVE A,NETJFN		; With connection JFN
	HRROI B,TYPBUF		; With buffer
	SETZ C,			; Ending on null
	SOUTR%			; Send it off
	 ERJMP TF.ERR		; Error, go complain
	SKVERB VB.DEB		; Debugging?
	 RET			; No, done
	HRROI A,[ASCIZ/U: /]	; Don't use TYPE, we are stealing its buffer...
	HRROI A,TYPBUF		; Point to buffer again
	RET			; All done for sure

TF.ERR:	CALL TCPRSP		; Try reading, maybe it's a disconnect
	 NOP			; If returned then must be something else
	ETYPE <Couldn't send string to server - %J%/>
	JRST TCPER2		; Blow it away
; .STAT - Connection-dependant information

TCPSTS:	FTPM <STAT>		; We don't know, ask the server
TSTAT0:	CALL TCPRSQ		; Read reply being quiet about errors
	 JRST TSTAT1		; If error go on
	 JRST TCPSTS		; Retry
	CAIE A,^D211		; System status message?
	 JRST TSTAT1		; No, ignore it
	SKVERB VB.DEB		; If debugging already seen
	 TYPE <%3S%/>		; Else type server response without angles
TSTAT1:	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TSTAT0		; Yes, get rest
	RET			; All done
; .QUOTE - quote a command to the remote server
; AC A contains the pointer to the command string

TCPQUO:	FTPM <%1S>		; Send off quoted command
TQUOT1:	CALL TCPRSQ		; Read reply being quiet about errors
	 NOP			; Error, just fall through
	  NOP			; Retry needed, just fall through
	SKVERB VB.DEB		; If debugging already seen
	 CALL TCPTFM		; Else print out server reply 
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continuation line?
	 JRST TQUOT1		; Yes, keep on reading
	RET			; All done
; TCPSTU - see if TCPSCN and TCPPRP can be used for this operating system
; returns +1/can't, +2/can

TCPSTU:	JN F%NSMD,F,R		; If disabled, don't allow it
	SAVEAC <A>		; Save register
	MOVE A,OPSYS		; Get operating system looked up earlier
	CAIE A,OS.10X		; Tenex?
	 CAIN A,OS.T20		; TOPS-20?
	  RETSKP		; Yes, can do smart stuff
	RET			; Nothing we know how to talk to
; TCPSCN - do STAT and collect SMART-DIRECTORY results

; call with JSP P1,TCPSCN
;    FILPRP/filename to use
;    LH[P2]/property list to default from (usually DEFPRP)
;    RH[P2]/property list to fill props into (usually FILPRP)
; executes instruction at +1 with property list filled for each file
; returns +2 when no more files
; smashes A-D

; Free core is split up into blocks as follows:
; first word of block is block type value
; second word is pointer to next block
; rest of block is ASCIZ string for dir, filename, or gen
; block type values are:
	TD.END==0		; Sequence of blocks ends with zero word
	TD.DIR==1		; Directory used for next set of files
	TD.FIL==2		; File name without generation
	TD.GEN==3		; Generation for that file name and directory

LS TDPTR			; Pointer to next input space
LS TDDIR			; Last directory block found
LS TDFIL			; Last file block found
LS TDGEN			; Last generation block found

TCPSCN:	MOVE A,FRECOR		; Point to some free storage
	MOVEM A,TDPTR		; Start storing
	MOVEM A,TDGEN		; And picking up names there
	SETZM (A)		; Don't have anything yet
	SETZM TDDIR		; No dir either
	SETZM TDFIL		; Or file
	CALL TCPFXN		; Get filename to use
	FTPM <STAT %2S>		; Want a formatted directory
TCPSCR:	CALL TCPRSA		; See what they say
	 JRST TCPSCN		; Retry
	CALL TCPSCP		; Print or stash response
	 JRST TCPSCR		; More to come, pull it in
TCPSCB:	MOVE A,TDGEN		; Get generation pointer
	MOVE B,1(A)		; Get next block pointer
	MOVEM B,TDGEN		; Save for next time
	MOVE B,(A)		; Find word saying what kind of block this is
	XCT [	JRST 1(P1)	; TD.END done with list
		MOVEM A,TDDIR	; TD.DIR Save directory
		MOVEM A,TDFIL	; TD.FIL Save file
		CAIA ](B)	; TD.GEN Generation, go on
	 JRST TCPSCB		; Not generation, get another block

	;; Have a full filename, go send off request for specific info on it
	ABTSKIP			; Stop if aborted
	 IFSKP. <JRST 1(P1)>
	HRROI B,2(A)		; Point to generation string
	MOVE C,OPSYS		; Get operating system
	MOVEI D,"."		; Get generation char
	CAIN C,OS.10X		; Tenex?
	 MOVEI D,";"		; Yes, different generation char
	SKIPN A,TDDIR		; Get last dir block
	 TDZA C,C		; None, use null string
	  HRROI C,2(A)		; Point to that string
	SKIPN A,TDFIL		; Get last file block
	 FATAL <Generation block with no previous file block>
	HRROI A,2(A)		; Point to that string
	FTPM <STAT %3S%1S%4C%2S> ; Make STAT command
	JRST TCPSCR		; Get new response
; TCPSCN continued

; Here with a response.  If it is a 213 we give it to caller, if it is
; a 212 we stach it in a block as a directory, or file and gens.
; We return +1/more responses expected
; 	    +2/that was last, free to do another STAT or return.
TCPSCP:	CAIE B,"-"		; More to come?
	 AOS (P)		; No, set skip return
	ABTSKIP			; Aborted?
	 IFSKP. <RET>		; Yes, ignore this one
	CAIN A,^D212		; Just the name?
	 JRST TCPSCF		; Yes, stash filename
	CAIN A,^D213
	  TYPE <%% Unexpected response [%1D] %3S%/>
	  RET			; Maybe 211?  Not what we want anyway

	;; Got a 213 file response, go parse it and print resulting plist.
	MOVE D,P2		; From default properties into file properties
	BLT D,PLSIZE-1(P2)	; Copy property lists
	CALL TCPPRP		; Scan 213 file response
	 RET			; Lost, ignore that one
	XCT (P1)		; Give property list to caller
	RET			; That's all for this one

; Here when we got an error reply from the original STAT.
; Error message has been printed so don't let DIR command do so too.
; Return success to user without having given any property lists.
TCPSCX:	TXO FX,L%HDR		; Shut up FTP about nothing found
	JRST 1(P1)		; Return +2
; TCPSCN continued

; Here with filename pointed to in C, stash it away
TCPSCF:	MOVE A,TDPTR		; Point to next free block
	HRROI B,2(A)		; Point to where to put string
	HRLI B,(POINT 7)	; As a real byte pointer
	CALL TCPSCL		; Run through filename
	 JRST TCPSCD		; Directory, handle
	 RET			; Null, shouldn't be there yet
	CALL TCPSCL		; Now extension
	 JRST TCPSCD		; More directory
	 RET			; Null, shouldn't be there yet
	MVI. TD.FIL,(A)		; Set block type to file name
TCPSF0:	SETZ D,			; Get null
	DPB D,B			; To terminate string over comma or period
	CALL TCPSCZ		; Finish block
TCPSF1:	MOVE A,TDPTR		; Get pointer to next
	HRROI B,2(A)		; Point to string in that block
	HRLI B,(POINT 7)	; As a real byte pointer
	CALL TCPSCL		; Get next field
	 RET			; Open bracket, we lose
	  JRST TCPSF2		; Null, done
	CAIE D,";"		; A semi?  If so, then probably an attribute
	  MVI. TD.GEN,(A)	; Say that current block is generation
	  CALL TCPSCZ		; Tie off free storage 
	  MOVE B,[POINT 7,TEMP]	; Dump attribute into scratch area
	  CALL TCPSCL		; Continue scanning
	   RET			; If bracket, we just quit
	    RET			; If null, we are done
	  JRST TCPSF1		; If semi/period/comma, we try again
	  MVI. TD.GEN,(A)	; This is a generation block
	  JRST TCPSF0		; Back for next block

TCPSF2:	MVI. TD.GEN,(A)		; This is a generation block
	JRST TCPSCZ		; Finish block
; Here to copy field, returns +1/bracket, +2/null, +3/comma/period/semi found
	  ILDB D,C		; Get next char
	  IDPB D,B		; Drop it in
	  CAIE D,.CHCNV		; Control V?
	    ILDB D,C		; Get next char
	    IDPB D,B		; Drop it in
	    LOOP.		; Back for next without usual checks
	  CAIN D,"<"		; Open bracket?
	   RET			; Yes, must be directory
	  CAIN D,";"		; Semicolon?
	   JRST R2SKIP		; Yes, +3 return
	  CAIE D,"."		; File/ext divider?
	   CAIN D,","		; Or generation divider?
	    AOSA (P)		; Yes, set up +3 return
	     JUMPN D,TOP.	; No, if null ret +2 else back for another
	RETSKP			; Found period, return from loop

; Here when the string is a directory name
TCPSCD:	WRITE B,<%3S>		; Finish copying string
	MVI. TD.DIR,(A)		; Save block type

; Here to finish up a block - set up links to next block
TCPSCZ:	MOVEI B,1(B)		; Point to next free space
	SETZM (B)		; Clear out that location
	MOVEM B,1(A)		; Save as next pointer block
	MOVEM B,TDPTR		; And as next free block place
; TCPPRP - given 213 reply to STAT message, construct property list
; Smart directory code (or for otherwise when we want a nice plist)
; call TCPSTU before using to make sure it's ok to use.

; Here to scan 213 file responses into a property list
; call with A,B,C/returned from TCPRSP, P2/plist pointer
; returns +1/lost, +2/property list scanned

TCPPRP:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D,P1>	; Get another register or two
	MOVE P1,OPSYS		; Get operating system
	CAIE P1,OS.10X		; Tenex
	 CAIN P1,OS.T20		; TOPS-20?
	  JRST TCPP20		; Yes
	RET			; Nothing we know, lose

TCPP20:	MOVE P1,C		; Save pointer to old text
	TXZ FX,L%TYPE		; Can't display type

	;; First part of string is fully-specified filename
	HRROI A,P.SFIL(P2)	; Point to server file
	CALL TCPPRS		; Stash field
	 JRST TCPPRE		; Null, don't understand
	 JRST TCPPRE		; Comma, don't understand

	;; Somebody might want a version, so make one out of the filename
	MOVX A,GJ%SHT!GJ%OFG	; Short form, wildcard unparsed
	HRROI B,P.SFIL(P2)	; With name we just read in
	GTJFN%			; Try letting TOPS-20 parse it
	  CALL JFNVRS		; Get version
	  MOVEM B,P.VERS(P2)	; Save for later
	  RLJFN%		; Release the JFN
	   TYPE <%% Unexpected error releasing JFN - %J%/>

	;; Got file name, now do attributes
	  ILDB A,C		; Get next char
	  CAIE A,"P"		; Protection?
	    MOVEI D,^D8		; Radix octal
	    CALL TCPPRB		; Read number
	    MOVEM B,P.PROT(P2)	; Save file protection
	    JRST TCPPRL		; Back for another attribute
	  ENDIF.		; End of file protection code

	  ;; Tenex generation numbers start with a semicolon rather than
	  ;; a period, so they look like attributes rather than filename
	  ;; parts.  We read it into the Version property here, and the
	  ;; code that calls us is expected to be smart enough to handle
	  ;; it not also being in the file name.
	  CAIL A,"0"		; In range
	   CAILE A,"9"		; To be version number (for Tenex)?
	      MOVEI B,-"0"(A)	; Yes, set up number start
	      MOVEI D,^D10	; Decimal
	      CALL TCPPRI	; Read number
	      MOVEM B,P.VERS(P2) ; Save generation number
	      JRST TCPPRL	; Back for another attribute

	  ;; Here for an attribute other than ; P
	  HRROI A,TEMP		; No, into scratch space
	  CALL TCPPRS		; Stuff trash
	   JRST TCPPRE		; Null, don't understand
	   EXIT.		; Comma, done with file attributes
	  LOOP.			; Semi, back for another attribute

; Here after reading number i.e. protection or Tenex generation
TCPPRL:	  CAIN A,","		; Comma?
	   EXIT.		; Yes, 
	  CAIN A,";"		; Semi?
	   LOOP.		; Yes, back for another
	  JRST TCPPRE		; Strange character

	;; Done with attributes, next comes number of pages
	MOVEI D,^D10		; Decimal
	CALL TCPPRB		; Read number
	MOVEM B,P.SIZE(P2)	; Save file size
	CAIE A,","		; Next char must be comma
	 JRST TCPPRE		; Not, complain

	;; Now the various read and write times
	MOVEI D,P.CDAT(P2)	; Creation date
	CALL TCPPRT		; Get date and time
	 JRST TCPPRE		; Some lossage
	MOVEI D,P.WDAT(P2)	; write date
	CALL TCPPRT		; Get date and time
	 JRST TCPPRE		; Some lossage
	MOVEI D,P.RDAT(P2)	; Read date
	CALL TCPPRT		; Get date and time
	 JRST RSKP		; Handle case with no writer/author (TENEX)

	;; Now both writer names
	HRROI B,P.OAUT(P2)	; Creator
	 CAIA			; Comma (what we want)
	 JRST TCPPRE		; Semicolon
	HRROI A,P.AUTH(P2)	; Last-writer
	WRITE <%3S>		; Stuff rest
	RETSKP			; All done
; TCPPRP subroutines

; Here when we don't understand the line
	 RET			; Yes, give up quietly
	MOVE A,P1		; Get pointer back
	TYPE <%% Unrecognized format for file status response:
%% 213 %1S%/>

; Here to stuff field into string (pointed to in A)
; returns +1/null +2/comma +3/semicolon
TCPPRS:	MKPTR (A)		; Make sure we have a real byte pointer
TCPPS0:	ILDB B,C		; Next byte
	IDPB B,A		; Drop in
	JUMPE B,R		; Check for null
	CAIE B,.CHCNV		; Control V?
	  ILDB B,C		; Yes ,get another
	  IDPB B,A		; and drop in
	  JRST TCPPS0		; Without checking for other specials
	CAIN B,","		; Comma?
	IFSKP.			; No...
	  CAIE B,";"		; Semi?
	   JRST TCPPS0		; No, back for more
	  AOS (P)		; Else set up double skip
	SETZ B,			; Get a null
	DPB B,A			; To tie off string
	RETSKP			; Return +2 or +3

; Here to parse time into word pointed to by D
; returns +1/strange format, +2/success
TCPPRT:	HRROI A,TEMP		; Point to temporary storage
	CALL TCPPRS		; Stuff string
	 RET			; Null?
	 TDZA B,B		; Success, clear flags for IDTIM
	 RET			; Semi?
	HRROI A,TEMP		; From temp buffer
	IDTIM%			; Input date and time
	 RET			; Lost
	MOVEM B,(D)		; Won
	RETSKP			; So return success

; Here to read number, radix in D
; returns +1 always with A/delimiter, B/number
TCPPRB:	SETZ B,			; Clear number
	  ILDB A,C		; Get next char
	  CAIL A,"0"		; Below
	   CAILE A,"0"-1(D)	; or above protection range?
	    RET			; Yes, done with number
	  IMULI B,(D)		; Multiply by radix
	  ADDI B,-"0"(A)	; Include digit
	  LOOP.			; Back for next
; TCPF20 - get remote TOPS-20 filespec from response string
;  arg: C - pointer to response
;  returns:
;    +1 - couldn't make sense of argument
;    +2 - B is the filespec.  It is a pointer into the original string
;the response is of the form
;  150  fooed store of <DIR>NAME.EXT.VER;P000000;Aaccount started.
;We want the full filespec and protection.  We scan for the second
; semicolon, remembering blanks.  We return the location of the most
; recent blank, and null the semicolon.

	MOVEI D,2		; Semicolon counter
	CAIE A,"V"-100		; Handle quoting
	  ILDB A,C		; Skip quoted char
	CAIN A," "		; Remember blanks
	CAIN A,";"		; And stop at second semicolon
	 SOJE D,TCPF22		; Count them and exit at second
	JUMPN A,TCPF21		; Keep on looping
	RET			; Didn't find a TOPS-20 filespec

TCPF22:	DPB D,C			; Kill off the semicolon.  Slightly tricky.
	RETSKP			; D must be 0 to have gotten here
; TCPFXN - get remote filespec as string rather than spread over property list

; Returns +1 always with B/byte pointer to filename (uses NETBUF)
TCPFXN:	SAVEAC <A,C,D>		; Get some registers
	STKVAR <<FNPTRS,2>>	; Make some storage
	MOVE A,OPSYS		; Get operating system

	;; If UNIX(tm) we handle default directory by prepending to the
	;; filename being careful about slashes.
	   SKIPE FILPRP+P.DIRE	; No default directory
	      SKIPE FILPRP+P.SFIL ; and specified file is null
		 HRROI B,[ASCIZ/*/] ; Point to buffer
		 RET		; Back with this name
	    ELSE.		; Default directory exists
	      MOVE B,[POINT 7,FILPRP+P.SFIL] ; Yes, look at given file
	      ILDB C,B		; In particular, the first character
	      CAIN C,"/"	; Is it an absolute path name?
	    ANSKP.		; Yes, absolute, just use given filename
	      HRROI A,NETBUF	; No, relative, point to net buffer
	      HRROI D,FILPRP+P.DIRE ; and default directory
	      WRITE <%4S>	; Copy one into the other
	      LDB D,A		; Get the last character
	      CAIE D,"/"	; If not a slash
	       WRITE </>	; Then add one in
	      WRITE <%3C%2S>	; Now finish filename
	      HRROI B,NETBUF	; Point to buffer again
	      RET		; Return with new filename

	;; Only other operating systems we can handle are TOPS-20 and Tenex.
	;; If not those, we just return remote file string as given to us.
	CAIE A,OS.T20		; TOPS-20?
	 CAIN A,OS.10X		; Tenex?
	    HRROI B,FILPRP+P.SFIL ; Neither, just use file name as is
	    RET			; Return with it

	;; Here for Tenex and TOPS-20.  First copy directory part of name...
	MOVE A,[POINT 7,NETBUF]	; Make destination pointer
	MOVE B,[POINT 7,FILPRP+P.SFIL] ; and source pointer
	SETZM FNPTRS		; No colon found yet either
	  ILDB C,B		; Get char
	  IDPB C,A		; Drop in
	  CAIE C,.CHCNV		; Control V?
	    ILDB C,B		; Yes, get next
	    IDPB C,A		; And drop in without looking at it
	    LOOP.		; Go get more
	  CAIE C,">"		; Close bracket
	   CAIN C,"]"		; Or obsolete style of close?
	    EXIT.		; Yes, done copying dir part
	  CAIN C,":"		; Device terminator?
	   DMOVEM A,FNPTRS	; Yes, save source and dest
	  JUMPN C,TOP.		; No, back for another if there is more

	  ;; Got through entire filename without finding directory.
	  ;; but maybe we found a colon - if so start over there.
	  SKIPN FNPTRS		; Any colons?
	    DMOVE A,FNPTRS	; Yes, get pointers back
	    EXIT.		; And treat as directory end

	  ;; No colon either, so no directory in file.
	  ;; If there is a default directory, we want to use it
	  ;; otherwise start over at the start of the filenames.
	  MOVE A,[POINT 7,NETBUF] ; Point to buffer again
	  SKIPN FILPRP+P.DIRE	; Default directory?
	    HRROI B,FILPRP+P.DIRE ; Yes, point to it
	    CALL SKPDIR		; Skip to terminator
	    ILDB B,B		; So we can see if there is anything after it.
	    HRROI C,FILPRP+P.DIRE ; In any case point to start of dir again
	    IFN. B		; Were there terminators on directory?
	      WRITE <<%3S>>	; No, add dir with terminators
	      WRITE <%3S>	; Yes, add as is

	  ;; Now we have maybe added default dir, use rest of given filename.
	  MOVE B,[POINT 7,FILPRP+P.SFIL] ; Point to filename yet again

	;; Here with A/pointer to rest of buffer, B/ptr to filename part
	;; If there is nothing to the filename use *.* instead
	MOVE C,B		; Copy pointer
	ILDB C,C		; Get first char
	SKIPN C			; See if something there
	 MOVE B,[POINT 7,[ASCIZ/*.*/]] ; Nothing, use wildcards

	;; Go through counting dots and semicolons so that we can know
	;; if there is a generation included in the filename
	SETO D,			; No dots found yet
	  ILDB C,B		; Get char
	  IDPB C,A		; Drop in
	  CAIE C,"."		; Dot?
	   CAIN C,";"		; or semicolon?
	    AOJA D,TOP.		; Yes, count it
	  JUMPN C,TOP.		; Else continue if more to get

	;; Now we have copied whole filename.  If it included a generation
	;; then we are done, else add that too.
	IFL. D			; No dots? i.e., no extension or generation?
	  MOVEI C,"."		; Yes, get one
	  DPB C,A		; Drop a dot over the null
	  MOVEI C,"*"		; Wildcard for the file extension
	  IDPB C,A		; ...
	  MOVEI C,.CHNUL	; Tie off string with a null 
	  IDPB C,A		; ...
	IFLE. D			; At least two dots?
	  MOVEI D,"."		; No, get generation separator
	  MOVE C,OPSYS		; But check operating system
	  CAIN C,OS.10X		; And if it is Tenex
	   MOVEI D,";"		; then get their different separator
	  DPB D,A		; In either case drop it over the null
	  HRRZ B,FILPRP+P.VERS	; Get version from property list
	  CAIE B,.GJALL		; Wildcard?
	    WRITE <*>		; Yes, write like that
	    HRRES B		; Extend sign
	    WRITE <%2D>		; Normal gen, write in decimal

	;; Now we have a complete filename in NETBUF, just return it
	HRROI B,NETBUF		; Point to start of name again
	RET			; All done
; TCPRSP - Get response over TELNET connection
; Returns +1 - failure, error string written (also if response .GE. 400)
; 	  +2 - was not logged in and now is, retry
; 	  +3 - success, A/ response number
; 			B/ terminating character
; 			C/ Pointer to string received
; If debugging, then will type whole line of server response
; (including code number), so caller should not do same.  If reponse .GE. 500
; then will automatically type "no" reponse string (without numbers).
; Otherwise caller should type response with CALL TCPTFM at own discretion.
; Mungs register D

LS TCPORS			; Old code for making sure of reply code matches

TCPRSE:	CALL TCPTFQ		; Here with error
	CAIE B,"-"		; If not continuation
	 RET			; Then return with failure
TCPRSP::CALL TCPRSQ		; TCPRSP with quiet errors
	 JRST TCPRSE		; Error, don't be so quiet
	 RETSKP			; +2
	JRST R2SKIP		; +3

TCPRSQ::CALL TCPFIL		; Fill buffer
	IFVERB VB.DEB		; Debugging?
	  HRROI A,NETBUF	; Get a pointer to the string
	  TYPE <S: %1S>		; Type the message

	;; Have read input line, now see what the starting number is.
	;; Have to be careful to preserve C for overflow check.
	MOVE D,[POINT 7,NETBUF]	; Pointer to the input buffer
	SETZ A,			; Start off with zero response
	  ILDB B,D		; Get the char
	  CAIL B,"0"		; Is it a non-digit?
	   CAILE B,"9"
	    EXIT.		; Not a digit, done collecting numeric part.
	  IMULI A,^D10		; Shift over previous digits by base (decimal)
	  ADDI A,-"0"(B)	; to make room for the new digit that we add in.
	  LOOP.			; Go get the next char and process it.

	;; RFC765, page 33 gives the following example:
	;;    123-First line
	;;    Second line
	;;      234 A line beginning with numbers
	;;    123 The last line
	;; So we make sure here that we really got a matching number...
	CALL TCPRSF		; Finish transfer in case of overflow
	SKIPE TCPORS		; Do we have an old response?
	 CAMN A,TCPORS		; Yes, did this match?
	    MOVE A,TCPORS	; No, must be numberless continuation
	    MOVEI B,"-"		; So make it look normal
	    MOVE C,[POINT 7,NETBUF] ; And use whole line of text
	    CAIE B,"-"		; Is this a continuation line?
	     SETZM TCPORS	; No, clear old response
	    CAIN B,"-"		; Is this a continuation line?
	     MOVEM A,TCPORS	; Yes, remember to match it later
	    MOVE C,D		; Copy pointer into right place

	;; Now handle some specific reply codes.
	;; 0xx codes are not strictly legal, but they existed in NCP days
	;; and there are rumors of some sites still sending them.
	CAIL A,^D100		; Response .LT. 100 (comment)?
	  CALL TCPTFM		; Yes, type it out
	  JRST TCPRSQ		; And try for another one

	;; If the code is 1xx, 2xx, or 3xx, then we return success now
	CAIGE A,^D400		; Response .GE. 400?
	 JRST R2SKIP		; No, good, return +3

	;; Some failure, see which it is.  Special codes handled are:
	;;    421 Service not available, cloaing TELNET connection
	;;    530 Not logged in
	;;    532 Need account for storing files
	;; All other failures merely return +1 to the caller.
	CAIE A,^D532		; Account needed?
	IFSKP.			; Yes, maybe can handle quietly
	  CALL TCPACT		; Try sending off account string
	   RET			; Strange return (more likely to go to COMLP)
	   RETSKP		; Need to retry, already knew that
	  RETSKP		; Even if we won we still need to retry
	CAIN A,^D530		; Fail because not logged in?
	 JRST TCPRLG		; If here, then need to login.  Try it
	CAIE A,^D421		; Shutting down?
	 RET			; No, something else, return +1

	;; Here on 421 response - server autologged us out
	CALL TCPTFQ		; Ok to be noisy here
	CAIN B,"-"		; Continued?
	 JRST TCPRSQ		; Yes, get continuation
	CALL TCPCLZ		; Close connection nicely
	JRST DISCON		; And tell user we got blown away
; TCPRSP subroutines

; Here when finished reading response, make sure line is all read in
; call with C/return value from last buffer
; returns +1/always with no registers munged
TCPRSF:	SAVEAC <A,B,C,D>	; Save used registers
	JUMPN C,TCPRSD		; If no overflow, done now
	TYPE <%% FTP input buffer overflowed%/>
	  CALL TCPFIL		; Fill buffer
	  IFVERB VB.DEB		; Debugging?
	    HRROI A,NETBUF	; Point to start of newly read buffer
	    PSOUT%		; Then want to see overflow too
	  JUMPE C,TOP.		; If still overflowing, get more
TCPRSD:	SKTERS VB.DEB		; See if debugging
	 TYPE <%/>		; Debugging, add nice CRLF
	RET			; All done

; Here to fill NETBUF with text from connection
; returns +1/success, C/zero on buffer overflow, nonzero otherwise
; on error may jump to random places
TCPFIL:	MOVE D,[POINT 7,NETBUF]	; Point to net buffer
	MOVEI C,BUFLEN*5-1	; Length of buffer (max)
	MOVE A,NETJFN		; Get net connection
	  CALL TCPBIN		; Get a byte with TELNET protocol
	   JRST TCPERR		; Lost

	  ;; Got a TELNET byte.  Some servers send us nulls and dels
	  ;; (in the middle of CRLFs even) so we have to ignore them.
	  CAIN B,177		; Del?
	   JRST TOP.		; Yes, ignore
	  JUMPE B,TOP.		; Ignore nulls

	  ;; Real char.  If EOL then handle specially else just add to string.
	  CAIN B,.CHLFD		; Linefeed?
	   JRST TCPFLE		; Yes end of line
	  IDPB B,D		; Drop into buffer
	  SOJG C,TOP.		; Then back for more
	RET			; Buffer full or linefeed, return

; Here when we got a LF.  This being NVT ASCII we should have had a
; CR just before it, but it is possible that some server will send
; us something wrong - thus the paranoia here.
TCPFLE:	LDB B,D			; Get last char of string
	CAIE B,.CHCRT		; Is it the CR we expect?
	  SETZ B,		; Get a null instead
	  DPB B,D		; Drop over carriage return
	TYPE <%_%% Server response does not end with CRLF%/>
	SETZ B,			; Get a null anyway
	IDPB B,D		; But add it one further along
; TCPERR - connection lost big.
; have to close connection before jumping to EDISC so we don't recurse
; where EDISC calls TCPCLS calls TCPRSP calls TCPFIL jumps to here...
; Don't try to write to the connection at this point since it is probably
;  dead with a device/data error.  Trying to do so causes recursive errors.

TCPERR:	ETYPE <Unexpected error in connection - %J%/>
TCPER2:	CALL TCPCLZ		; Close connection nicely
	JRST EDISC		; Tell FTP program we lost things
; TCPBIN - read a character from the TELNET connection doing protocol
; call with JFN in A, returns +1/some error, +2/input char in B

	IAC==^D255		; Interpret as command
	IACWIL==^D251		; Sender will do
	IACWNT==^D252		; Sender won't do
	IACDO==^D253		; Receiver asked to do
	IACDNT==^D254		; Receiver must not do

; Enter here to do a null SOUTR% first
TCPBNS:	PUSH P,C		; Save reg
	HRROI B,C		; Point to location
	SETZ C,			; That contains zero
	SOUTR%			; Send off null string
	IFJER.			; Lost?
	  POP P,C		; Don't return with flaky stack
	  RET			; Now ok to return failure
	POP P,C			; Restore reg

; Real entry point here
TCPBIN:	BIN%			; Read in next byte
	 ERJMP R		; Some error, return failure
	CAIE B,IAC		; Is it an IAC?
	 RETSKP			; No, return with it
	BIN%			; Yes, get next char
	CAIN B,IAC		; This one an IAC too?
	 RETSKP			; Yes, send it through
	CAIE B,IACWNT		; Won't?
	 CAIN B,IACDNT		; Don't?
	  JRST TCPBNI		; Yes, ignore option
	SKVERB VB.DEB		; Something else.  Debugging?
	 JRST TCPBIN		; Back for a real byte
	CAIL B,IACMIN		; In range?
	  TYPE <S: [IAC] <%2D>%/> ; No, use number
	  JRST TCPBIN		; And type out
	HRRO B,IACTAB-IACMIN(B)	; Get name for that IAC
	TYPE <S: [IAC] [%2S]%/>	; Say what
	JRST TCPBIN		; Get something real
; TCPBIN continued

; Here when server sends IAC WONT or IAC DONT
TCPBNI:	IFTERS VB.DEB		; If not debugging
	  BIN%			; Just read option
	  JRST TCPBIN		; Ignore and get next
	HRRO B,IACTAB-IACMIN(B)	; Else get name for WON'T or DON'T
	TYPE <S: [IAC] [%2S]>	; Start typeout
	BIN%			; Read option
	HRRO B,OPTTAB(B)	; Now get option name
	TYPE < [%2S]%/>		; Finish debugging typeout
	JRST TCPBIN		; Now back for next byte

; Here when server sends IAC WILL <option>
	BOUT%			; Send it
	BOUT%			; Send it
	BIN%			; Now read option
	BOUT%			; Echo option back
	SKVERB VB.DEB		; Debugging?
	 JRST TCPBNS		; Back for new byte after sending Don't off
	CAIG B,OPTMAX		; If out of range
	  TYPE <S: [IAC] [Will] <%2D>%/U: [IAC] [Don't] <%2D>%/>
	HRRO B,OPTTAB(B)	; Get name of option
	TYPE <S: [IAC] [Will] [%2S]%/U: [IAC] [Don't] [%2S]%/>

; Here when server sends IAC DO <option>
	BOUT%			; Send it
	BOUT%			; Send it
	BIN%			; Now read option
	BOUT%			; Echo option back
	SKVERB VB.DEB		; Debugging?
	 JRST TCPBNS		; Back for new byte after sending Won't off
	CAIG B,OPTMAX		; If out of range
	  TYPE <S: [IAC] [Do] <%2D>%/U: [IAC] [Won't] <%2D>%/>
	HRRO B,OPTTAB(B)	; Get name of option
	TYPE <S: [IAC] [Do] [%2S]%/U: [IAC] [Won't] [%2S]%/>
; TCPBIN continued

; Table of IAC names
IACMIN==^D239			; First known IAC number
IACTAB:	[ASCIZ/End-of-Record/]	; 239 End of Record
	[ASCIZ/Subnegotiation-End/] ; 240 Subnegotiation end
	[ASCIZ/No-op/]		; 241 No-op
	[ASCIZ/Data-Mark/]	; 242 Data mark
	[ASCIZ/Break/]		; 243 Break key
	[ASCIZ/Interrupt-Process/] ; 244 Interrupt process
	[ASCIZ/Abort-Output/]	; 245 Abort output
	[ASCIZ/Are-You-There/]	; 246 Are you there?
	[ASCIZ/Erase-Char/]	; 247 Erase character
	[ASCIZ/Erase-Line/]	; 248 Erase line
	[ASCIZ/Go-Ahead/]	; 249 Go ahead
	[ASCIZ/Subnegotiation/]	; 250 Subnegotiation
	[ASCIZ/Will/]		; 251 Sender will do
	[ASCIZ/Won't/]		; 252 Sender won't do
	[ASCIZ/Do/]		; 253 Receiver asked to do
	[ASCIZ/Don't/]		; 254 Receiver must not do
	[ASCIZ/IAC/]		; 255 Interpret as command

; Table of WILL/WON'T/DO/DON'T options
OPTTAB:	[ASCIZ/Transmit-Binary/] ; 0   Transmit binary
	[ASCIZ/Echo/]		; 1   Echo
	[ASCIZ/Reconnect/]	; 2   Reconnect
	[ASCIZ/Suppress-GA/]	; 3   Suppress GA
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Appx-Msg-Size/] ; 4   Negotiate approx. message size
	[ASCIZ/Status/]		; 5   Status option
	[ASCIZ/Timing-Mark/]	; 6   Timing mark
	[ASCIZ/Rmt-Ctrl-Trans-Echo/] ; 7   Remote controlled trans/echo
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-Line-Wid/] ; 8   Negotiate output line width
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Page-Size/]	; 9   Negotiate page size
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-CR/]	; 10  Negotiate output CR
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-Tab-Stops/] ; 11  Negotiate output horizontal tab stops
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-HT/]	; 12  Negotiate output HT
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-FF/]	; 13  Negotiate output FF
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-VTab-Stops/] ; 14  Negotiate output vertical tab stops
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-VT/]	; 15  Negotiate output VT
	[ASCIZ/Neg-Out-LF/]	; 16  Negotiate output LF
	[ASCIZ/Extended-ASCII/]	; 17  Tovar's idea of extended ASCII
	[ASCIZ/Logout/]		; 18  Logout option
	[ASCIZ/Byte-Macro/]	; 19  Byte macro
	[ASCIZ/Data-Entry/]	; 20  Data entry terminal option
	[ASCIZ/Supdup/]		; 21  Supdup (not TELNET) protocol
	[ASCIZ/Supdup-Output/]	; 22  Supdup output
	[ASCIZ/Terminal-Type/]	; 24  Terminal type
	[ASCIZ/End-of-Record/]	; 25  End of Record
OPTMAX==.-OPTTAB-1		; This is the largest option we know the name of
; TCPTFM - Type out server response

; Alternate entry point for overriding F%STYO
TCPTFQ:	PUSH P,F		; Save flags
	TXZ F,F%STYO		; Not suppressing output
	CALL TCPTFM		; Type message
	POP P,F			; Restore flags

; Normal entry point
	 RET			; Yes, already seen
	SKVERB VB.TRS		; If terser than terse
	 RET			; Don't want to see it
	SAVEAC <D>		; Don't mung this register

	;; Some FTP servers, such as MIT-MC and SAIL, like to put
	;; an extra space after the "-" signifying continuation.
	;; We don't want to strip this space in TCPRSP because
	;; then it might mess up things like the STAT command, but
	;; when we display responses here we don't want extra spaces.
	;; Also, TOPS-20 servers sometimes put question marks at the
	;; starts of their error messages.  I think those are ugly,
	;; so I flush them too.
	  MOVE D,C		; Copy text pointer
	  ILDB D,D		; Get next byte from pointer
	  CAIE D," "		; Another space?
	   CAIN D,"?"		; or a question mark?
	    IFSKP. <EXIT.>	; Neither, done now
	  IBP C			; Space, skip over it
	  LOOP.			; And try for another char

	;; Now we have the string to type.  If being extra-verbose then
	;; we also type the number and divider char, else just the text.
	IFTERS VB.EVB		; If want normal typeout
	  DTYPE "< %3S%/"	; Then do it
	  RET			; And return
	DTYPE "< %1D%2C%3S%/"	; Extra verbose, type fancy string