
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K818A-BM_1981 - sources/isub.for
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C isub> ReGIS input -- Miscellaneous subroutines
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C operating-system-dependent switches
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C 	define char byte
C  27+128
C  w(riting) opt(ion)s come groups of 8:
C 	(1) replace(0)/erase(1)/complement(2)/overlay(3)
C 	(2) negative image 0/1
C 	(3) pattern  < 256	bit mask (e.g. 192 = P11000000)
C 		    >= 256	canned pattern * 256 (e.g. 512 = P2)
C 				if value >= 256, low 8 bits are ignored
C 	(4) pattern multiplier, different from 6(?)
C 	(5) shading flag, sim pattern+ >= 10 use char
C 	(6) if shading != 0 this is y reference val
C 	(7) pixel multiplier, 1 <= value <= 10
C 	(8) alternating 0/1
C 	(9) foreground intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C 	(10) background intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C   offsets from gwopsp...
C   Inktypes...
C   Inkolors...
C Text options
C 	RSTSONLY	define Maxgels 1000	# due to limited RAM on RSTS
C   drawing primitive gels...
C   attribute/marker/other gels...
C   writing attribute gels : Woptbase + wopindex
C   similarly topts...
C maximum # of characters in a filespec
C maximum # of characters in a command line
C max length of prompt buffer
C max number of characters in file record
C size of record buffers (Fbufsz + 1)
C 	include logdef
C ========================================================================
C ========================================================================
C Error code definitions for imerr subroutine
C These represent errors detected while reading a ReGIS file
C gel vector overflow
C Illegal syntax in W command
C Illegal syntax in P option of W command
C Illegal [x,y] coordinate specification
C Macrograph defined or deleted within a macrograph
C Illegal character after @
C Attempt to define non-alpha macrograph
C Macrograph storage exhausted
C Macrograph calls nested too deeply
C Illegal syntax in L command
C Illegal syntax in R command
C Illegal syntax in S command
C Illegal syntax in V command
C Illegal syntax in P command
C Illegal syntax in C command
C Illegal syntax in T command
C fewer than 2 points in closed curve
C fewer than 3 points in open curve
C C(B) or C(S) terminated prematurely
C Illegal label or object name
C ;"}" found and no object was open
C Eof hit and open object(s) exist
C Putbak error - not your fault
C Too many points in line
C Too many points in curve
C unlikely X coordinate
C angpv - convert an angle in degrees to a pixel-vector (0-7)
      integer function angpv ( ang )
      integer ang
C angle in degrees
      integer i
      i = ang / 45
C scale down
      i = mod ( i , 8 )
C -7 <= i <= 7
      if(.not.( i .lt. 0 ))goto 23000
      i = i + 8
23000 continue
C  0 <= i <= 7
      angpv = i
C ship it
C geld1 - delete the last gel from the gel vector
      subroutine geld1
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
      if(.not.( goflo .ne. 0 ))goto 23002
23002 continue
C overflow, it doesn't matter
      dollar = dollar - 1
C back up 1 gel
      gel ( dollar ) = 0
C my holiday's complete
C gel1 - add a gel to the end of the "gel" vector
C 	Note:  gel1 never lets dollar get larger than Maxgels - 1
C  returns: subscript of gel vector where the new value was stored
      integer function gel1 ( newgel )
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
      integer newgel
C gel to be added
      gel1 = dollar
C tell caller where the gel is
      if(.not.( goflo .ne. 0 ))goto 23004
23004 continue
C no action if oflo already reported
      if(.not.( dollar .ge. 3000 - 1 ))goto 23006
C overflow?
      call imerr ( 1 )
C yes, tell user
      goflo = 1
C remember that overflow occurred
23006 continue
      gel ( dollar ) = newgel
C add the gel
      dollar = dollar + 1
C next available slot
      gel ( dollar ) = 0
C install terminator
C gel2 - add 2 gels to the end of the "gel" vector
C  returns: subscript of gel vector where first new value was stored
      integer function gel2 ( new1 , new2 )
      integer new1 , new2
      integer gel1
      gel2 = gel1 ( new1 )
      gel2 = gel1 ( new2 ) - 1
C geln - allocate room for "n" gels
C  returns: subscript of gel vector where first new value allocated
      integer function geln ( n )
      integer n
      integer gel1
      geln = gel1 ( 0 )
C first gel
      if(.not.( n .ge. 2 ))goto 23008
      do 23010 i = 2 , n
      call gel1 ( 0 )
23010 continue
23011 continue
23008 continue
C zero the gels
C mrgopt - merge one text or writing option vector into another,
C 	  optionally producing gelly to reflect the differences
C 	  -1 values in "from" vector don't change the "to" vector
      subroutine mrgopt ( from , to , len , base )
      integer from ( 1 )
C "from" vector
      integer to ( 1 )
C "to" vector (gets changed)
      integer len
C Toplen or Woplen
      integer base
C 0 for no gelly, else Topbase or Wopbase
      integer f , i , x
       i = 1
23012 if(.not.(i.le.len))goto 23014
      f = from ( i )
      if(.not.( f .ne. - 1 .and. to ( i ) .ne. f ))goto 23015
C change this option?
      to ( i ) = f
C yes, do it
      if(.not.( base .ne. 0 ))goto 23017
C want to make gelly?
      x = base + i
C yes
      call gel2 ( x , f )
C write gel type code
C  and option value
23017 continue
23015 continue
23013 i=i+1
      goto 23012
23014 continue
C mv2loc - when inrgis reads the ReGIS input, it appends the gelly
C 	  to the end of gel.  When Eof is hit, inrgis calls
C 	  mv2loc to relocate the new gelly to the position that
C 	  was specified in the "read" command (the "loc" arg).
      subroutine mv2loc ( loc , orgdol )
      integer loc
C subscript of gel where new gelly goes
      integer orgdol
C value of dollar when inrgis was called
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
      integer i , j , tmp
       j = orgdol - loc
23019 if(.not.( 23021
C number of shifts
      tmp = gel ( loc )
C save bottom
       i = loc + 1
23022 if(.not.( 23024
      gel ( i - 1 ) = gel ( i )
23023 i=i+1
      goto 23022
23024 continue
      gel ( dollar - 1 ) = tmp
C put bottom at top
23020 j=j-1
      goto 23019
23021 continue
C nullxy - put a null entry on the X-Y stack; when this entry is
C 	  popped, it will have no effect upon xpos and ypos
      subroutine nullxy
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
      if(.not.( xysp .ge. 10 ))goto 23025
23025 continue
C no action if overflow
      xysp = xysp + 1
C increment pointer
      xystak ( xysp , 1 ) = 32442
C push bogus x value
C pckarb - convert chars stored in "int" to chars stored in "char" array
      subroutine pckarb ( i , c , n )
      integer i ( 1 )
      integer c ( 1 )
      integer n , j
       j = 1
23027 if(.not.(i(j) 23029
      c ( j ) = i ( j )
23028 j=j+1
      goto 23027
23029 continue
      c ( j ) = 0
C pckgel - pack the string in the gel vector
      subroutine pckgel ( gp )
      integer gp
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
      call pckarb ( gel ( gp ) , gel ( gp ) , 3000 - gp )
C popxy - pop X and Y coordinates from stack
      subroutine popxy
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
      if(.not.( xysp .le. 0 ))goto 23030
23030 continue
C can't pop empty stack
      if(.not.( xystak ( xysp , 1 ) .ne. 32442 ))goto 23032
C null entry?
      xpos = xystak ( xysp , 1 )
C no, pop x
      ypos = xystak ( xysp , 2 )
C     and y
23032 continue
      xysp = xysp - 1
C decrement pointer
C pushxy - push current X and Y coordinates on stack
C 	  implements P(B) V(B) C(B)
      subroutine pushxy
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
      if(.not.( xysp .ge. 10 ))goto 23034
23034 continue
C no action if overflow
      xysp = xysp + 1
C increment pointer
      xystak ( xysp , 1 ) = xpos
C push X
      xystak ( xysp , 2 ) = ypos
C push Y
C pvmove - compute X and Y increments given pixel vector direction
C 	  and magnitude
C  dir:		 3  2  1
C 		  \ | /
C 		4 --*-- 0
C 		  / | \
C 		 5  6  7
      subroutine pvmove ( dir , mag , xi , yi )
      integer dir
C direction (0-7, see above)
      integer mag
C magnitude
      integer xi , yi
C pvmove returns X and Y increments here
      integer n
      n = mag
C local copy
      xi = 0
      yi = 0
      goto ( 500 , 501 , 502 , 503 , 504 , 505 , 506 , 507 ) , dir + 1
500   xi = n
      goto 510
501   xi = n
      yi = - n
      goto 510
502   yi = - n
      goto 510
503   xi = - n
      yi = - n
      goto 510
504   xi = - n
      goto 510
505   xi = - n
      yi = n
      goto 510
506   yi = n
      goto 510
507   xi = n
      yi = n
510   continue
C rdpos - parse a position specification and update X and Y values.
C 	 The ReGIS syntax of a positon specification is either:
C 		1.  [{{sign}xnum}{,}{{sign}ynum}]
C 		    Note:  Braces {} denote optional quantities
C 		2.  A digit from the set
C 			 3  2  1
C 			  \ | /
C 			4 --*-- 0
C 			  / | \
C 			 5  6  7
C 	Example:  assume x1 = 432, y1 = 239
C 		  the ReGIS position spec is:  [+10,98]
C 		  call rdpos(x1,y1)
C 		  now, x1 = 442, y1 = 98
C  returns:  0 no valid coordinate specification found
C 	    1 bracketed spec parsed
C 	    2 pixel-vector spec parsed
      integer function rdpos ( xp , yp )
      integer xp , yp
C modified to reflect new position
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
      integer ch , kgnum , n , xi , yi
      call gnbc ( ch )
C which form?
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 91 ))goto 23036
C [x,y]
      goto ( 300 , 301 , 302 ) , kgnum ( n ) + 1
C parse X
301   xp = n
C unsigned (absolute)
      goto 300
302   xp = xp + n
C signed (relative)
300   continue
C no X coord
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get character after X
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 44 ))goto 23038
C comma?
      goto ( 400 , 401 , 402 ) , kgnum ( n ) + 1
C yes, parse Y
401   yp = n
C unsigned (absolute)
      goto 400
402   yp = yp + n
C signed (relative)
400   call gnbc ( ch )
C get char after Y coord
23038 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 93 ))goto 23040
C terminating ] present?
      call imerr ( 4 )
C no, signal error
      call cfind ( 93 )
C find ] or Sync
23040 continue
      rdpos = 1
C bracket-form parsed
23036 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ge. 48 .and. ch .le. 55 ))goto 23042
C pixel-vector form?
      ch = ch - 48
C yes, get direction
      call pvmove ( ch , tmpwop ( 7 ) , xi , yi )
C compute X, Y increments
      xpos = xpos + xi
      ypos = ypos + yi
C adjust X and Y
      rdpos = 2
C pixel-vector form
23042 continue
      call putbak ( ch )
      rdpos = 0
C nothing parsed
C tstxy - check what's at the top of the XY stack
C  returns: 1 - last XY pair on stack was put there by pushxy
C 	   0 - stack empty, or top of stack was put there by nullxy
      integer function tstxy ( dum )
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
      integer dum
C dummy
      tstxy = 0
C assume empty or null
      if(.not.( xysp .gt. 0 ))goto 23044
C anything there?
      if(.not.( xystak ( xysp , 1 ) .ne. 32442 ))goto 23046
      tstxy = 1
23046 continue
23044 continue
C yes, examine it