
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K818A-BM_1981 - sources/icmd0.for
There are no other files named icmd0.for in the archive.
C icmd0> ReGIS input -- L, P, R, and S commands
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C operating-system-dependent switches
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C 	define char byte
C  27+128
C  w(riting) opt(ion)s come groups of 8:
C 	(1) replace(0)/erase(1)/complement(2)/overlay(3)
C 	(2) negative image 0/1
C 	(3) pattern  < 256	bit mask (e.g. 192 = P11000000)
C 		    >= 256	canned pattern * 256 (e.g. 512 = P2)
C 				if value >= 256, low 8 bits are ignored
C 	(4) pattern multiplier, different from 6(?)
C 	(5) shading flag, sim pattern+ >= 10 use char
C 	(6) if shading != 0 this is y reference val
C 	(7) pixel multiplier, 1 <= value <= 10
C 	(8) alternating 0/1
C 	(9) foreground intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C 	(10) background intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C   offsets from gwopsp...
C   Inktypes...
C   Inkolors...
C Text options
C 	RSTSONLY	define Maxgels 1000	# due to limited RAM on RSTS
C   drawing primitive gels...
C   attribute/marker/other gels...
C   writing attribute gels : Woptbase + wopindex
C   similarly topts...
C maximum # of characters in a filespec
C maximum # of characters in a command line
C max length of prompt buffer
C max number of characters in file record
C size of record buffers (Fbufsz + 1)
C 	include logdef
C ========================================================================
C ========================================================================
C Error code definitions for imerr subroutine
C These represent errors detected while reading a ReGIS file
C gel vector overflow
C Illegal syntax in W command
C Illegal syntax in P option of W command
C Illegal [x,y] coordinate specification
C Macrograph defined or deleted within a macrograph
C Illegal character after @
C Attempt to define non-alpha macrograph
C Macrograph storage exhausted
C Macrograph calls nested too deeply
C Illegal syntax in L command
C Illegal syntax in R command
C Illegal syntax in S command
C Illegal syntax in V command
C Illegal syntax in P command
C Illegal syntax in C command
C Illegal syntax in T command
C fewer than 2 points in closed curve
C fewer than 3 points in open curve
C C(B) or C(S) terminated prematurely
C Illegal label or object name
C ;"}" found and no object was open
C Eof hit and open object(s) exist
C Putbak error - not your fault
C Too many points in line
C Too many points in curve
C cmdl - process "L" command; some syntax checking is done, but for the
C 	most part, the command is passed intact as a Garbgel
      subroutine cmdl
      integer ch
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
C crget> COMMON for "get next ReGIS character" subroutine group
C size of qbuf (Maxobj + 5)
      logical gcgel
C .true. tells gnc to copy returned characters into gel
      integer peekc
C character that was put back to putbak (-1 if none)
      integer qbuf ( 15 )
C text from quoted strings copied here
      integer syncfl
C non-zero if Sync or Eof hit and ksync(1) hasn't
C been called yet; syncfl contains 0, Sync, or Eof
      common / crget / peekc , syncfl , gcgel , qbuf
      integer kterm , sstart , gel1
      call gel1 ( ( - 1 ) )
C start Garbgel, L cmd
      sstart = gel1 ( 76 )
C save start of string
C request that gnc automatically copy characters to gelly
      gcgel = . true .
23000 continue
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get char after L
      if(.not.( kterm ( ch ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23003
      goto 23002
C end of L command
23003 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 40 ))goto 23005
C options present?
23007 continue
C yes, scan them
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get option character
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 97 ))goto 23010
C A ?
23012 continue
C yes
      call gnbc ( ch )
C A what, Jim?
      call putbak ( ch )
      if(.not.( kterm ( ch ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23015
      goto 23014
23015 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 39 .or. ch .eq. 34 ))goto 23017
      call gnbc ( ch )
C A"name"
      call eattxt ( ch )
C "x"
      goto 23018
23017 continue
      call kgnum ( ch )
23018 continue
C Anumber
23013 goto 23012
23014 continue
      goto 23011
23010 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 41 .or. ch .eq. 59 ))goto 23019
      goto 23009
      goto 23020
23019 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 44 ))goto 23021
      call imerr ( 10 )
23021 continue
23020 continue
23011 continue
23008 goto 23007
23009 continue
      goto 23006
23005 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 39 .or. ch .eq. 34 ))goto 23023
C quoted character?
      call eattxt ( ch )
C yes, eat it
C scan the hexadecimal definition of the character
23025 continue
      call gnbc ( ch )
23026 if(.not.( . not . ( ( ch .ge. 48 .and. ch .le. 57 ) .or. ( ch .ge.
     * 97 .and. ch .le. 102 ) ) ))goto 23025
23027 continue
C get next char
      call putbak ( ch )
C put non-hex back
      goto 23024
23023 continue
      call imerr ( 10 )
23024 continue
23006 continue
C bogus character
23001 goto 23000
23002 continue
      call putbak ( ch )
      gcgel = . false .
C turn off auto-copy
      if(.not.( gel ( dollar - 1 ) .ne. 59 ))goto 23028
      call gel1 ( 59 )
23028 continue
C tie it off with Sync
      call gel1 ( 0 )
C  and a null
      call pckgel ( sstart )
C pack the string in "gel" array
C cmdp - process "P" command
      subroutine cmdp
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
      integer ch , kterm , rdpos
C scan next element of P command, either position spec or (options)
23030 continue
C if it's a position spec, just update xpos and ypos
      if(.not.( rdpos ( xpos , ypos ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23033
      goto 23031
C position spec?
23033 continue
      call gnbc ( ch )
C no
      if(.not.( kterm ( ch ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23035
C end of P command?
      call putbak ( ch )
C yes, put it back
      goto 23032
C wrap up P command
23035 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 40 ))goto 23037
C option list?
23039 continue
C yes
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get next option
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 41 .or. ch .eq. 59 ))goto 23042
      goto 23041
C end of options
23042 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 98 ))goto 23044
C B ?
      call pushxy
C yes, put XY on stack
      goto 23045
23044 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 101 ))goto 23046
C E ?
      call popxy
C yes, get stacked XY
      goto 23047
23046 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 115 ))goto 23048
C S ?
      call nullxy
C yes, stack null entry
      goto 23049
23048 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 119 ))goto 23050
C W ?
      call scantw
C yes, temp writing opts
C Note: the pixel multiplier is the only
C temp wop that it is meaningful to set here
      goto 23051
23050 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 44 ))goto 23052
C comma?
      call imerr ( 14 )
C no, signal bad P option
      call cfind ( 41 )
C skip to ) or Sync
      goto 23041
23052 continue
23051 continue
23049 continue
23047 continue
23045 continue
23040 goto 23039
23041 continue
      goto 23038
23037 continue
      call imerr ( 14 )
23038 continue
C not position spec or (
23031 goto 23030
23032 continue
C cmdr - process "R" command; some syntax checking is done, but for the
C 	most part, the command is passed intact as a Garbgel
      subroutine cmdr
      integer ch , kterm
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
C crget> COMMON for "get next ReGIS character" subroutine group
C size of qbuf (Maxobj + 5)
      logical gcgel
C .true. tells gnc to copy returned characters into gel
      integer peekc
C character that was put back to putbak (-1 if none)
      integer qbuf ( 15 )
C text from quoted strings copied here
      integer syncfl
C non-zero if Sync or Eof hit and ksync(1) hasn't
C been called yet; syncfl contains 0, Sync, or Eof
      common / crget / peekc , syncfl , gcgel , qbuf
      integer sstart , gel1
      call gel1 ( ( - 1 ) )
C start Garbgel, R cmd
      sstart = gel1 ( 82 )
C save start of string
C request that gnc automatically copy characters to gelly
      gcgel = . true .
23054 continue
      call gnbc ( ch )
C char after R or R(...)
      if(.not.( kterm ( ch ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23057
      goto 23056
C break if terminator hit
23057 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 40 ))goto 23059
C R( ?
      call gnbc ( ch )
C yes, get option
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 109 .or. ch .eq. 112 ))goto 23061
C R(M or R(P ?
      call gnbc ( ch )
C yes
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 40 ))goto 23063
      call cfind ( 41 )
      goto 23064
23063 continue
      call putbak ( ch )
23064 continue
      goto 23062
23061 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 108 ))goto 23065
      call imerr ( 11 )
23065 continue
23062 continue
C unknown option
      call cfind ( 41 )
C R(...)
      goto 23060
23059 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 59 ))goto 23067
      call imerr ( 11 )
23067 continue
23060 continue
C not R( or R;
23055 goto 23054
23056 continue
      call putbak ( ch )
C put back unwanted char
      call gel1 ( 0 )
C terminate gel with null
      gcgel = . false .
C turn off auto-copy
      call pckgel ( sstart )
C pack string into gel vector
C cmds - process "S" command
C 	The E option is converted to an Erasegel.
C 	The I option is output as a Bakgrnd wop.
C 	The W option invokes temporary writing options; Inkolor is
C 	meaningful during a screen erase, and if an erase is done,
C 	any temp wops in effect at the end of the S command become
C 	perm wops.
C 	All the other S command stuff is passed thru as Garbgels
      subroutine cmds
      integer ch , intens , kterm , xgel
      logical erasfl
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
C crget> COMMON for "get next ReGIS character" subroutine group
C size of qbuf (Maxobj + 5)
      logical gcgel
C .true. tells gnc to copy returned characters into gel
      integer peekc
C character that was put back to putbak (-1 if none)
      integer qbuf ( 15 )
C text from quoted strings copied here
      integer syncfl
C non-zero if Sync or Eof hit and ksync(1) hasn't
C been called yet; syncfl contains 0, Sync, or Eof
      common / crget / peekc , syncfl , gcgel , qbuf
      erasfl = . false .
C E option not seen (yet)
23069 continue
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get character
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 91 .or. ( ch .ge. 48 .and. ch .le. 55 ) ))goto 2
C scrolling?
      call putbak ( ch )
C yes, put it back
      call garbs ( 1 )
C begin S Garbgel
      gcgel = . true .
C copy spec to gelly
      call rdpos ( cdum , cdum )
C parse scrolling spec
      gcgel = . false .
C stop copying
      goto 23070
23072 continue
      if(.not.( kterm ( ch ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23074
      goto 23071
C break if terminator hit
23074 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 40 ))goto 23076
C S( ?
23078 continue
C yes, loop to scan opts
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get option
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 41 .or. ch .eq. 59 ))goto 23081
      goto 23080
23081 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 97 ))goto 23083
C S(A ?
      call garbs ( 1 )
C start Garbgel
      call gel2 ( 40 , 65 )
      gcgel = . true .
C copy [..][..] to gelly
      call rdpos ( cdum , cdum )
C parse 1st pair
      call rdpos ( cdum , cdum )
C parse 2nd pair
      goto 23084
23083 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 101 ))goto 23085
C S(E ?
      call garbs ( 0 )
C yes
      call gel1 ( 10 )
C Erasegel
      if(.not.( tmpwop ( 5 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23087
C shading?
      tmpwop ( 5 ) = 0
C no more!
      xgel = 127 + 5
      call gel2 ( xgel , 0 )
C make wop
23087 continue
      erasfl = . true .
C remember E seen
      xysp = 0
C clear XY stack
      goto 23086
23085 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 104 ))goto 23089
C S(H ?
      call garbs ( 1 )
C start Garbgel
      call gel2 ( 40 , 72 )
      gcgel = . true .
C copy [..][..] to gelly
      call rdpos ( cdum , cdum )
      call rdpos ( cdum , cdum )
      goto 23090
23089 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 105 ))goto 23091
C S(I ?
      call garbs ( 0 )
C yes
      call kgi ( intens )
C parse I spec
      if(.not.( intens .ne. prmwop ( 10 ) .and. intens .ne. 8 ))goto 230
      prmwop ( 10 ) = intens
      tmpwop ( 10 ) = intens
      xgel = 127 + 10
      call gel2 ( xgel , intens )
23093 continue
      goto 23092
23091 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 110 ))goto 23095
C S(N ?
      call garbs ( 1 )
C start Garbgel
      call gel2 ( 40 , 78 )
      gcgel = . true .
C copy number to gelly
      call kgnum ( cdum )
C parse number
      goto 23096
23095 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 116 ))goto 23097
C S(T ?
      call garbs ( 1 )
C start Garbgel
      call gel2 ( 40 , 84 )
      gcgel = . true .
C copy number to gelly
      call kgnum ( cdum )
C parse number
      goto 23098
23097 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 119 ))goto 23099
C S(W ?
      call garbs ( 0 )
C yes
      call scantw
C temp wrt opts
      goto 23100
23099 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 44 ))goto 23101
C unknown option
      call imerr ( 12 )
C signal error
      call cfind ( 41 )
C skip to next )
      goto 23080
23101 continue
23100 continue
23098 continue
23096 continue
23092 continue
23090 continue
23086 continue
23084 continue
      if(.not.( gcgel ))goto 23103
C was I creating Garbgel?
      call gel1 ( 41 )
C yes, tie off opts
      gcgel = . false .
C turn copying off
23103 continue
23079 goto 23078
23080 continue
      goto 23077
23076 continue
      if(.not.( ch .ne. 59 ))goto 23105
      call imerr ( 12 )
23105 continue
23077 continue
C not S( or S;
23070 goto 23069
23071 continue
      call putbak ( ch )
C put back unwanted char
      call garbs ( 0 )
C close Garbgel
C if Erase option seen, copy temporary wops to permanent wops
C (Another goodie from the VK100 microcode)
      if(.not.( erasfl ))goto 23107
      call copywo ( tmpwop , prmwop , 10 )
23107 continue
C garbs - open S Garbgel (i.e., output Garbgel, LetS), or
C 	 close S Garbgel (i.e., output Eos)
C 	 Won't open if already open or close if already closed
      subroutine garbs ( fnc )
      integer fnc
C 0 = close, 1 = open
      integer gel1 , sstart
C sstart remembers gel index of string
      integer state
C current state (0 = closed, 1 = open)
      data state / 0 /
C initially closed
      if(.not.( fnc .ne. 0 .and. state .eq. 0 ))goto 23109
C want to open?
      call gel1 ( ( - 1 ) )
C yes, do it
      sstart = gel1 ( 83 )
C remember start of string
      state = 1
C set state = open
23109 continue
      if(.not.( fnc .eq. 0 .and. state .ne. 0 ))goto 23111
C want to close?
      call gel1 ( 0 )
C yes, tie off Garbgel
      call pckgel ( sstart )
C pack string in gel vector
      state = 0
C set state = closed
23111 continue