
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-D480C-SB_1981 -
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		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 1
	Produced by LINK version 4A(1220) on  3-Dec-81 at 10:29:34

	Low  segment starts at	     0 ends at	  7720 length	  7721 = 8P
	High segment starts at	400000 ends at	420441 length	 20442 = 17P
	47 words free in Low segment, 222 words free in high segment
	599 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 666
	Start address is 401065, located in program FTNCMD



	%JOBDT	 43000000443	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JB41	          41	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBAPR	         125	Global	Absolute    		.JBBLT	          45	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBCHN	         131	Global	Absolute    		.JBCNI	         126	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBCOR	         133	Global	Absolute    		.JBCST	         136	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBDA	         140	Global	Absolute    		.JBDDT	          74	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBEDV	         112	Global	Absolute    		.JBERR	          42	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBFF	         121	Global	Absolute    		.JBH41	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHCR	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHDA	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHGA	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHGH	      400000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHNM	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHRL	         115	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBHRN	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHSA	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHSM	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHVR	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBINT	         134	Global	Absolute    		.JBOPC	         130	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBOPS	         135	Global	Absolute    		.JBOVL	         131	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBPFH	         123	Global	Absolute    		.JBPFI	         114	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBREL	          44	Global	Absolute    		.JBREN	         124	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBSA	         120	Global	Absolute    		.JBSYM	         116	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBTPC	         127	Global	Absolute    		.JBUSY	         117	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBUUO	          40	Global	Absolute    		.JBVER	         137	Global	Absolute    	


REVHST	from DSK:REVHST.REL[31,5306]	created by MACRO on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00


EXOSUP	from DSK:EXOSUP.REL[31,5306]	created by MACRO on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
	Low  segment starts at	   140 ends at	   201 length	    42 (octal),    34. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	400010 ends at	400025 length	    16 (octal),    14. (decimal)

	EXOSUV	   600000002	Global	Absolute    		FORI.0	         140	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORI.1	         143	Entry	Relocatable 		FORI.2	         147	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORI.3	         154	Entry	Relocatable 		FORI.4	         162	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORO.0	         175	Entry	Relocatable 		FORO.1	         174	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORO.2	         173	Entry	Relocatable 		FORO.3	         172	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORO.4	         171	Entry	Relocatable 		HISEG	      400010	Entry	Relocatable 	
	HSGORG	         177	Global	Relocatable 		XNXFIL	      400021	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPHAZC	      400014	Entry	Relocatable 	


		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 2

MAIN..	from DSK:MAIN.REL[31,5306]	created by BLISS-10 on  3-Dec-81 at 10:29:00
	Low  segment starts at	   202 ends at	   534 length	   333 (octal),   219. (decimal)

	MAIN.0	         202	Global	Relocatable 		.SREG	777777777761	Global	Absolute    	
	.FREG	777777777762	Global	Absolute    		.VREG	777777777763	Global	Absolute    	
	.DREGS	777777761000	Global	Absolute    		MAINV	   600000037	Global	Absolute    	
	FT1SEG	           0	Global	Absolute    		IOFLGV	   600000020	Global	Absolute    	
	PHAZCO	         202	Global	Relocatable 		SIXBOU	         326	Global	Relocatable 	
	GETSG	         344	Global	Relocatable 		NXFILG	         420	Global	Relocatable 	
	CTCSTA	         433	Global	Relocatable 		MAIN.1	         442	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	MAIN.C	         442	Global	Relocatable 		MAIN.L	         444	Global	Relocatable 	
	MAIN.P	         451	Global	Relocatable 		MAIN.O	         533	Global	Relocatable 	


GLOB..	from DSK:GLOBAL.REL[31,5306]	created by BLISS-10 on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
	Low  segment starts at	   535 ends at	  5011 length	  4255 (octal),  2221. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	400026 ends at	400715 length	   670 (octal),   440. (decimal)

	GLOB.0	      400026	Global	Relocatable 		.ENT.0	      400026	Global	Relocatable 	
	.ENT.1	      400031	Global	Relocatable 		.ENT.2	      400035	Global	Relocatable 	
	.ENT.3	      400042	Global	Relocatable 		.ENT.4	      400050	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EXT.4	      400057	Global	Relocatable 		.EXT.3	      400060	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EXT.2	      400061	Global	Relocatable 		.EXT.1	      400062	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EXT.0	      400063	Global	Relocatable 		STACK	         535	Global	Relocatable 	
	GLOBAV	   600000163	Global	Absolute    		FIRSTV	   600000211	Global	Absolute    	
	TABLEV	   600000242	Global	Absolute    		POOL	        1521	Global	Relocatable 	
	STK	        2651	Global	Relocatable 		CHNLTB	        3243	Global	Relocatable 	
	IBLOCK	        3313	Global	Relocatable 		TBLOCK	        3316	Global	Relocatable 	
	LBLOCK	        3326	Global	Relocatable 		GETSBL	        3332	Global	Relocatable 	
	GETSPA	        3340	Global	Relocatable 		FLGWRD	        3351	Global	Relocatable 	
	ISPEC	        3352	Global	Relocatable 		FSPEC	        3353	Global	Relocatable 	
	CCLSW	        3354	Global	Relocatable 		INDEX	        3355	Global	Relocatable 	
	PAGE	        3356	Global	Relocatable 		JOBFFS	        3357	Global	Relocatable 	
	SYMTBL	        3360	Global	Relocatable 		CONTBL	        3477	Global	Relocatable 	
	EXPTBL	        3544	Global	Relocatable 		LABTBL	        3545	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITTBL	        3612	Global	Relocatable 		NAMTBL	        3613	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCTBL	        3634	Global	Relocatable 		DIMTBL	        3635	Global	Relocatable 	
	DATTBL	        3636	Global	Relocatable 		BASEPT	        3637	Global	Relocatable 	
	COMBLK	        3640	Global	Relocatable 		LITPOI	        3641	Global	Relocatable 	
	SYMPTR	        3642	Global	Relocatable 		SORCPT	        3643	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTEX	        3644	Global	Relocatable 		LASTDI	        3645	Global	Relocatable 	
	DTABPT	        3646	Global	Relocatable 		CONSPT	        3647	Global	Relocatable 	
	LABLPT	        3650	Global	Relocatable 		EQVPTR	        3651	Global	Relocatable 	
	FORMPT	        3652	Global	Relocatable 		NAMLPT	        3653	Global	Relocatable 	
	ASIPTR	        3654	Global	Relocatable 		TTOTAL	        3655	Global	Relocatable 	
	FREELI	        3656	Global	Relocatable 		SPACEF	        3670	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCHON	        3671	Global	Relocatable 		ISN	        3672	Global	Relocatable 	
	IDOFST	        3673	Global	Relocatable 		LABLOF	        3674	Global	Relocatable 	
	DLOOPT	        3675	Global	Relocatable 		DONEST	        3676	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURDOI	        3677	Global	Relocatable 		LASDOL	        3700	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASLVL	        3701	Global	Relocatable 		DELETP	        3702	Global	Relocatable 	
	SYMTYP	        3703	Global	Relocatable 		NAME	        3704	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 3
	TYPE	        3705	Global	Relocatable 		INCREM	        3706	Global	Relocatable 	
	DECEXP	        3707	Global	Relocatable 		ENTRY	        3710	Global	Relocatable 	
	REGSAV	        3715	Global	Relocatable 		SEGINC	        3735	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOWLOC	        3736	Global	Relocatable 		HILOC	        3737	Global	Relocatable 	
	RELOCW	        3740	Global	Relocatable 		MAINRL	        3741	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOCRLB	        3765	Global	Relocatable 		SYMRLB	        4011	Global	Relocatable 	
	RDATWD	        4035	Global	Relocatable 		BLANKC	        4036	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENDSCA	        4037	Global	Relocatable 		MULENT	        4040	Global	Relocatable 	
	FORMAR	        4041	Global	Relocatable 		COMSIZ	        4042	Global	Relocatable 	
	ONEPLI	        4043	Global	Relocatable 		SP	        4044	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEXL	        4045	Global	Relocatable 		LSAVE	        4046	Global	Relocatable 	
	FARRY	        4047	Global	Relocatable 		CODELI	        4050	Global	Relocatable 	
	STALAB	        4051	Global	Relocatable 		PROGNA	        4052	Global	Relocatable 	
	IDTYPE	        4053	Global	Relocatable 		ASTATF	        4054	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERRLIN	        4055	Global	Relocatable 		TMPCNT	        4056	Global	Relocatable 	
	BSAVE	        4062	Global	Relocatable 		FSAVE	        4063	Global	Relocatable 	
	VSAVE	        4064	Global	Relocatable 		TYPTAB	        4065	Global	Relocatable 	
	LIBFUN	      400075	Global	Relocatable 		ONEAFT	      400206	Global	Relocatable 	
	LIBATT	      400316	Global	Relocatable 		CLRWDS	      400540	Global	Relocatable 	
	TREEPT	        4117	Global	Relocatable 		CSTMNT	        4120	Global	Relocatable 	
	NEDZER	        4121	Global	Relocatable 		ZERBLK	        4122	Global	Relocatable 	
	A1NODE	        4123	Global	Relocatable 		A2NODE	        4124	Global	Relocatable 	
	A1LABE	        4125	Global	Relocatable 		A2LABE	        4126	Global	Relocatable 	
	A3LABE	        4127	Global	Relocatable 		OPDSPI	        4130	Global	Relocatable 	
	REGFOR	        4131	Global	Relocatable 		PC	        4132	Global	Relocatable 	
	PBOPWD	        4133	Global	Relocatable 		PSYMPT	        4134	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOLSPT	        4135	Global	Relocatable 		DATASP	        4136	Global	Relocatable 	
	RESNAM	        4137	Global	Relocatable 		NEGFLG	        4140	Global	Relocatable 	
	NOTFLG	        4141	Global	Relocatable 		TRUECE	        4142	Global	Relocatable 	
	FALSEC	        4143	Global	Relocatable 		CIOCAL	        4144	Global	Relocatable 	
	CIOCLA	        4145	Global	Relocatable 		INPFLA	        4146	Global	Relocatable 	
	USERFN	        4147	Global	Relocatable 		CLOBBR	        4150	Global	Relocatable 	
	DBLMOD	        4151	Global	Relocatable 		LSTLNK	        4152	Global	Relocatable 	
	FTEMP	        4153	Global	Relocatable 		FRSTLN	        4154	Global	Relocatable 	
	ANCHOR	        4155	Global	Relocatable 		VERYFR	        4156	Global	Relocatable 	
	PBFPTR	        4157	Global	Relocatable 		PBUFF	        4160	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEPPT	        4410	Global	Relocatable 		ILABIX	        4411	Global	Relocatable 	
	GBSYRE	        4412	Global	Relocatable 		GBSYCT	        4413	Global	Relocatable 	
	STBSYR	        4414	Global	Relocatable 		STRGCT	        4415	Global	Relocatable 	
	BLOCKB	        4416	Global	Relocatable 		NOBBRE	        4417	Global	Relocatable 	
	PAIRMO	        4420	Global	Relocatable 		DOSTAK	        4421	Global	Relocatable 	
	EHASH	        4503	Global	Relocatable 		BACKST	        4540	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOPTFL	        4541	Global	Relocatable 		DOSP	        4542	Global	Relocatable 	
	EXITNO	        4543	Global	Relocatable 		RDCCT	        4544	Global	Relocatable 	
	LPRDCC	        4545	Global	Relocatable 		RDCLNK	        4546	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOCLNK	        4547	Global	Relocatable 		ARGLIN	        4550	Global	Relocatable 	
	SPECCA	        4551	Global	Relocatable 		QQ	        4552	Global	Relocatable 	
	UNIQVA	        4553	Global	Relocatable 		ASSOCP	        4554	Global	Relocatable 	
	FNTMP	        4555	Global	Relocatable 		DOCNT	        4556	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPTLAB	        4557	Global	Relocatable 		GLOBRE	        4560	Global	Relocatable 	
	RGRAPH	        4600	Global	Relocatable 		FGRAPH	        4601	Global	Relocatable 	
	SSIZTC	        4602	Global	Relocatable 		INTLTC	        4603	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOOP	        4604	Global	Relocatable 		INDVAR	        4605	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEND	        4606	Global	Relocatable 		LENTRY	        4607	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 4
	LOOPNO	        4610	Global	Relocatable 		CHOSEN	        4611	Global	Relocatable 	
	TOP	        4651	Global	Relocatable 		BOTTOM	        4652	Global	Relocatable 	
	TPREV	        4653	Global	Relocatable 		PREV	        4654	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHI	        4655	Global	Relocatable 		NAN	        4656	Global	Relocatable 	
	EHASHP	        4657	Global	Relocatable 		LOWLIM	        4660	Global	Relocatable 	
	CELMNT	        4661	Global	Relocatable 		EVALU	      400605	Global	Relocatable 	
	INNERL	        4662	Global	Relocatable 		DOWDP	        4663	Global	Relocatable 	
	CDONOD	        4664	Global	Relocatable 		ITMCT	        4665	Global	Relocatable 	
	MTOPFU	      400706	Global	Relocatable 		DWP	        4666	Global	Relocatable 	
	C1H	        4667	Global	Relocatable 		C1L	        4670	Global	Relocatable 	
	C2H	        4671	Global	Relocatable 		C2L	        4672	Global	Relocatable 	
	COPRIX	        4673	Global	Relocatable 		SAVACS	        4674	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVE17	        4703	Global	Relocatable 		EOPSAV	        4704	Global	Relocatable 	
	NOCR	        4705	Global	Relocatable 		STPTR	        4706	Global	Relocatable 	
	STLPTR	        4707	Global	Relocatable 		STPOS	        4710	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTLI	        4711	Global	Relocatable 		ERRFLA	        4712	Global	Relocatable 	
	MSGNOT	        4713	Global	Relocatable 		CLASPT	        4714	Global	Relocatable 	
	CLASLP	        4715	Global	Relocatable 		CONTPT	        4716	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEXLIN	        4717	Global	Relocatable 		NUMWAR	        4720	Global	Relocatable 	
	NUMFAT	        4721	Global	Relocatable 		WARNOP	        4722	Global	Relocatable 	
	STMNDE	        4723	Global	Relocatable 		PSTATE	        4724	Global	Relocatable 	
	BACKLI	        4725	Global	Relocatable 		LOOK4L	        4726	Global	Relocatable 	
	FNDFF	        4727	Global	Relocatable 		DIMSTK	        4730	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOOK4C	        4731	Global	Relocatable 		LMLINO	        4732	Global	Relocatable 	
	LMRONO	        4733	Global	Relocatable 		LMCONO	        4734	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENDOFI	           0	Global	Absolute    		MAXFF	        4735	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHDSTA	        4736	Global	Relocatable 		GLOBEN	        4737	Global	Relocatable 	
	RTIME	        4740	Global	Relocatable 		CTIME	        4741	Global	Relocatable 	
	BGSTBF	        4742	Global	Relocatable 		SAVFLG	        4743	Global	Relocatable 	
	DEBGSW	        4744	Global	Relocatable 		ARINGL	        4745	Global	Relocatable 	
	BUGOUT	        4746	Global	Relocatable 		FLAGS2	        4747	Global	Relocatable 	
	F2	        4750	Global	Relocatable 		CURPOO	        4751	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURPTR	        4752	Global	Relocatable 		CHARPO	        4753	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINEPT	        4754	Global	Relocatable 		SEQLAS	        4755	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINENO	        4756	Global	Relocatable 		PAGELI	        4760	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINELI	        4761	Global	Relocatable 		HEADST	        4762	Global	Relocatable 	
	BASENO	        5006	Global	Relocatable 		HEADPT	        5007	Global	Relocatable 	
	PAGEPT	        5010	Global	Relocatable 		GLOB.F	      400065	Global	Relocatable 	
	GLOB.1	      400074	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	GLOB.P	      400074	Global	Relocatable 	
	GLOB.G	         535	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.BREG	        5011	Global	Relocatable 	


FTNCMD	from DSK:COMMAN.REL[31,5306]	created by MACRO on  3-Dec-81 at 10:27:00
	Low  segment starts at	  5012 ends at	  5420 length	   407 (octal),   263. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	400716 ends at	402320 length	  1403 (octal),   771. (decimal)

	COMMAV	   600000161	Global	Absolute    		CORERR	        5060	Global	Relocatable 	
	FORTRA	      401065	Global	Relocatable 		LIT	      402100	Global	Relocatable 	
	MRP0	      401064	Global	Relocatable 		NWBITS	        5374	Global	Relocatable 	
	NWKTB	        5012	Global	Relocatable 		NWKTBC	          42	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	NXTFIL	      401542	Entry	Relocatable 	

		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 5

OWNDM	from DSK:OWNDM.REL[31,5306]	created by MACRO on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
	Low  segment starts at	  5421 ends at	  6420 length	  1000 (octal),   512. (decimal)

	OWNDMV	   600000000	Global	Absolute    	


INOU..	from DSK:INOUT.REL[31,5306]	created by BLISS-10 on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
	Low  segment starts at	  6421 ends at	  6451 length	    31 (octal),    25. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	402321 ends at	403743 length	  1423 (octal),   787. (decimal)

	INOU.0	      402321	Global	Relocatable 		INOUTV	   600000064	Global	Absolute    	
	FTTENE	           0	Global	Absolute    		LEXAIV	   600000000	Global	Absolute    	
	NUMODI	        6421	Global	Relocatable 		DIGITS	      402321	Global	Relocatable 	
	STRNG6	      402341	Global	Relocatable 		STRNG7	      402353	Global	Relocatable 	
	HEADCH	      402362	Global	Relocatable 		HEADIN	      402372	Global	Relocatable 	
	FATLER	      402453	Global	Relocatable 		WARNER	      402705	Global	Relocatable 	
	FATLEX	      402715	Global	Relocatable 		WARNLE	      402725	Global	Relocatable 	
	BLDMSG	      402735	Global	Relocatable 		ERROR	      403141	Global	Relocatable 	
	OUUOLS	      403371	Global	Relocatable 		OUTSTA	      403407	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINEOU	      403435	Global	Relocatable 		CHAROU	      403464	Global	Relocatable 	
	STRNGO	      403476	Global	Relocatable 		LSTOUT	      403520	Global	Relocatable 	
	OUUOBI	      403524	Global	Relocatable 		RELOUT	      403542	Global	Relocatable 	
	SOUTPU	      403551	Global	Relocatable 		CLOSUP	      403554	Global	Relocatable 	
	INOU.1	      403563	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	INOU.C	      403563	Global	Relocatable 	
	INOU.L	      403573	Global	Relocatable 		INOU.P	      403622	Global	Relocatable 	
	INOU.G	        6421	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	INOU.O	        6422	Global	Relocatable 	


UNEN..	from DSK:UNEND.REL[31,5306]	created by BLISS-10 on  3-Dec-81 at 10:29:00
	Low  segment starts at	  6452 ends at	  6454 length	     3 (octal),     3. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	403744 ends at	404701 length	   736 (octal),   478. (decimal)

	UNEN.0	      403744	Global	Relocatable 		UNENDV	   600000007	Global	Absolute    	
	ENDUNI	      403744	Global	Relocatable 		STATS	      404153	Global	Relocatable 	
	OUTTIM	      404313	Global	Relocatable 		CREFIT	      404371	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZZOUTM	      404512	Global	Relocatable 		UNEN.1	      404543	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	UNEN.C	      404543	Global	Relocatable 		UNEN.L	      404572	Global	Relocatable 	
	UNEN.P	      404612	Global	Relocatable 		UNEN.O	        6452	Global	Relocatable 	


ERR3	from DSK:ERR3.REL[31,5306]	created by MACRO on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
	High segment starts at	404702 ends at	405002 length	   101 (octal),    65. (decimal)

	CGERR	      404705	Global	Relocatable 		ERR3V	   600000000	Global	Absolute    	
	SKERR	      404702	Global	Relocatable 	


		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 6

ERRA..	from DSK:ERROVA.REL[31,5306]	created by BLISS-10 on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
	High segment starts at	405003 ends at	405004 length	     2 (octal),     2. (decimal)

	ERRA.0	      405003	Global	Relocatable 		ERRAV	   600000003	Global	Absolute    	
	WARMSG	           0	Global	Absolute    		BACKTY	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	LEXNAM	           0	Global	Absolute    		ERRMSG	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	WOPTMS	           0	Global	Absolute    		CORMAN	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	ERRA.1	      405005	Global	Relocatable Suppressed


PSEUDO	from DSK:JOBD.REL[31,5306]	created by MACRO on  3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00

	JOBDV	   600000000	Global	Absolute    		JOBERR	          42	Global	Absolute    	
	JOBFF	         121	Global	Absolute    		JOBREL	          44	Global	Absolute    	
	JOBSA	         120	Global	Absolute    	


.SCAN	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	Low  segment starts at	  6455 ends at	  7306 length	   632 (octal),   410. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	405005 ends at	413506 length	  6502 (octal),  3394. (decimal)

	E.DSI	      410031	Global	Relocatable 		E.FMI	      406107	Global	Relocatable 	
	E.FMO	      406105	Global	Relocatable 		E.ILSC	      406112	Global	Relocatable 	
	E.INCL	      406111	Global	Relocatable 		E.SVNG	      410043	Global	Relocatable 	
	E.SVR	      410045	Global	Relocatable 		E.SVTL	      410041	Global	Relocatable 	
	E.UKK	      410021	Global	Relocatable 		F.NAM	        7070	Global	Relocatable 	
	N.CORE	        6542	Global	Relocatable 		N.EZER	        6541	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	N.OFFS	        6543	Global	Relocatable 		N.ZER	        6520	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	%%%SCN	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	%%SCAN	   702000572	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.ALDON	      406070	Global	Relocatable 		.ASCQC	      411235	Global	Relocatable 	
	.ASCQW	      411234	Global	Relocatable 		.BLOKC	      411064	Global	Relocatable 	
	.BLOKW	      411063	Global	Relocatable 		.CCLRB	      412325	Global	Relocatable 	
	.CKNEG	      411227	Global	Relocatable 		.CLRBF	      412327	Global	Relocatable 	
	.CLRFL	      406372	Global	Relocatable 		.CLSNS	      406672	Global	Relocatable 	
	.COREC	      411073	Global	Relocatable 		.COREW	      411072	Global	Relocatable 	
	.DATIC	      410145	Global	Relocatable 		.DATIF	      410115	Global	Relocatable 	
	.DATIG	      410116	Global	Relocatable 		.DATIM	      410144	Global	Relocatable 	
	.DATIP	      410131	Global	Relocatable 		.DATIQ	      410132	Global	Relocatable 	
	.DECNC	      411132	Global	Relocatable 		.DECNW	      411131	Global	Relocatable 	
	.FILIN	      406304	Global	Relocatable 		.FMSG	      412222	Global	Relocatable 	
	.FMSGD	      412234	Global	Relocatable 		.FMSGE	      412272	Global	Relocatable 	
	.FMSGF	      412254	Global	Relocatable 		.FMSGN	      412230	Global	Relocatable 	
	.FMSGO	      412240	Global	Relocatable 		.FMSGX	      412301	Global	Relocatable 	
	.GTIND	      406141	Global	Relocatable 		.GTSPC	      406537	Global	Relocatable 	
	.ISCAN	      405005	Entry	Relocatable 		.KEYWD	      406705	Global	Relocatable 	
	.KLIND	      412156	Global	Relocatable 		.LASWD	        7253	Global	Relocatable 	
	.LEFTX	      411052	Global	Relocatable 		.MKPJN	      405137	Global	Relocatable 	
	.MNRET	      412367	Global	Relocatable 		.MONRT	      412360	Global	Relocatable 	
	.MYPPN	        6455	Global	Relocatable 		.NAME	      410757	Global	Relocatable 	
	.NAMEC	      410645	Global	Relocatable 		.NAMEW	      410644	Global	Relocatable 	
	.NMUE	        7252	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.NMUL	        7215	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 7
	.NOCTC	      410633	Global	Relocatable 		.NOCTW	      410632	Global	Relocatable 	
	.OCTNC	      411166	Global	Relocatable 		.OCTNW	      411165	Global	Relocatable 	
	.OSCAN	      405561	Global	Relocatable 		.OSDFS	      406637	Global	Relocatable 	
	.PSCAN	      405751	Global	Relocatable 		.QSCAN	      405767	Global	Relocatable 	
	.QUOTE	        6517	Global	Relocatable 		.REEAT	      411553	Global	Relocatable 	
	.RUNCM	      406214	Global	Relocatable 		.SCANL	         632	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.SCANZ	        6455	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.SENEG	      411223	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SIXMC	      411275	Global	Relocatable 		.SIXMW	      411274	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SIXQC	      411271	Global	Relocatable 		.SIXQW	      411270	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SIXSC	      411255	Global	Relocatable 		.SIXSW	      411254	Global	Relocatable 	
	.STOPN	      412217	Global	Relocatable 		.SWASQ	      411234	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	.SWCOR	      407165	Global	Relocatable 		.SWDEC	      407161	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SWDON	      414737	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.SWDPB	      407402	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SWDTF	      410115	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.SWDTM	      410144	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	.SWDTP	      410131	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.SWFIL	      407167	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SWHLP	      407314	Global	Relocatable 		.SWMAX	      407367	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SWOCT	      407163	Global	Relocatable 		.SWSIX	      411254	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	.SWSXM	      411274	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.SWSXQ	      411270	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	.TERRP	      412377	Global	Relocatable 		.TIALT	      411345	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TIAUC	      411333	Global	Relocatable 		.TICAN	      411320	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TICHE	      411606	Global	Relocatable 		.TICHG	      411347	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TICHR	      411415	Global	Relocatable 		.TICHT	      411600	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TICQT	      411341	Global	Relocatable 		.TIGET	      411636	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TIMUC	      411334	Global	Relocatable 		.TISQT	      411344	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TSCAN	      405230	Global	Relocatable 		.TYPRE	      411667	Global	Relocatable 	
	.VERSC	      410762	Global	Relocatable 		.VERSW	      410761	Global	Relocatable 	
	.VSCAN	      405502	Global	Relocatable 	


.VERBO	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	Low  segment starts at	  7307 ends at	  7310 length	     2 (octal),     2. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	413507 ends at	413576 length	    70 (octal),    56. (decimal)

	.ERMSA	      413510	Entry	Relocatable 		.ERMSG	      413507	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.FLCBF	        7310	Global	Relocatable 		.FLVRB	        7307	Global	Relocatable 	
	.VERBO	      413556	Entry	Relocatable 		.VRBOL	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.VRBOZ	        7307	Global	Relocatable Suppressed


.TNEWL	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00

	.TNEWL	      414146	Global	Relocatable Suppressed


.TOUTS	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	Low  segment starts at	  7311 ends at	  7311 length	     1 (octal),     1. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	413577 ends at	414314 length	   516 (octal),   334. (decimal)

	GUIDL.	          12	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	GUIDM.	777777777766	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	GUIDT.	      414060	Global	Relocatable 		.TASTR	      414233	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TBLOK	      414125	Global	Relocatable 		.TCHAR	      414244	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 8
	.TCOLN	      414235	Global	Relocatable 		.TCOMA	      414237	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TCORW	      414131	Global	Relocatable 		.TCRLF	      414146	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TDATE	      413740	Global	Relocatable 		.TDATN	      413737	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TDEC2	      413773	Global	Relocatable 		.TDECW	      414203	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TDIRB	      413642	Global	Relocatable 		.TDTTM	      413730	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TFBLK	      413620	Global	Relocatable 		.TFCHR	      414002	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TMOHW	      413710	Global	Relocatable 		.TOCTW	      414202	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TOLEB	      413601	Global	Relocatable 		.TOUTL	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.TOUTZ	        7311	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.TPPNW	      414155	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TRBRK	      414163	Global	Relocatable 		.TRDXW	      414204	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TSIXN	      414165	Global	Relocatable 		.TSPAC	      414243	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TSTRG	      414223	Global	Relocatable 		.TTABC	      414241	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TTIME	      413756	Global	Relocatable 		.TTIMN	      413755	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TVERW	      414072	Global	Relocatable 		.TXWDW	      414174	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TXWWW	      413701	Global	Relocatable 		.TYOCH	      413577	Entry	Relocatable 	


.STOPB	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	High segment starts at	414315 ends at	414450 length	   134 (octal),    92. (decimal)

	.STOPB	      414315	Entry	Relocatable 	


.CNTDT	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	High segment starts at	414451 ends at	414607 length	   137 (octal),    95. (decimal)

	.CNTDT	      414451	Entry	Relocatable 		.CNVDT	      414530	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.GTNOW	      414522	Entry	Relocatable 	


.GTPUT	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	High segment starts at	414610 ends at	414701 length	    72 (octal),    58. (decimal)

	.GTWRD	      414646	Entry	Relocatable 		.ISLGI	      414666	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.LKNAM	      414610	Entry	Relocatable 		.MKMSK	      414657	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.PTWRD	      414653	Entry	Relocatable 	


.SAVE	from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	High segment starts at	414702 ends at	414756 length	    55 (octal),    45. (decimal)

	.POP4T	      414751	Entry	Relocatable 		.POPJ	      414740	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.POPJ1	      414737	Entry	Relocatable 		.PSH4T	      414742	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.SAVE1	      414702	Entry	Relocatable 		.SAVE2	      414707	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.SAVE3	      414715	Entry	Relocatable 		.SAVE4	      414724	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.SAVX4	      414732	Global	Relocatable 	


		LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 9

.WILD	from REL:WILD.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 17-Jul-80 at  9:59:00
	Low  segment starts at	  7312 ends at	  7720 length	   407 (octal),   263. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	414757 ends at	420303 length	  3325 (octal),  1749. (decimal)

	B.DC	        7716	Global	Relocatable 		E.DFL	      416776	Global	Relocatable 	
	E.DFO	      416754	Global	Relocatable 		E.LKEN	      417002	Global	Relocatable 	
	E.SCL	      416457	Global	Relocatable 		E.SCO	      416447	Global	Relocatable 	
	%%WILD	   700000311	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.CHKTA	      415673	Global	Relocatable 	
	.CHKTM	      415667	Global	Relocatable 		.INSTR	      417347	Global	Relocatable 	
	.LKERR	      417111	Global	Relocatable 		.LKWLD	      414757	Entry	Relocatable 	
	.NXDTW	      416736	Global	Relocatable 		.NXSTR	      417476	Global	Relocatable 	
	.SCWLD	      416152	Entry	Relocatable 		.TFILB	      417177	Global	Relocatable 	
	.TFILE	      417202	Global	Relocatable 		.WIFIR	        7373	Global	Relocatable 	
	.WILAS	        7374	Global	Relocatable 		.WILDL	         407	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.WILDZ	        7312	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	.WLDBF	        7443	Global	Relocatable 	
	.WLDFL	        7363	Global	Relocatable 	


.HELPR	from REL:HELPER.REL[10,7]	created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
	High segment starts at	420304 ends at	420441 length	   136 (octal),    94. (decimal)

	HELPER	      420304	Entry	Relocatable 		%HELPR	   500000041	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.HELPR	      420305	Entry	Relocatable 	


	Index to LINK symbol map of	FORTRA	version 6(1144)		page 10

	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page

	ERR3	 5	MAIN..	 2	.CNTDT	 8	.STOPB	 8
	ERRA..	 6	OWNDM	 5	.GTPUT	 8	.TNEWL	 7
	GLOB..	 2	UNEN..	 5	.SCAN	 6	.WILD	 9
	INOU..	 5

	[End of LINK map of	FORTRA]