
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-4157F-BM_1983 - fortran/ots-debugger/
There are 4 other files named in the archive. Click here to see a list.
		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 1
	Produced by LINK version 5A(2026) on  4-Feb-83 at 17:58:57

	Low  segment starts at	     0 ends at	577757 length	577760 = 384P
	16 words free in Low segment
	661 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 735
	Start address is    140, located in program FORHAK



	Zero length module


FOROTS	from DSK:FOROTS.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:56:58
	Psect .DATA. starts at   575000 ends at	576207 length	  1210 (octal),   648. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   520000 ends at	520701 length	   702 (octal),   450. (decimal)

	F.H41	      520001	Global	Relocatable 		F.HCR	      520002	Global	Relocatable 	
	F.HGA	      520007	Global	Relocatable 		F.HNM	      520005	Global	Relocatable 	
	F.HRN	      520003	Global	Relocatable 		F.HSA	      520000	Global	Relocatable 	
	F.HSM	      520006	Global	Relocatable 		F.HSO	      520000	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	F.HVR	      520004	Global	Relocatable 		INIT%	      520111	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%CCMSK	      520661	Global	Relocatable 		%CPARG	      520442	Global	Relocatable 	
	%CRLF	      520662	Global	Relocatable 		%EVEC	      520106	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FRSLO	      520010	Entry	Relocatable 		%HALT	      520664	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ISAVE	      520627	Global	Relocatable 		%JPOPT	      520416	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OCCOC	      520657	Global	Relocatable 		%OVNUM	      520274	Global	Relocatable 	
	%POPJ	      520374	Global	Relocatable 		%POPJ1	      520373	Global	Relocatable 	
	%POPJ2	      520372	Global	Relocatable 		%POPT	      520406	Global	Relocatable 	
	%PUSHT	      520375	Global	Relocatable 		%SAVAC	      520425	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SAVE1	      520305	Global	Relocatable 		%SAVE2	      520315	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SAVE3	      520326	Global	Relocatable 		%SAVE4	      520340	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SAVIO	      520427	Global	Relocatable 		AU.ACS	      575025	Global	Relocatable 	
	D.TTY	      575242	Global	Relocatable 		DBSTP.	      575024	Global	Relocatable 	
	FMT.LS	      575400	Global	Relocatable 		G.PRP	      575601	Global	Relocatable 	
	I.BAT	      575021	Global	Relocatable 		I.DAYT	      575011	Global	Relocatable 	
	I.PID	      575457	Global	Relocatable 		I.RUNT	      575010	Global	Relocatable 	
	I.XSIR	      575023	Global	Relocatable 		TT.DES	      575244	Global	Relocatable 	
	U.ERR	      575241	Global	Relocatable 		U.RERD	      575014	Global	Relocatable 	
	U.TTY	      575243	Global	Relocatable 		%ABFLG	      575233	Global	Relocatable 	
	%CHNTA	      575527	Global	Relocatable 		%DDBTA	      575062	Global	Relocatable 	
	%EDDB	      575240	Global	Relocatable 		%ERRBK	      575377	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERRCT	      575245	Global	Relocatable 		%ERRLM	      575303	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERRSB	      575341	Global	Relocatable 		%EXCHN	      575232	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FAREA	      575231	Global	Relocatable 		%FCHTB	      575460	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FSECT	      576203	Global	Relocatable 		%FTAST	      575017	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FTSLB	      575226	Global	Relocatable 		%ICCOC	      575012	Global	Relocatable 	
	%LEVTA	      575524	Global	Relocatable 		%MSLJ	      575015	Global	Relocatable 	
	%MSLVL	      575022	Global	Relocatable 		%MSPAD	      575016	Global	Relocatable 	
	%NAMLN	      575227	Global	Relocatable 		%NARGN	      575602	Global	Relocatable 	
	%PC1	      575573	Global	Relocatable 		%PC2	      575575	Global	Relocatable 	
	%PC3	      575577	Global	Relocatable 		%QUIET	      575234	Global	Relocatable 	
	%STADD	      575020	Global	Relocatable 		%TRFLG	      575230	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 2
	%UDBAD	      575235	Global	Relocatable 	


FORMEM	from DSK:FORMEM.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:43:10
	Psect .DATA. starts at   576210 ends at	576277 length	    70 (octal),    56. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   520702 ends at	522406 length	  1505 (octal),   837. (decimal)

	ALCOR%	      522004	Entry	Relocatable 		ALCOR.	      522004	Entry	Relocatable 	
	DECOR%	      522017	Entry	Relocatable 		DECOR.	      522017	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FUNCT%	      522050	Entry	Relocatable 		FUNCT.	      522050	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%FREBL	      521037	Global	Relocatable 		%FREPG	      521173	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FUNCX	      522051	Global	Relocatable 		%GTBLK	      520703	Global	Relocatable 	
	%GTPGS	      521113	Global	Relocatable 		%GTSPC	      520702	Global	Relocatable 	
	%MEMIN	      521333	Global	Relocatable 		%MRKPG	      521144	Global	Relocatable 	
	%MVBLK	      521071	Global	Relocatable 		%MVSPC	      521066	Global	Relocatable 	
	%UMKPG	      521160	Global	Relocatable 		%DESHG	      576274	Global	Relocatable 	
	%EXPNT	      576270	Global	Relocatable 		%JBFPT	      576271	Global	Relocatable 	
	%LPAGE	      576272	Global	Relocatable 		%PTAB	      576230	Global	Relocatable 	


FOROPN	from DSK:FOROPN.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:51:11
	Psect .DATA. starts at   576300 ends at	576706 length	   407 (octal),   263. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   522407 ends at	531314 length	  6706 (octal),  3526. (decimal)

	ALCHN%	      530423	Entry	Relocatable 		ALCHN.	      530423	Entry	Relocatable 	
	CLOSE%	      527215	Entry	Relocatable 		CLOSE.	      527215	Entry	Relocatable 	
	DECHN%	      530426	Entry	Relocatable 		DECHN.	      530426	Entry	Relocatable 	
	EXIT1%	      530404	Entry	Relocatable 		EXIT1.	      530404	Entry	Relocatable 	
	INQ%	      530431	Entry	Relocatable 		INQ.	      530431	Entry	Relocatable 	
	OPEN%	      522410	Entry	Relocatable 		OPEN.	      522410	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%ALCHF	      530424	Global	Relocatable 		%CHKNR	      526427	Global	Relocatable 	
	%CLSOP	      524046	Global	Relocatable 		%DECHF	      530427	Global	Relocatable 	
	%EXIT1	      530406	Global	Relocatable 		%LSTBF	      524025	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OPENX	      522626	Global	Relocatable 		%SETIN	      523531	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SETOU	      523561	Global	Relocatable 		%UNNAM	      527017	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ARGNM	      576405	Global	Relocatable 		%IONAM	      576702	Global	Relocatable 	
	%NCHRR	      576404	Global	Relocatable 		%OPNK1	      576703	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OPNK2	      576705	Global	Relocatable 		%OPNV1	      576704	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OPNV2	      576706	Global	Relocatable 		%RESP	      576445	Global	Relocatable 	
	%RNAMD	      576443	Global	Relocatable 		%RNAMU	      576444	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SRCBP	      576402	Global	Relocatable 	


FORIO	from DSK:FORIO.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:55:36
	Psect .DATA. starts at   576707 ends at	577012 length	   104 (octal),    68. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   531315 ends at	537217 length	  5703 (octal),  3011. (decimal)

	DEC%	      531412	Entry	Relocatable 		DEC.	      531412	Entry	Relocatable 	
	ENC%	      531433	Entry	Relocatable 		ENC.	      531433	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FIN%	      536540	Entry	Relocatable 		FIN.	      536540	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FIND%	      536447	Entry	Relocatable 		FIND.	      536447	Entry	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 3
	IFI%	      531475	Entry	Relocatable 		IFI.	      531475	Entry	Relocatable 	
	IFO%	      531515	Entry	Relocatable 		IFO.	      531515	Entry	Relocatable 	
	IN%	      531316	Entry	Relocatable 		IN.	      531316	Entry	Relocatable 	
	IOLST%	      536466	Entry	Relocatable 		IOLST.	      536466	Entry	Relocatable 	
	LDI%	      531465	Entry	Relocatable 		LDI.	      531465	Entry	Relocatable 	
	LDO%	      531471	Entry	Relocatable 		LDO.	      531471	Entry	Relocatable 	
	MTOP%	      531454	Entry	Relocatable 		MTOP.	      531454	Entry	Relocatable 	
	NLI%	      531376	Entry	Relocatable 		NLI.	      531376	Entry	Relocatable 	
	NLO%	      531404	Entry	Relocatable 		NLO.	      531404	Entry	Relocatable 	
	OUT%	      531330	Entry	Relocatable 		OUT.	      531330	Entry	Relocatable 	
	RTB%	      531342	Entry	Relocatable 		RTB.	      531342	Entry	Relocatable 	
	WTB%	      531360	Entry	Relocatable 		WTB.	      531360	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%CIPOS	      534136	Global	Relocatable 		%COPOS	      534154	Global	Relocatable 	
	%EOREC	      533275	Global	Relocatable 		%IBACK	      532156	Global	Relocatable 	
	%IBYTC	      532151	Global	Relocatable 		%IBYTE	      532113	Global	Relocatable 	
	%IMBYT	      532122	Global	Relocatable 		%IRECS	      532414	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OBUF	      535411	Global	Relocatable 		%OBYTE	      532163	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OCRLF	      533640	Global	Relocatable 		%OMBYT	      532212	Global	Relocatable 	
	%OMSPC	      532205	Global	Relocatable 		%OREC	      533225	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ORECS	      533222	Global	Relocatable 		%OSMAP	      535635	Global	Relocatable 	
	%PTOF	      536275	Global	Relocatable 		%RIPOS	      534126	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ROPOS	      534132	Global	Relocatable 		%RTMSK	      535240	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SETAV	      531711	Global	Relocatable 		%SIPOS	      534144	Global	Relocatable 	
	%SOPOS	      534162	Global	Relocatable 		A.END	      576713	Global	Relocatable 	
	A.ERR	      576714	Global	Relocatable 		A.FMS	      576712	Global	Relocatable 	
	A.FMT	      576711	Global	Relocatable 		A.HSA	      576721	Global	Relocatable 	
	A.HSL	      576722	Global	Relocatable 		A.IOS	      576715	Global	Relocatable 	
	A.NML	      576717	Global	Relocatable 		A.REC	      576716	Global	Relocatable 	
	T.END	      576727	Global	Relocatable 		T.ERR	      576730	Global	Relocatable 	
	T.FMS	      576726	Global	Relocatable 		T.FMT	      576725	Global	Relocatable 	
	T.HSA	      576735	Global	Relocatable 		T.HSL	      576736	Global	Relocatable 	
	T.IOS	      576731	Global	Relocatable 		T.MTOP	      576734	Global	Relocatable 	
	T.NML	      576733	Global	Relocatable 		T.REC	      576732	Global	Relocatable 	
	T.UNIT	      576724	Global	Relocatable 		%CUNIT	      576747	Global	Relocatable 	


MTHTRP	from DSK:MTHTRP.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:04:20
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577013 ends at	577023 length	    11 (octal),     9. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   537220 ends at	537731 length	   512 (octal),   330. (decimal)

	T.FDC	      537625	Entry	Relocatable 		T.FOV	      537616	Entry	Relocatable 	
	T.FUN	      537634	Entry	Relocatable 		T.IDC	      537607	Entry	Relocatable 	
	T.IOV	      537600	Entry	Relocatable 		T.TDT	      537643	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%TRPIN	      537220	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORHST	from DSK:FORHST.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:42:09

	Zero length module

		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 4

BADDBM	from DSK:FDBML6.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:05:08
	Psect .CODE. starts at   537732 ends at	537760 length	    27 (octal),    23. (decimal)

	FDBMS%	      537732	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORXIT	from DSK:FORXIT.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:04:28
	Psect .CODE. starts at   537761 ends at	540166 length	   206 (octal),   134. (decimal)

	ABORT%	      537762	Entry	Relocatable 		ABORT.	      537762	Entry	Relocatable 	
	EXIT%	      537771	Entry	Relocatable 		EXIT.	      537771	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%ABORT	      537763	Entry	Relocatable 	


FOROP	from DSK:FOROP.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:05:05
	Psect .CODE. starts at   540167 ends at	540410 length	   222 (octal),   146. (decimal)

	FOROP%	      540170	Entry	Relocatable 		FOROP.	      540170	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORCNV	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12

	Zero length module


ALPHA	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577024 ends at	577035 length	    12 (octal),    10. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   540411 ends at	540742 length	   332 (octal),   218. (decimal)

	%ALPHI	      540411	Entry	Relocatable 		%ALPHO	      540477	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%RIGHI	      540650	Entry	Relocatable 		%RIGHO	      540674	Entry	Relocatable 	


FLIRT	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577036 ends at	577042 length	     5 (octal),     5. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   540743 ends at	541471 length	   527 (octal),   343. (decimal)

	%FLFSG	      577037	Global	Relocatable 		%FLRBX	      577042	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FLRFR	      577040	Global	Relocatable 		%DIRT	      540743	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%ERIN	      540743	Entry	Relocatable 		%FLDPR	      541402	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%FLGPR	      541432	Entry	Relocatable 		%FLIRT	      540743	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%FLSPR	      541315	Entry	Relocatable 		%GRIN	      540743	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%REALI	      540760	Entry	Relocatable 	

		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 5

FLOUT	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   541472 ends at	542421 length	   730 (octal),   472. (decimal)

	%DOUBT	      541472	Entry	Relocatable 		%EEDIV	      542236	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%EEMUL	      542243	Entry	Relocatable 		%EENRM	      542262	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%EOUT	      541500	Entry	Relocatable 		%FLOUT	      541503	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%GROUT	      541475	Entry	Relocatable 	


INTEG	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   542422 ends at	542620 length	   177 (octal),   127. (decimal)

	%GINTI	      542422	Entry	Relocatable 		%GINTO	      542512	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%INTI	      542422	Entry	Relocatable 		%INTO	      542516	Entry	Relocatable 	


LOGIC	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   542621 ends at	542744 length	   124 (octal),    84. (decimal)

	%GLINT	      542621	Entry	Relocatable 		%GLOUT	      542710	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%LINT	      542621	Entry	Relocatable 		%LOUT	      542710	Entry	Relocatable 	


OCTAL	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   542745 ends at	543114 length	   150 (octal),   104. (decimal)

	%GOCTI	      542745	Entry	Relocatable 		%GOCTO	      543030	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%OCTI	      542745	Entry	Relocatable 		%OCTO	      543030	Entry	Relocatable 	


HEXIO	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   543115 ends at	543272 length	   156 (octal),   110. (decimal)

	%HEXI	      543115	Entry	Relocatable 		%HEXO	      543207	Entry	Relocatable 	


DELIM	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   543273 ends at	543324 length	    32 (octal),    26. (decimal)

	%SIZTB	      543305	Entry	Relocatable 		%SKIP	      543273	Entry	Relocatable 	


POWTB	from DSK:FORCNV.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:00:12
	Psect .CODE. starts at   543325 ends at	544140 length	   614 (octal),   396. (decimal)

	%BEXP	      544010	Entry	Relocatable Suppressed	%DEXP	      544007	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%EXP10	      543723	Entry	Relocatable 		%HITEN	      543407	Entry	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 6
	%LOTEN	      543555	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORNML	from DSK:FORNML.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:02:15
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577043 ends at	577125 length	    63 (octal),    51. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   544141 ends at	546605 length	  2445 (octal),  1317. (decimal)

	%LDI	      544153	Entry	Relocatable 		%LDIST	      544141	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%LDO	      544174	Entry	Relocatable 		%LDOST	      544166	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%NLI	      544215	Entry	Relocatable 		%NLO	      546051	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORFMT	from DSK:FORFMT.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:44:04
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577126 ends at	577401 length	   254 (octal),   172. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   546606 ends at	550475 length	  1670 (octal),   952. (decimal)

	ENC.LR	      577133	Global	Relocatable 		ENC.W2	      577145	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENC.WD	      577144	Global	Relocatable 		FMT.BG	      577140	Global	Relocatable 	
	FMT.BP	      577141	Global	Relocatable 		FMT.SZ	      577153	Global	Relocatable 	
	ILLEG.	      577401	Global	Relocatable 		IO.ADR	      577364	Global	Relocatable 	
	IO.INC	      577367	Global	Relocatable 		IO.INF	      577370	Global	Relocatable 	
	IO.INS	      577372	Global	Relocatable 		IO.NUM	      577366	Global	Relocatable 	
	IO.SIZ	      577371	Global	Relocatable 		IO.TYP	      577365	Global	Relocatable 	
	SCL.SV	      577127	Global	Relocatable 		USR.AD	      577146	Global	Relocatable 	
	USR.SZ	      577150	Global	Relocatable 		D.PNTR	      546610	Global	Relocatable 	
	W.PNTR	      546606	Global	Relocatable 		X.PNTR	      546611	Global	Relocatable 	
	%FMTCL	      547060	Global	Relocatable 		%FMTSV	      547015	Global	Relocatable 	
	%IFORM	      550355	Global	Relocatable 		%IFSET	      546737	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%OFORM	      550364	Global	Relocatable 		%OFSET	      546740	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORERR	from DSK:FORERR.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:58:27
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577402 ends at	577757 length	   356 (octal),   238. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   550476 ends at	552507 length	  2012 (octal),  1034. (decimal)

	E.TR0	      551777	Entry	Relocatable 		E.TR1	      552006	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.TRC	      552024	Entry	Relocatable 		FORER%	      550712	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORER.	      550712	Entry	Relocatable 		MTHER%	      550712	Entry	Relocatable 	
	MTHER.	      550712	Entry	Relocatable 		TRACE%	      552034	Entry	Relocatable 	
	TRACE.	      552034	Entry	Relocatable 		%DFERR	      550476	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERINI	      550522	Entry	Relocatable 		%IOERR	      550525	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%OTSER	      550670	Entry	Relocatable 		%TRACX	      552037	Entry	Relocatable 	
	%TRPER	      550651	Entry	Relocatable 		G.ERBF	      577610	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERCHR	      577512	Global	Relocatable 		%ERNAM	      577506	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERNM1	      577504	Global	Relocatable 		%ERNM2	      577505	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERPDP	      577511	Global	Relocatable 		%ERRPC	      577507	Global	Relocatable 	
	%ERTYP	      577471	Global	Relocatable 		%FIXED	      577476	Global	Relocatable 	
	%LERN1	      577502	Global	Relocatable 		%LERN2	      577503	Global	Relocatable 	
	%TRPDP	      577513	Global	Relocatable 		%UNFXD	      577472	Global	Relocatable 	

		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 7

FORMSG	from DSK:FORMSG.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 16:57:42
	Psect .CODE. starts at   552510 ends at	555307 length	  2600 (octal),  1408. (decimal)

	E.APP	      553200	Entry	Relocatable 		E.ARC	      552736	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.BBF	      552754	Entry	Relocatable 		E.BSI	      553055	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.CBI	      553036	Entry	Relocatable 		E.CCC	      553761	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.CDF	      553346	Entry	Relocatable 		E.CDI	      553326	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.CDT	      553466	Entry	Relocatable 		E.CGD	      552510	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.CLF	      553132	Entry	Relocatable 		E.CWL	      553477	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.DBM	      552517	Entry	Relocatable 		E.DLF	      553515	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.DLL	      553650	Entry	Relocatable 		E.DQE	      554077	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.DSS	      553074	Entry	Relocatable 		E.DTL	      553435	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.EDA	      553455	Entry	Relocatable 		E.EDS	      553445	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.EFS	      552635	Entry	Relocatable 		E.EOF	      552745	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ESV	      553423	Entry	Relocatable 		E.ETC	      554106	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ETL	      552720	Entry	Relocatable 		E.FCL	      553027	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.FD1	      553151	Entry	Relocatable 		E.FFX	      552562	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.FOV	      552664	Entry	Relocatable 		E.FTS	      552702	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.FUN	      552673	Entry	Relocatable 		E.FVF	      553560	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.FVM	      552711	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IAC	      553235	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IAU	      553064	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IAV	      553316	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ICA	      553264	Entry	Relocatable 		E.ICE	      553676	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IDI	      553657	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IDM	      553245	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IEM	      552544	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IFW	      553542	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IGN	      553161	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IHC	      553533	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IJE	      552626	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IKV	      553641	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ILC	      553576	Entry	Relocatable 		E.ILF	      553506	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ILM	      553705	Entry	Relocatable 		E.ILN	      553743	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ILS	      553752	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IMO	      553356	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IMV	      553632	Entry	Relocatable 		E.INI	      552535	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IOE	      554070	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IOL	      553623	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IOV	      552655	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IRC	      553524	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IRN	      552772	Entry	Relocatable 		E.ISS	      554034	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.ISW	      554052	Entry	Relocatable 		E.IUN	      553365	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.IWI	      553666	Entry	Relocatable 		E.JSA	      553413	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.JSE	      553404	Entry	Relocatable 		E.MFU	      552553	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.NAM	      552614	Entry	Relocatable 		E.NCK	      553113	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.NEC	      554024	Entry	Relocatable 		E.NEQ	      553724	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.NLS	      554015	Entry	Relocatable 		E.NRP	      553734	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.NSD	      553225	Entry	Relocatable 		E.OPE	      553171	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.OSW	      554061	Entry	Relocatable 		E.POI	      553337	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.PPN	      553255	Entry	Relocatable 		E.QUE	      552644	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.RBR	      553375	Entry	Relocatable 		E.RIC	      553567	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.RIF	      552727	Entry	Relocatable 		E.RND	      553123	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.RNM	      553141	Entry	Relocatable 		E.RNR	      552763	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.RPE	      553777	Entry	Relocatable 		E.RR1	      553216	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.RRR	      553207	Entry	Relocatable 		E.RSM	      553020	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.SDO	      553306	Entry	Relocatable 		E.SLN	      553002	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.SNH	      552526	Entry	Relocatable 		E.SNM	      553277	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.SNQ	      554043	Entry	Relocatable 		E.SNV	      554006	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.STL	      553770	Entry	Relocatable 		E.SUM	      552602	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.TIM	      552571	Entry	Relocatable 		E.UDT	      553551	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.UMO	      553045	Entry	Relocatable 		E.UNS	      553605	Entry	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 8
	E.UOA	      553103	Entry	Relocatable 		E.VNN	      553714	Entry	Relocatable 	
	E.WBA	      553011	Entry	Relocatable 		E.WNA	      553614	Entry	Relocatable 	


FOREND	from DSK:FOREND.RLS	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:04:30
	Psect .DATA. starts at   577760 ends at	577757 length	     0 (octal),     0. (decimal)
	Psect .CODE. starts at   555310 ends at	555307 length	     0 (octal),     0. (decimal)

	Z.CODE	      555310	Entry	Relocatable 		Z.DATA	      577760	Entry	Relocatable 	


FORHAK	from DSK:FORHAK.REL	created by MACRO on  4-Feb-83 at 17:05:11
	Low  segment starts at	   140 ends at	   240 length	   101 (octal),    65. (decimal)

	Index to LINK symbol map of	FOROTS		page 9

	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page


	[End of LINK map of	FOROTS]