
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BASIC-20_12Oct79 - apl-basic/rel/aplh22.rel
There is 1 other file named aplh22.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
:x,~3 \"@@!"\$4rXB@54v BS`	(@
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0L+k@@l!" 	"(n54v`b@+Q& 
+\"<+\"$<+Z"U$w@@<<<lspecify several parameters
of the A	 PL system.  The defaults for each question appear in
parentheses, and typing just a 	 #carriage-return will take the default.
   APL must be in your connected directory un	 +der the name APL.EXE.

`Now read the distributed file APL.DOC fo	 4r installation instructions.

Installation name, max 24 SIXBIT characters
<(DECSYSTEM-20 APL-BASIC): zHy% First 24 characters used.
{\"@	"E * 
Cj+)@|H$|? Only SIXBIT characters are allowed.
\"HZ" 	"M +$In a clear workspace, should the automatic save facility,
.BXAUS, be enabl	 Ved? (NO): @@pO,~? Please answer Yes or No.
\"YZ"  +/	 ^Dir for the library area and the HI file (<SUBSYS>)
type <DIRECTORY> : Default se	 gtting for the maximum workspace size, in pages (40): ? Invalid decimal integer.
	(o\"lZ"  +9Disk structure for the library area and the HI file (PS): 	 @ x? Structure name longer than 6 characters.
\"xZ"  +@H? Invalid 	 structure name (no colon allowed).
\"Z"  +@% You must now be CO	 	NNECTed to this structure for proper generation.

B? String may be a maximum	 @ of 132 characters.
\"Z"  +I? No such directory, or ambiguous d	 irectory name.
\"Z"  +i? Cannot find the .EXE file on your conn "ected directory.
? The .EXE file is not the distributed version.
bf:}@[ ee\ eeb	D" ef] ef_}BR!S!TPIZR0tCgR0tRTcON
	"RF0q@hX Z5HYzB#+H RM	tG+T2MR/Q	Dbh#ll	r`	br	KHY4bv	LSHR@B	"
k[Ll	<P$EgP$TT	{zJi^^`ek^b:
3uIP3{g|	'$)1122M4G8M4%LJ5	M4^C7M4^EcM4^KXM4&e(,)))q|	
:P@7.tB}Z/	D Fv A5G	7	@Kfp9N$bk$V|AO[PHheO/L`\B:/OOqh OOrc HVB=MO~8 ( +0